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File: wigli.jpg (408 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
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Hey dudes, wanted to know if any Genesis/Mega Drive 'thusiasts can help me, as I've had some issues with my Euro Model II.

The controller keeps disconnecting on its own. Sometimes only half the pads buttons stop working, sometimes only up and right on the dpad seem to work and I have to wiggle the input to get it working normally again, which often results in the game crashing. It's an official six button pad I bought on ebay which has apparently been refurbished and tested. It's in good condition and there's no damage to the cable or on the pins on the console itself. With the right amount of wiggling I can get it to work fine, but the slightest movement of the cable screws it up, and strangely some games are harder to keep working than others (streets of rage II works almost flawlessly, but I cant play earthworm jim for more than 2 mins before it cuts out).

Apologies for the essay, but does anyone have any ideas what the issue might be?
Have you tried using another pad?
It's either a contract that's dirty, a wire that's pinched or a solder joint that's cracked. Start by cleaning the black contact points inside the controller
OP here, sadly not; its the only one I have. Did have a couple of third-party pads but neither of them worked at all.

Will try this, cheers for the tip!
Also just so you know not all games work properly with the 6 button
I recently had to reflow the soldering between the port and mainboard to fix a similar problem. It's a well known issue with megadrives.

Definitely worth taking the pad apart and giving it a thorough clean first though.
No one can help you.
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can anyone tell me if the dpad on these pads are as good as the japanese 6 button ones?
Same exact thing happened on one of my Model 2s. It was the controller port. All the controllers that I tried did that, and they all worked on a different console.
Could be an NTSC controller desperately trying to distance itself from PAL cancer.
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According to this:
All the sixers use the same mechanism.

Anecdotally I think that it would take something truly miraculous to better my MK-1653.
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