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What's the best, definitive, "if you're only going
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What's the best, definitive, "if you're only going to play one play this one", Wario Land game?

I've only tried [notretro]Wario Land: Shake It[/notretro], and while it's visually gorgeous, it was a bit slow and easy for my taste.

I know the VirtualBoy one has quite a following, but I'm not sure if it's only because it might be the only redeeming game on that catalogue.

Wario Land 4 looks fine, but I'm wonder what people who've completely played them all recommend.
Having only played 3 I say 3. Goodbye.
Vb wario is best
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All the /vr/-compliant ones are awesome, but they're basically come in two very different flavors:

* the first two (original and Virtual Boy) are the most traditional, but great in every way, specially compared with the (then) available handheld Marios. I still like the original best among the two, but it's a fucking crime we won't ever get a VC port for the 3DS of the latter.

* II and 3 have extremely fun, unique gameplay and they represent the real, legitimate start of the Wario series as its own thing. They're similar enough to each other, so 3 would have to be the best
Warioware MegaMicroGame$ or Twisted
Guess I'll go for VB and 3 to try both kinds, thanks!

I've played all of them to no end, original, Twisted and Touched. Twisted the best.
Probably 4, even though it's not /vr/. I think it's important that anyone interested in the series should at least play 1-4 in order, because Wario Land is very much a series that evolves.
Yeah, mega micro games was pretty great, but twisted took the stick and ran with it.

I've almost gotten the crown for every game in micro, but I reset twisted a year ago and I still haven't even gotten half of the trinkets back.
2 is really good.
VBWL and 4 if you like traditional platformers, II and 3 if you like puzzle-platformers. I didn't really like the first Wario Land on Gameboy that much.
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