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How did Earth die?
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Look up "Snowball Earth." It happened once. It could happen again.
Liberals got elected to power and spread the global warming myth and everyone bought it hook, line, and sinker leading them to panic and overcompensate and cool the Earth too rapidly.
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I think the Japanese website for Kirby 64 said something about everyone having to leave the planet. Adeleine at least shows that humans are still around, so maybe they just migrated to different planets.
It has been said the people of the planet had to leave, the planet is entirely snow and has berserk robots running around killing anything they see.

Why does kirby have such deep lore?
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If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.
Apparently, the most powerful nation on it elected an orange-skinned narcissist with a poisonous caterpillar on his head as their leader. After that, nuclear war (and nuclear winter) was pretty much inevitable.
Conservatives got elected to power and spread the ISIS myth and everyone bought it hook, line, and sinker leading them to panic and overcompensate by starting proxy wars for Israel that eventually lead to massive natural resource grabs and a nuclear war that made the earth cool rapidly.
hi /pol/
To who? /pol/ would want the conservatives in power and they don't believe that ISIS is manufactured terrorism from Israel/USA to help in Israel's land-grab project.

They really are that stupid.
Don't talk shit about NPR. I love A Prairie Home Companion.
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Ron /Pol/ would beleive that ya dingus.
This is the answer
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Smoke's finisher in UMK3.
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Haltmann Works Company extracted all of its resources following Earth's evacuation.

Wouldn't even matter as it's far too late at this point.

Clearly the sun died or something.
Earth died screaming
global warming obviously
Yo momma farted.
Holy shit! I never noticed this.

Deepest lore.
I wouldn't call Bernie orange skinned but I can kinda see what you mean about the hair
What the fuck is this shit?
Game Theory?
The devs just couldn't be bothered enough so they used a model of Earth.
muh deep lore
You're fucking stupid
>Game Theory
>"I use words I don't know what means"
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