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Nerd stuff actually sells for more with girls posing by it q.v. auto shows
To bad she's ugly
>CIB W/Manual
doesn't CIB mean it has the manual at least?
my understanding is it needed at least the manual to be cib, I say it needs at minimum the dust cap, insert and manual,
IIRC, MK2 was in the very first run of SNES games after they stopped including the plastic dust cap. I remember buying it on release day and thinking it was missing.
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Well assuming the lady isn't the seller, I guess that make sense. All those ebay boat and boat equipment ads used to have random girls in swimsuits.
she needs to expose more cleavage. also not vga graded not interested.
Don't think there's much to expose these...
No one really. It's just stupid. Some people just like iphones.
Lol. VGA graded...

OP, why don't you email the seller and ask whats up with the photo?
why would you do that
There's one guy on eBay that uses his girlfriend's bust behind each game he's selling. It's so strange seeing that on eBay when every other listing is a cartridge. Suddenly big juggs in a tight see through shirt, and very obvious cheetah print bra.
I almost am starting to think that they also do this shit just to yell MUH SUGGY KNEES when someone calls them out on attention whoring
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Aha. Found one of his listings..
That's pretty funny actually
>20 bucks for Paperboy

I tend to agree. Especially since the prices are usually above the average, and remain listed for months. This one is the one I've been seeing for months now.
Methinks people dont touch it to see moar bewbs.
Saw someone post this same cunt holding a SNES recently.. Can't find the photo tho
It's probably the same seller. He's got several listings with her holding games.
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I don't know what whether or not her being the seller has to do with it.
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Nice, I love big tits and animal print shit.
No complaints here because I'm not a faggot. I usually look at his listings, if attracts your attention better than
>because I'm not a faggot
Keep telling yourself that.
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There's more
Not at the price, it doesn't. And if I were looking for knockers or scintillating images, eBay isn't my first choice of providers...
Women are insufferable and literally only good for their cunts. Prove me wrong you simps, you fucking can't.
I paid half that price for the exact same bundle 5 years ago.
iphone posters make such quality threads.
yeah but your didn't cum with BIG AMERICAN TIDDIES
Please keep this sort of ignorant rhetoric off worksafe boards
They think retro gamers are idiots who will buy overpriced shit because half of their brains are in their dicks.

They're not wrong.
>>>lgbt is that way fag
>can't even link properly

that's a leopard
>wanting to talk about retro games without having to hear constant dehumanization and bigotry means you shouldn't be on 4chan

It didn't used to be like this, definitely not on worksafe boards.
It's clearly jaguar
That's a panther, are you blind?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Felinology, and I’ve been involved in numerous safaris, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
When you reach your 30s which I'm sure many on this board have or hover around, you learn what women really are. Don't worry son, when you leave liberal arts college and get some life experience under your belt you'll understand and the triggering will stop.
Had a pic like this, a chick showing cleavage along with a copy of Contra

36 bucks only bought you Contra unfortunately.
It wasn't quite as bad as it is now, true. But you're still being a pussy.
>liberal arts college

Like a broken record at this point.
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>i'm over 30 and whipped
cool story bitch
Any man married or even dating a women exclusively is whipped you fucking idiot.
the fuck else are you supposed to do at age 30? roll over and die?
Literally anything you want. But be my guest and get married and have kids. You sound stupid enough to enjoy it.
Change the world.
probably they want the tittle to match as many keywords as possible.
>I don't know what whether or not her being the seller has to do with it.
perhaps he meant that if she's the seller, its just a seller photographing itself with the produicts, and not some "professional" seller going thru some bullet list of "how to get the max out of ebay ads" or similar.

jesus, that is 100 bananas in Brasil, which at current exchange is what 30usd

if it werent so complicated to receive money foreign money with a Br paypal, shipping out is crazy expensive as well (even if i can buy a 8usd flashdrive from china with free international shipment all the way to my house)


yeah i ended up adding to the thread, but i cant help but to notice how 1/4 of /vr/ are simple threads started with just a picture and a question of minimal comment, really sad
play video games
Coz OP is asking about why the photo. going to the source would be the most efficient way to get the correct answer. Otherwise

Not that I'm against random chit chat
sure is /r9k/ in here
>women are special snowflakes that can't be criticized
Fat arms
Snes hiding a probable large gut, subtly betrayed by partially seen supper waist fat in the shadow of the boobs
Stubby fingers
3/10 at best,would not hit
dont you like jugs anon? melons. flapjacks.
I'll take two please. And the game too
Anon plz. This isn't the board for it. C'mon, I'll buy you an ice cream and we can hate women...together. *holds out paw* waddya say, sport.?
we can complain about jews and niggers it's gonna be great
store knows their target audience. thirsty 40 year old virgins with aspergers.
>Rawr look out boys, a girl who likes video games is here ;3
>girl: poses with video game

Most pathetic thread on 4chan right now
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are you a woman? If not, why so triggered?
OK, then, find me a photo of a guy trying to peddle games by posing playfully and/or sexily with them and we can make fun of him.

Funny part is I bet these women are more likely the sister/girlfriend/spouse of the seller than the seller herself.
>it says
>Funny part is I bet these women are more likely the sister/girlfriend/spouse of the seller than the seller herself.

Noooo, really!?!?
She is really hurt thought. That neck tendons ready to fly off.
And filtered.
You're part of the cancer that has been ruining /vr/ and 4chan.
>if it werent so complicated to receive money foreign money with a Br paypal, shipping out is crazy expensive as well (even if i can buy a 8usd flashdrive from china with free international shipment all the way to my house)
I once paid the Municipality of Modena 30 Euro for a Brazilian on /int/ so he could get his proof of ancestry papers (to request Italian citizenship), because the BR way to transfer 30 EUR from the Hue Bank to European banks would cost him 200 EUR extra.

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To get more attention to their listing so they can sell the product faster. Seems to have worked OP since you're posting about it.
It gets losers like you to click it
Attention whoring
plus size all the way.
What do you expect from a tripfag but tumblr-esque bullshit
hum, yeah any direction the transference of money is bulshit, but we can pay something like $10usd/year to have a credit card with international validity, so we can indeed buy things from online stores, i hope you had him buy you 30euro from an italian online store
found the /vr/gin
if she touches it with bare nipple I'll pay $40
It better come with a blowjob or no deal
Thread replies: 85
Thread images: 9

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