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Dream Factory
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Just recently played through this for the first time, and it made me realize just how "forced" all the mario shit feels in the mario 2 USA remake. Sound design of dream factory fits way more into the aesthetic of the world, the characters are more interesting/fitting, the music is great, but I realized they added a few extra parts to the first level music in mario USA, which were my least favorite part of the song.
TLDR I think I like dream factory/doki doki panic more than Mario USA, anyone else feel the same, and why?
I probably prefer it. The whole mid-east vibe fits better with the DDP family than it does with Mario characters. It also bugged me that the grass was made red in SMB2 (which is arguably more interesting than the original's immobile black clumps), but they left the tufts at the top of the veggies as black.

I will admit, though, that some of my preference might be due to younger me being highly fascinated with DDP as the real Mario 2. Pretty sure it was the primary reason that I bought a Disk System back in the very early 2000s.
DID YOU KNOW SMB2 is my least favourite entry in the series?
DID YOU KNOW SMB2 is my most favourite entry in the series?
I didn't feel like anything was "forced", I always felt that they didn't do enough differentiate them. They mostly just replaced a few sprites, and changed stuff like the heart to a mushroom. I liked it better as a Super Mario game, but that is 100% nostalgia talking. It's my favorite of the NES trilogy. Although, I definitely agree that Doki Doki Panic had style.
This. Game is shit no matter how you look at it. So is Jap 2.
Why does Mama dress like a Flatwoods monster?
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Probably just a coincidence but either way I think that monster is somehow ingrained in Japanese culture because he appears quite often.
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