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Games you'll never hold again
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I've lost of good bit of my /vr/ games growing up to years of my mother's spring cleaning crusades and a few moves.

What games has /vr/ lost to moms, shitty friends, and acts of god?

>still haven't really gotten over losing Chip and Dale 2.
Worst offenses: Friend moved away and stole all my Game Boy games in Jr High then another friend sold by TurboExpress and Lynx for drug money in high school. Bad luck with portables.

Then a girl I was trying to bang around 2000 brought some people over and "borrowed" a number of my NES and SNES games but I didn't make very close note and doubt I got them all back.
Only game I've lost outside of actively selling them was Virtual Spingfield, which I lent to a friend on what turned out to be the last time I ever visited him.
A TurboGrafx 16 with a few games and a copy of Crono Trigger that I got in like 2001 that are both long gone
Not necessarily any games lost, since I did treasure them.

I did lose my Rat Trap Beast Wars transformer though... which sucks becuase I know where the rest of them are.
Sold a bunch of games that were priceless to me (Panzer Dragoon Saga, Magic Knights Rayearth, EarthBound, SCD versions of both Lunar games, and a few others) to pay for jewelry for a valentine's day gift for a girl who never wore the jewelry even to thank me and whom I broke up with. God I miss those games... I miss the pussy too, but not as much as the games.
If they were priceless you wouldn't have sold them in the first place loser.
Lost my Game Boy and Donkey Kong Land because I was dumb enough to borrow them to a fucker at my school in like first grade.
My dad sold "all the old shit" at a yard sale so gone forever are full Macintosh Plus, Macintosh LC and iMac G3 sets.
Owned Team Buddies and Tombi! but sold them for peanuts, not understanding their value.
Back when I first discovered trading in old games was a thing I traded in a few of my SNES games like Megaman X for some PS1 stuff. I regret it to this day, because I was young, stupid, and didn't take particularly good care of those new games so they ended up getting broken or scratched to fuck and back.

Worst was probably my copy of Digimon World, which my friend borrowed and tried returning to me without the fucking case, so it got scratched to hell and back when he fell off his bike on the way over.
Also forgot the time my dad took my original brick gameboy and smashed it with a fucking hammer, because he was tired of my brother and I "fighting over it all the time." We hadn't even been fighting, I'd just asked him when he was gonna be done with it so I could play Pokemon.
The NES, the Genesis, and all my Nintendo Powers from mid NES to early 64. :'(
Did you at least lose your virginity to that slut?
Sold my ps1 and almost all the games for it. ~14 year old me was a fucking retard
No loss, Macintosh is dog shit.
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~50 something games,few controllers and a rare famiclone variant.
My mother threw it all away while I was in uni to make place for her own stuff that she has from 30 years ago.

Now i just emulate what i want.
I had a handful stolen a few years ago. From what I can tell, it was just LTTP, Super Metroid and Mario Paint (but not the mouse). Could have been much worse. I think I know who did it but I don't even live in that town anymore.
This thread hits me right in the feels. My mother would pull this shit all the time, luckily I usually kicked up a shitstorm when I got home from school and rescued most of the worthwhile stuff.

Even so, I'm pretty sure this is what happened to my copy of Symphony of the Night (Britfag, so it'd be hella valuable now) and all my old handhelds, as well as my huge army of Spess Muhreens. Never realised they were gone until I was older and went looking for them, but they were nowhere to be found.

>mother logic: I can outright take and destroy another person's property because they came out of my vagina


One day I'm gonna just throw away all my parent's CDs and DVDs when they ask me to dog-sit or whatever, and leave them a note saying "NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FELT"
This is why all parents should have to take a mandatory course on the rights of children.
Just pikmin for the GameCube, I found all of my other games but damn I really wanted to play pikmin.
Here's the course on the property rights of children:

1) If you buy something for your child, it's still yours unless you allow them to keep it when they turn 18.

2) If you supplied the money for something that your child bought, you own it unless you allow them to keep it when they turn 18.

3) If your child brings in an income from an outside source, you can spend it on their, or your, behalf until they turn 18. If your child doesn't like it, you may force them to refuse that income as long as you are their legal guardian and they reside with you. (This is why child stars emancipate themselves from their parents)

It's pretty simple. Sorry, >>3101996, your parents were well within their rights assuming you were under 18, and you destroying/selling their stuff to prove a point would technically be a crime.
Check out this armchair lawyer, folks.
Nah I'd lost my virginity way before that. I didn't get to bang her then but now fortunes have reversed and she's trying to bang me but I ain't interested. May hit it once just to say I did though.
Armchair law clerk, actually. But property rights for minors are fucking easy to remember: they don't have any.
Also what he said is straight up the US law but the guy he's replying to mentioned he was a britfag so I'm sure it's different.
Only game I truly lost was Tekken for the PS1 when I lent it to a cocksucker who scratched it beyond recognition.
Then again, I sold most of my retro vidyas for a pittance to local pawn shops etc.
Everything that wasn't nailed down was at risk.
I had to fight tooth and nail for my shit.
Usually just badgered them about how much money they were throwing away. It worked.
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Metal warriors on the Snes. Mom sold it at g sale with all the other Snes stuff for like 10 bucks with everything. That was way back 10+ yrs ago at least.
>grow up in progressive liberal new york
>talking with classmates about ps1 in math
>african american student is way into dragon ball
>he asks me a bunch of questions about dragonball gt
>let him borrow it for a week
>1 week later: hey, brought my game?
>oh sorry, forgot it
>next day, oh shit, totally forgot it again
>next day, fuck, i left it right next to my backpack this morning
>next day, shit, i had it in my backpack but it must have fallen out at gym!

That's when the public school education and media brainwashing lost all effect and I never trusted a nigger again. Everyone else was really cool though, I never had any trouble lending out games with whites, Hispanics, Asians, or anyone else.

A nig I grew up near almost stole one of my games, same one, Dragonball GT.

>lend nig game for a week
>yo son, i forgot it
>yo son, i think mah brutha borrowed it out mah room
>yo son, i think it's at mah brutha's apartment
>yo son, i ain't seen mah brutha today

Negro finally brought me my game after a few days with a few minor scratches and the jewel case cracked, told him to eat a dick the next time he wanted to borrow something.
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I had all the 1st and 2nd gen pokemon games at one point, now I don't have any of them. No idea what happened, aside from having sold Gold and Silver.
Friend wasn't shitty, but a good one. Lent him the US Panzer Dragoon Saga for Saturn along with some Japanese titles like Silhouette Mirage, just to give him the opportunity to play some of my favorite games. He tells me how great PDS was so I know he played it, and he had roommates which also loved the game. He never returned them, nor made the effort to contact me for years. I know he was busy, with wives and kids. I assume it is due to shame he may have lost them, scumbag roommates may have taken them, or he was really desperate for money and sold them.

I had bought all those games new with my first job. Almost all of them cost more now by a significant amount which I can no longer afford. I am out a friend and some amazing games.
I let my cousin borrow Papes Mary and he died before I got it back.

That's fair enough, but what about when they throw stuff out after you've left for college/university or whatever? You obviously can't be expected to take all your childhood belongings with you to a student dorm, but you'd still be over 18 and thus have property rights.
Not if you left them behind at your parents' house, legally speaking. If you wanted to legally protect them you could rent a storage building. Most 18 year olds going off to college just assume they can continue expecting their parents to take care of their shit for them which apparently is sometimes a mistake.
For some reason I doubt that, I remember a lawsuit about 10 years back where a kid sued his mother for theft of his belongings.
I'm sure you do. People do all kinds of stupid shit and it makes for good news stories but I'd be willing to wager good money you won't find a story about anyone WINNING a lawsuit like that, at least not in the United States unless it involved someone who had earned appreciable income as a minor.
Except they don't, otherwise bankrupt parents could be compelled to hand over property owned by their kids. This simply does not happen unless there is reasonable suspicion that it was given to the kid to avoid it being repoed (which is a can of worms in its own right).

They can deny them access to the property as long as they are under your care, but selling it, disposing of it, or damaging it is a violation of the law. If they lose custody of the kid, they have to immediately hand it over to them or their guardian. Basically they can restrict access, but they cannot obtain ownership. Even if it was given to them as a gift, otherwise people would be dragged into court over lawn gnomes and paper weights every time they fell out.
I don't know what kind of legal experience you have but it's not with children. In the US, non-emancipated minors literally cannot legally own anything. It's not complicated at all.
it must suck having a small penis huh you cracker
Prove it. The burden of proof is on you, refusal to cite is conceding.
A combo of Mom,and God.
Move out, and leave all my games there for my younger siblings. We're talking a fuck load of games and consoles. 64,NES,Saturn,PS 1-2,Xbox,Genesis,Dreamcast,and SNES. A ton of games for both also controllers,guns steering wheels. All types of shit. If I had it now easily worth thousands. My mom moves, does not tell me. She puts my shit in storage. Hurricane Sandy hits and the storage place is now underwater. Thanks for nothing.
Gifts from others and any significant income earned (beyond child rearing costs) is considered held in trust by the child's guardians but everything given by the guardians is generally considered their property by courts. This provides both for parents rights to discipline their children by denying them their toys as well as your bankruptcy example and many other precedents I could cite. I challenge you to cite any precedents to the contrary.
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