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Just finished Shadow Warrior (Classic Redux) Second hardest difficulty
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Just finished Shadow Warrior (Classic Redux)
Second hardest difficulty

Was very frustrating at many parts, but overall really enjoyable and better than most modern shooters.

Should I continue with both expansion packs? or play something like Blood or Quake 2?

What would you rate it?
Wait hold up a sec faggot
>better than most modern shooters.
Which modern shooters do you think are better than sw?
STALKER series, killing floor 1, FEAR,Bioshock?..yeah I don't know.

Not better, but as enjoyable I guess?

Unfortunately modern single player FPS games are few and far between and are slapped togeather slop and shit. So yeah SW is better than 95%

Recommend some similar games?
Go play Blood. It has far more intuitive and memorable levels, is more difficult and has a really cool atmosphere. Probably the best build engine game, SW doesn't come close.
After I finish blood, then what?
Both expansions are worth playing.

Both are very "hit or miss", it all depends on each level we're talking about; but most of my fav SW maps come from the expansions.
lol the level design is awful sadly
Fuck those translucent regular mooks. I have been playing this recently and they just throw fuck you fireballs.

Though Shadow Warrior is pretty enjoyable, though some of the explosive weapons feel much weaker than Duke 3D since the RPG just gibs most enemies and quickly takes out the few big guys. When I fight those jumping bamboo bear things explosives just don't seem to cut it so I end up walking backwards baiting them into my sword just to maintain ammo for my explosives. It is amazing that just one bad encounter could pretty much take off more than 50% of your life, and one bad encounter is that an enemy decides to use a different skill that almost or does one shot you.

Though those Uzi's feel damn good to use.

Having fun with it though.
Play more Blood ofc
>STALKER series, killing floor 1, FEAR,Bioshock
You know what... good taste. That's a damn good answer.
I bought this on salein a bundle with Duke3D. I find this game incredibly difficult and annoying. Maybe I'm not getting used to the controls? I seldom get past the first level.

You might as well play through the expansion packs too. They're pretty good but they're even harder than the main game.

Then play through Blood + Cryptic Passage.


Are you sure you're playing the first level and not the 5th level? The shareware levels are where the game starts, don't skip right to Code of Honor
Blood is definitely the weakest of the big 3 Build games.
that's because you're fucking shit. but don't be sad as most of /vr/'s fps community is, too.
I wish the level design wasn't so annoying, makes it very hard to enjoy the game on your first playthrough. Playing the levels again after learning what to do makes the game more fun but by then it's not exciting or challenging anymore.
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Mmmm hmm hmm hmmmm

Whoops! Lo Wang drop soap, you bend over geddit!

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Try playing Skill 4, Katana Start. You're still going to be swimming in ammo but it's more challenging, and makes you use weapons and item (gas bomb, etc) in a more smart way.
>Maybe I'm not getting used to the controls?

What do you mean? You're not playing with default controls are you?
Who else thought the retro easter eggs in the reboot were pretty cool?
lol. nesfag's gonna shit all over in that in a few...

What's the difference between difficulty 3 and 4 besides not being allowed to use cheats?
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More enemies.

They would be if they were done properly, but they weren't. They did things which weren't possible with the Build engine (like pic related for example but it's not the only one), and it's obviously rushed, there is no shading (they could have at laest applied shading directly on the textures to mimic wall and sector shading) and it's obviously rushed, for instance in the room where this pic was taken, one of the computer lacks a side and you can see through.

It's like they really didn't care, like they thought "lol old games look like shit anyway who cares".
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They weren't trying to authentically recreate the original game, you ballbag, it's just a neat little nod to the 1997 game hidden away in some of the levels
ah cute, it's that same pleb that posts that fedora meme whenever someone mentions blood
i called it, kekeke.

nah he's right, you fuckin pencil dick

Who the fuck you calling pencil dick, chicken shit? I stick a firecracker your ass

I guess you're right. My bad. Haha, I get kind of autistic about this kind of thing. It was pretty cool to see those easter eggs! Here's hoping that the sequel features even more.
Oh, like I scared of little snake!
Both DLCs are pretty fun I'd say.
I really like the one that replaces the regular ninjas with chinatown gooks. Even come with their own custom sound effects.
I can get through all of Duke 3D on Come Get Some but I get my ass kicked on the first few levels of Shadow Warrior on medium difficulty. What gives?
>I really like the one that replaces the regular ninjas with chinatown gooks. Even come with their own custom sound effects.
Except the sound effects are incredibly repetitive and annoying. Do I really need to hear "AHH! DAMN YOU!" every single time one of those guys takes a single bullet? I'm honestly surprised you like them, I don't think I've seen someone say that was a good part of Wanton Destruction.

Most of the maps are cool, though.
It doesn't play quite the same. In DN3D you can fuck around in plain sight, performing HUGE circle-strafe or regular-strafe to avoid most of everything.

Not that simple in SW. The balance is on a higher level, you can kill more quickly, but you can die more quickly too. It's faster, you need better reflexes, and use your environment more.

That's funny, I never had a problem with those guys voice sounds; although only after I heard people complaining about it I understood why it could be an issue. That and I do like the new enemies art, mostly.
I remember on a forum, Wieder (a member of Sunstorm Inc, who made this add-on and many other add-ons for Build games) mentionning he couldn't stand those sounds either.

It is possible to play the add-on without the new art and voices though, you just need to file the right file and delete them, which will make the game automatically use the original files.
For sound it should be easy, but for art, depending on how the .art files are done, it may require a little more work though (for instance if some enemy art AND regular textures are in the same file, in this case, you need to replace the enemy art within the file with the original rather than deleting it all altogether; but i'm pretty sure the enemy art should be their own seperate file).
When I first heard Lo Wang say "ancient Chinese secret" I busted up laughing. Probably didn't help the fact that it was a fortune cookie that I found.

Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
I always preferred Shadow Warrior to Douk, although both games are timeless, near-flawless classics. Setting, weapons (even the shotgun) and humor hit me a lot harder than Duke Nukem's.

>Zilla sends his regards, Lo Wang.

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I love the fortune cookies messages.

Pic related
>getting THIS fortune cookie message
>just as my rocket goes up my adversary's head by an inch
>as I happen to be pressing the screenshot key

SW deathmatch is super underrated btw. It's honestly the most fun deathmatch I've ever experienced in any FPS ever, and that comes from someone who's played TONS and TONS of Dukematch, Q3A and UT.
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>oh shi-
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That's a nuclear warhead, baby.
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SW probably has the ugliest rocket launcher in existence. It's literally just a metal box with blinking lights on it.
Kingpin: Life of Crime. It's like a quake 2 with better level design and shittier everything else. Not exactly great but enjoyable enough.
Yeah. Worst shotgun too
This. I keep getting lost and wondering wtf to do with all these stupid puzzles. In Duke Nukem the keycards served to stop the levels from being boringly linear. In this game a little more linearity would be nice. That it's great otherwise
R.I.P Anne Miyamoto Timmins. You was a babe.

>SW deathmatch is super underrated btw. It's honestly the most fun deathmatch I've ever experienced in any FPS ever, and that comes from someone who's played TONS and TONS of Dukematch, Q3A and UT.

Truth, and I haven't experienced it since like 2001.

Why the fuck didn't Classic Redux include multiplayer? I kept thinking they were going to implement it at some point like they did with Duke 3D Megaton, but nope.
To be fair, duke multiplayer is basically unplayable because of connection
Because of what now?
Everytime someone tries to play it, Jack Thompson runs into their house and unplugs the ethernet cables. You can sometimes play for a few minutes if he's tired from unplugging ethernet cables or like he's eating a sandwich or whatever but he's pretty quick about it so it's basically unplayable.

I don't think it sold well enough for them to give a shit about working on multiplayer. I was hoping for co-op, but they maintain that nothing was promised.
You must mean Megaton's, which is pretty laggy. There are other ways to play Duke online even these days, SW too. Problem is it's harder to find players that way and a bit more of a hassle to configure than just "click&play".

But I love SW's shotgun.

at least the SW assault gun has an altfire that acts like a fully automatic shotgun.

I dont mind it.
Shotgun's pretty boss. It feels powerful, it makes a good noise, and I like that the alt fire isn't just the standard double barrel. It could be argued that the shotgun is an essentially perfect weapon and doesn't need to be modified but still I think the SW shotgun is just fine.

What isn't fine is all these dick-ass puzzles. I'm stepping on rainbow blocks on level 5 thinking this is dumb as shit, when I finally solve the puzzle Lo Wang says "Rather be kicking ass than solving puzzles." and I identify with that sentiment 100%. If the devs knew that lo wang didn't want to solve puzzles why did they include them so I have to?

I don't remember any puzzles in Shadow Warrior
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