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Best Sierra adventure game? Pic related.
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File: sq4_zombie.jpg (140 KB, 960x720) Image search: [Google]
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Best Sierra adventure game?

Pic related.
That's not Quest for Glory, OP
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As someone who never had an experience with early PC games, looking at them now, they're fucking terrifying.

The sounds are scary, the visuals are just... off and terrifying. It's not just the space quest games, but all the point and click adventure games, they're fucking scary, regardless of content. I'm glad I grew up with the SNES/64 era, because I would hate my life if I had that shit growing up.
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Clockwork Orange.jpg
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SQ1 was scary, because sariens could kill you at any time in the beginning. Also, at some points you had to type stupidly fast. Acid pit and plunger to the wall?
In general, the insta-deaths were the most terrifying and frustrating part. And then there were the unwinnable scenarios, holy fuck that's just wrong.
Also, Space Quest 2 and the pixel-perfect maze of death - one false step and you die.
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Larry 6.
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I adored the Space Piston magazine that came with SQ4, had all these in universe adverts for the burger joint and what not in the space mall.
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