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File: deathmountain.gif (18 KB, 274x486) Image search: [Google]
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just spam the life spell and avoid combat as much as you can
you always take the most southeastern cave. I was a dumb fucking kid and I even figured it out on my own.
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casual filter general?
Spam the life spell? You haven't played this game in a while, have you?
Do you need a tutorial OP? Or maybe a map? Is this challenging your safe space? Are there jsut too many options sometimes? Perhaps you would like a hallway simulator instead?
Dude death mountain wasn't even that bad, it was that end game shit storm that really got you with the unavoidable combat on the way up to that final temple after a long ass walk past those fucking rock throwing lizards hiding behind the fences like total pansies.

Fuck I loved this game
stumbling your way to the exit really isn't hard.
but you do need to memorize a bit (or jot down a memo) to explore every nook and crannies just to make sure you're not missing any hidden magic or life containers.
That's pretty sophisticated. I just "sort of go right-ish"
OP, the game is really easy if you solely level up your attack in the first dungeon, get it to 6-8 and just breeze through the rest of the game.
easy peasy, anon

I used Death Mountain to power level
And then finding the right route through the great palace, and then managing to beat thunderbird and dark link.

Great game, great difficulty spike.

The idea of this being hard always confuses me a bit. I didn't even notice it as a difficult point as a kid. And I wasn't a super-expert player. Just, like... be kinda careful, try several times, and memorize a little bit. There you win.
It's just people parroting that AVGN episode.
When you're too low level to progress well here, focus on killing the first couple enemies. You will git gud, and git phat XP. Then you'll git even more gud.

If you're deep in a dungeon., you can grind enemies for magic potions, and then cast life. grind the safest enemies you can, you don't want to get hit trying to refill your life. there's also full magic potions around.

Red Magic potion tip: cast life before you get it if you can. Hit the potion. Cast life again while it's filling. It will still fill your magic.

I think that should be enough tips to get through the game?

the XP progression is pretty perfect. If you kill all the enemies that don't respawn between you and your next objective you should have just enough to get a level. Or maybe you're missing like 200xp, then go grind a little bit more. Or even just kill the boss if you can.

Just don't ever put a gem in a dungeon unless you're at like 0 xp.

You need the first 2 or 3 dungeons early in the game for levels for survivability. After you get going you should git gud and juts kill enemies until you start getting to really high levels, like 4-8k xp each. For those, go back to the middle dungeons and put the gems in for easy XP. If you filled them all up you'll need to grind the fire-weak jumping enemies on the second landmass
there is a heart container in the strip of land south of the first dungeon, but still on the first dungeon side of the mountains
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To be fair, you can save after defeating Thunderbird, and he'll no longer respawn.

In fact, you can also save in the original Zelda after defeating Ganon, and Ganon will be dead when you come back.


Life isn't spammable. It has the second-highest magic cost of all spells available. Even with 8 magic containers and level-8 magic skill, you can cast it maybe twice before you run out of magic.
>In fact, you can also save in the original Zelda after defeating Ganon, and Ganon will be dead when you come back.
Yeah, the stationary fire in the room Zelda's in is the toughest part of the game.
I always walked through it as a kid instead of putting them out. It makes Link a funny colour during the end sequence for a few moments.

Not sure why I thought that was funny anymore.
I did this.

I also thought no-helmet samus was gross with varia because she'd turn newborn baby purple
There's literally nothing wrong with turbo tunnel though. The rest of the NA game can suck it though
>Cast life again while it's filling. It will still fill your magic.

I loved doing this.
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>being a cheater
Added tip:

Every sixth enemy (that gives EXP) killed will drop either a Magic Potion OR an EXP bag instead of exp points.

If it's a weak enemy, it will drop a blue potion or a 50 point bag. If it's a strong enemy, it will drop a red potion or a 200 point bag.
>getting one extra heal for your potion short-change is cheating
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