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Who hipe for this? http://www.rijon.com/prism/
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Who hipe for this?
Full of bloat ROM hack wow
No info on the link
Last years brown ROM hack added pokemon now up to 225 pokies

Nah fuck that.

Genwun or gtfo
How can I be hype when even the official site has no information on it?

If you're going to shill, at least provide something to read.
I would if I had any info. There used to be a demo on it iirc, but it seems to have dissapeared so it may be my imagination.
You didn't imagine it. There's a demo. I still have it on one of my old phones. He sure does take his time with these things. Look forward to seeing the final version though.
Didn't it just get postponed again?

This is basically Duke Nukem Forever: The Pokemon Hack. At least Dark Energy has a "when it's done" idea and admits it's going to be a long wait (has a fuckload of stuff for a beta though).
So... what the fuck is it and why should I be hype??

Yet another pokemon hack?
Yeah, but a superb one. The beta that was up was god tier and Pokemon Brown is one of the best there is.
How long has this hack been in development? I remember being impressed by the stuff I saw in some videos and I heard Brown was really good but otherwise, I just assumed it was just another promising hack that became vaporware.
Long ass time, Dark Energy too. So was Brown.

Most of the good hacks do become vaporware. It's because they're usually one-man jobs and hacking Pokemon requires a lot of tedium in general. So mostly the autists ever finish.
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This fucker better not postpone it.
What's good about it? Gold Already nearly perfected Pokemon in my opinion. Starting with a Larvitar could be cool, but other than that what are the changes?
I played the beta around a year ago and it isn't there anymore, but from the top of my head
>More pokemons
>You can run
>New map so you can just play for the first time again
Those were my top three of new features, but I can remember there was more.
>Pokémon Prism

>Introducing Pokémon Prism, a Pokémon Gold ROM hack and the second instalment in the Rijon series. Taking place in the Naljo region, with many brand new quests, 253 Pokémon from the first four Pokémon generations, and a lot of assembly programming behind the scenes, Prism is the most well-rounded adventure yet!

>Coming November 2015

Sheeit, I remember playing the beta like four years ago.
>Dark Energy
Did you know the hacker behind this is the same person who put out a translation script not the faggot /vr/ had a row with who made the shitty localization choices for the FF7 fan translation?

Don't worry, DE is good. Go play it now, it's already big enough to be a good sized game on it's own.

Playable Tier: Brown, Yet Another Fire Red Hack
Trash Tier: Literally everything else.
Yeah, the way you get the larvitard. I'm hoping the guy doing the hack had just played EB and was trying to be "quirky' when he decided to do this and has gotten over it by now.
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