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Which Pokégirl has the best legs?
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Which Pokégirl has the best legs?
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Dawn thighs 2.png
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you just posted her. skyla is a close second.
Throwing this out there, wouldn't it be misty since she constantly swims and shit?
nice legs foxer
Their legs literally all look the same. Very little if any detail is put into their legs.
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You mean that swimming should give her muscular legs or something? If so, then no, that is a con for being a masculine trait.
>Legs covered.
She can't compete like that.
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zig (280).jpg
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You should already know
>she will never squeeze your face with her thighs
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I mean, it's objectively Elesa.
The focal point for her very creation were her legs.
Legs are shit-tier if they're just stick-thin.
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Juniper's legs are underrated, but I guess that's because most of the stuff from BW was shit.
Show proof of that.
Why were the gen 5 protags so perfect bros?
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showing skin isn't everything anon
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I want to say Serena
That isn't Serena, that's Ashnime Serena.
Is this cropped?
You best be posting the sauce with this one son.
go outside fampai
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just embrace it anon
Your battle is lost from the start, Anon.
Tell me what's your favorite Pokégirl and I'll post some pics just for you~
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She's a contender.

Can't get this song out of my head when I come across these threads
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Rosa and Kotone equally.
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May. They're nice and thick (her calves are almost the size of her thighs). Optimal pudge-muscle ratio and great for blowing raspberries on.
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my obscure waifu does!
it's shit.
>asking a question and answering that question in the same post
Why do people do this?
what thighs?
Same difference, they have the same legs
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>tfw no gf with 6 foot legs
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People always focus on her tits, but her legs are seriously worth a look, too.

sauce please
>implying the obvious censorship by the anon isn't the reason you can't reverse image search it

>implying you can't just look up the character on any booru because you're a fuckwit
Wow i just noticed how lewd her outfit is, tights roll up above her waist and her shirt is too short to cover it. Shorts are tiny also.

Dawn also has the best footpussy.
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Korrina 02374032.png
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Not sure about that, I rather have Korrina for that.
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Footpussy you say?

No, fuck off. Im not about to let you make some dumbass boipussi meme out of feet.

For real, where the fuck would you put your dick? Are you such a micropenis piece of shit that sticking your dick between someones toes gets you hard?

Fuck it, shouldnt even have asked.
I think you'd turn the feet together, then fuck the space between them. That space is "Footpussy".

But yeah, it's fucking retarded.
I want to fuck Serena while her feet are in my face
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Similar situation but with Jasmine.
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Jasmine, Maylene, Roxie, Candice, and to a lesser extent Roxanne all seem like they have such nice feet.

I wonder how I can feel that way about characters based entirely on non-foot related information? (Maylene excepted, of course) There are too many people who like Jasmine feet for it to be a coincidence. What gives?
All those different girls seem to cater to a certain kind of flavor of footfag.

Candice's loose socks could get very dirty.

Maylene's could be somewhat calloused or slightly abrasive
Roxie's gets sweaty like Candice's without a buffer
Roxanne wears pantyhose, for those that like nylon covered feet
Jasmine, wearing sandals can potentially have hers pedicured and soft

Of course, you could just disregard all this and go by your preferences. It's fiction after all.
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Those thighs son.
Why do I remember her?
Hilda !!!
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Bump for more legs
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>There are people who appreciate legs as much as I do.

Legs are so underrated. Everyone I meet is always on about Tits and Ass. Which are not bad but leg do not get tue attention they deserve.
/thread over

I want to stick my head inbetween Braixen's legs and lick her soft warm pussy!
Rosa > Hilda
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i agree, but they're both great
YES AND YES. I did not know that I wanted that. But my dick speaks for me.
Why is Rosa with lipstick such a delicious image?
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god that episode was horrible, seeing it out of order was a big reason i dint watch DP until it was almost over
To be fair, just about any one-shot character of the day is obscure. Old or current.
the fuck
>you will never trick her into giving you a thighjob
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game serena

or the pokemon go, girl whats her name or how do i search fanart of her?
That's what normies call a "footjob".
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ZR should be a crime
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But I like Zr...
OP answered his own question.
Damn. Keep it PG.
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those legs go for ever and ever.jpg
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cynthia > serena > elesa > every other pokegirl
>Premier ball
Fucking dropped
legs are to overrated:o
> :o
Kys redditfag
Pokemon go will be the downfall of this board
it has already begun
Then don't bother coming to a thread dedicated to them.
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Thread replies: 90
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