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Mother of god. I am fucking annihilating everyone on Mount Everest and Central Park with my strong ass pokemon.

Whats a good spoofer for GO ?
> he takes time to cheat on a free children's game

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Does central park still have rapists in it at night?

I know an area in ther called the north woods where it would be great to set up lures in hopes someone receives surprise butt secks.
Also Harlem isn't too far from there, lures near the east river (around 125th st) would probably lead to an increase of muggings.
What's a good walking spoofer. I have fake GPS but it's only pinpoints so I have put a pin down open GO open gps put pin down open Go and it's very time consuming

fake GPS app


>Cheating in a game focused on going out and making friends.

/vp/ is just full of pathetic loosers. Seriously you guys need some help, you're borderline autistic.
Anyone tried Pyongyang or Al-Raqqa? Those are some interesting places.
>fake GPS app
Which one ?
post pics if you find any rare pokemon
This is sad
Fake GPS is what I used >>27102710 but its not very practical, you have to constantly switch between apps, and you have to place the new point not too far away otherwise GO with jump you there instead of running to it.. thus no kMs for eggs
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>mfw using the national sex offender registry to decide where i place my lures
Has anyone tried area 51....
How about Mecca. Bet it has at least one rock type
Do you need to root your phone for the fake GPS to work with Go?

Voltorbs with self destruct
>Playing go in a memorial museum.

Who ever complaining about this is just as tacky
>borderline autistic

You're adorable.
How far would you say you could go to count steps?
Enable mock locations.
Are you playing on PC? I don't find it that tedious.
I live in a large city so for me half a city block (major street to minor mid-street). If yourein a suburb or rural area, I dont know what benchmark to use, but you could trial and error it i suppose
On a phone, I have the fakegps app, and the Go app. Its a jailbroken iphone. I wasnt aware there's a PC way to do it

You can jump miles and miles around all over the planet.

Saves energy.

No pollution.

Dat feeling of superiority over the normie scum. :)

It's a good feeling bro.
I've enabled Developer options and set Fake GPS as my mock location app and it still doesn't work (I get a "failed to detect location" error). Is there supposed to be a checkbox option in the developer setting because I can't see one.
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>Oh, anon, I heard you're playing Pokemon Go? That's so good, my chubby little boy is finally going to get out of the house! Your father will be so proud. If you make a little friend, you can ask him to sleep over!


>Your mom when
You have to put your phone into a microwave before. Then it should work.
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While you're out getting beat up by the lure i set up in the projects i'm in my air conditioned room watching porn and taking over gyms at the same time.
Is this supposed to sound cool
>>/vp/ tries to figure out a way to hack the mechanics of the game and artificially enhance their Pokemon instead of just playing and enjoying the game
>>normies are the ones ruining the game
While you're cumming at your fat, disgusting body. We're having fun with friends. Btw why should anyone be jealous of something, everyone can archieve? That make's no sense.

Jesus even when you brag about stuff that isn't true, even your fantasy is pathetic. I'm #teamnormie all the way.
Now whos the one telling others how to have fun?
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>all these triggered normies mad that people don't need to grind away in their shitty game
Poor normie doesn't know the score.

Pokemon was made by an autistic, for autistics, and founded on the squandered time of autists. That is the way of things.

Holy shit you're all pathetic. Friendship is based on chemical reactions in the brain.

DUmb fucks

Leave him alone. People can play however they want :)
Goddamn you are retarded. We know how to do this shit properly, its our fucking jobs.
You fags realize Niantic has measures to detect you from putting up with it in Ingress and will eventually softban or straight up ban you, right?
You faggots know you're going to get banned when they update the latest patch right?

nah bro. we're good tech savvy fucks. you go back to walking you pathetic goyims :)
Really then why have i been doing this in ingress for years?

As long as you dont jump halfway across the world you are fine.
If what you said was true they would also ban the people who aren't using data 24/7 due to airplane mode, shitty signals, and all the fuck ton of issues data signals have at times.

Face it, we can play from our computers spoofing our signals and no one but the people mad that we beat the system will care.
Im trying to use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blogspot.newapphorizons.fakegps&hl=en
but it doesnt look like its working, it says failed to detect GPS, any way to fix it ?
How do you get unlimited lures in a spoof?
Help me.

I want to do this on Android. I've enabled developer settings and checked the box "Allow mock locations". I tried using Fake GPS to spoof my locations and using the exact coordinates for where a Pokestop would be, however when I booted up the game it could not detect a GPS signal and my location was unknown.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
>>Not going out and enjoying the game
>>Beating the system

I always thought the "normie" thing was a meme, but I'm actually starting to believe that people on this board don't understand that interacting with people in the real world is more fun than having the best imaginary pets.
Go to big cities like New York and roam around.
There are more pokestops than you can count in central park alone.

Sometimes you can even "stand" in spots where multiple pokestops are in range.
How many of you have received a soft ban?
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Why are you telling other how to play the game?
Isn't that what all you go cucks were mad about?
Let us play our way and we might leave you a shitty gym near the gay night club all to yourself.
Not what I asked for.
I asked how can I get a unlimited lures so can I bait people to one area. There's a pokestop, a mosque, near my house and the Muslims are hostile to the Mexicans, who make up 60% of the city and most of the Pokémon Go players. I want to start shit between them.
Root your device if not already install lucky patcher. Open lucky patcher find your gps spoofer and click it amd select tools. Make it a system app from there. Make sure mock locations is disabled.Open fake gps pick a location then open pokemon go

I'm telling you how to play the game because your world view is wrong and I'm trying to improve you by showing you how to live better. Interacting with people in real life is better than an imaginary world on a screen. I will introduce normies to niche games and nerd communities until normies are invested in everything. It's better this way.
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Thanks fellow anon.
Can you do this without a rooted device?
Dont move to fast or youll get a six hour ban youll know your banned if you cant catch anything. Ive tested on a few throw aways and it seems like activating incense while moving will make more of a target for banhammer. Have fun being a master and luring people to places!
Any way to do this with my Applebrick without jailbreaking it?

Nearest pokestop is half a mile away in a nature reserve full of rattlesnakes so fuck that noise

I'm going to have to move 5 miles an hour just to get where I want...

Good thing I started in central park.
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So you stand around pokestops and show any passerby your toys?
Its ridiculous. I went on vacation to Hawaii after launch and was banned while playing legit. So might as well spoof they cant detect you they just guess based on distance and pokestops
If you don't need anything along the way you can just wait a while (turn off your location) and jump to the new place.

It would look no different than driving to a location with your data turned off.
I bet you time skip in Animal Crossing and save scum in Fire Emblem

But anyways I'm not going to insult you over using fake gps for a fucking iPhone game but honestly using that defeats the purpose of the damn app

>go to park
>see some people looking down on their phones near the pond
>"you're looking for psyduck right?"
>spend next 5 minutes talking about nearby gyms and how fun the app is

You can literally tap on the screen and you will walk there. I can almost guarantee you will be banned using any gps spoofer though
Any spoofing app for iOS?
When I select tool on the option to make it a system app doesnt appear?
I'm using Fake GPS and I put myself in a park, in California, but GO says I have no GPS signal, and I'm just standing in the middle of a body of water that's definitely not there.

Any tips?
Need to be rooted
How exactly do you root it? I have lucky patcher
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except nobody travels from area 51 to new zealand in 3.5 seconds..
Are there any decent spoofers on an iPhone? Or will I be downloading an Android Emulator to try that out?
Even if I could get it working, I wouldn't spoof to my own city, I'd go somewhere I have no ability to go to normally.
Calculate how long it'll take to get there by plane, wait that long.

Or just create a different account and start it off where ever you want to be since its going to get inconvenient for people stationed in EU to come to NA every day.
What happens if you cant catch any pokemon and cant use any pokestops?
Lemme ask you cheaters, are you actually having fun? The whole point is to go outside and find Pokemon in the real world, is it seriously worth it to you to risk being banned just so you don't actually have to walk around?
>is it seriously worth it to you to risk being banned just so you don't actually have to walk around?
If anyone is banned, which like we said only retards get banned, whats stopping anyone from making a new account and spoofing again?

And i get my fun from ruining go players go experience, so yes i am having the time of my life.
Is there any way to spoof without rooting?
Is there a way to emulate this on my PC?
I just want to see whats around my area, since my phone is shit and I'm not rushing to a new one if my area is literally empty.
>i get my fun from ruining other people's fun
I'm trying to keep an open mind but if that's the point, you guys are really sad. You know you could have fun by actually having fun, right?
play pokemon go on your pc?
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Jesus christ im so sick of Pokemon Go discussion. Can you faggots go back to /b/ and r9k already?
Filter the phrase.
You should stop telling others how to have fun.
Go outside and get sun burned and sweaty if thats your thing.
Have any of you gotten banned, yet?
>this homophobia

not sure if 13 years old or just been stuck in the basement for the last 10 years and missed the societal shift to where "lol gay night club" became pathetic instead of a sick burn.
If your idea of fun wasn't ruining the experience of people who play by the rules, I wouldn't have said anything. But you autists are hell bent on making legitimate play impossible by ruining the level curve, so I guess you win. Enjoy your bedrooms, fellows.
My main got soft banned. Cant swipe or get pokemon, BUT my side acc is fine.
So yeah

DONT FUCKING GO FAR DISTANCES INSTANTLY or you gonna get soft banned
did your wifes boyfriend teach you about the wonders of diversity and tolerance?
>Optimal locations for wide variety of pokemon
>Areas woth bunched up pokestops that usually have lures on them
>Best tactics for hatching eggs
Yeah, thats what everyones been saying....

No. I go for a walk with coworkers on my lunch break and look for Pokemon. I look for lures at little bars and coffee shops on the way from or to work and figure out who's playing. But the important thing is I'm interacting with people, not trying to find a way around the real-world component of a game designed to integrate with the real world.
How can I spoof this shit without rooting and without the game going mad because it can't detect GPS?
>I've enabled Developer options and set Fake GPS as my mock location app and it still doesn't work (I get a "failed to detect location" error).
This. They detect the "Fake GPS" option and the app won't work at all.

No amount of lashing out will reverse the reality of your intense disconnect from others, and no amount of self-delusion will ever convince you that that's what you really want in life. Anyone who pretends they prefer ruining peoples' fun to being social is lying. This isn't "don't like what I don't like" this is me literally tellin you that I know what's good for you better than you do, and I know what you really want better than you do. Deal with that reality however you want, but I AM right.
am I soft banned currently? I tried setting up a spoofer last night without rooting, I feel like I'm fucked.
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So you go around showing people in bars and coffee shops your toys?
You must be that one weirdo that everyone feels uncomfortable around, every group has one.

Serious question; do people on /vp/ get or expect to get this reaction from others? I never get weird reactions from people. Guys want to bro out and talk about Pokemon nostalgia and where to find stuff. Other guys don't seem super into it, so I make a passing comment then leave. Girls see my wedding band and want to know about my wife, how long we've been together, how'd we meet, is into Pokemon, "oh I'm trying to get my bf to play" or "omg my bf and I play together we're such nerds haha."

Like this is completely normal basic stuff. How do you people not experience this?
Disable mock locations
Phones already rooted, mock locations on, app installed as system app, and using FakeGPS Free, but i keep getting the failed to detect location error. What am i doing wrong?
What are you even taking about?
I very genuinely hope you all get permanently banned from the game very soon.

More like full blown faggots senpai
>Be yellow
>spoof gps
>place lures in shitty parts of miami at 3:00 am
>have six different accounts all full with 1400+ mons
>take over every gym and name each mon either "NORMIE" "GET" "OUT" or "REEEEEE"
>normie fags normie fags whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when this neet comes for you
>how do hack game for unlimited items plz?
That's serverside. You were given a solution for your question.
Everyone in the area i live in are 10-16 year old asian kids. i'm 25. Im not going anwhere near that
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This is cringe as fuck. You're not /b/ you dumb faggots. No one cares if you spoof or not. You want to stop normalfags from invading? Post gore and cp you pussies.
>youre not /b
>but post gore like /b
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Exactly faggot. You want to spoof? Go ahead, but posting frogs and anthro foxes again aren't gonna get rid of the "normies". Apply yourself.
Not him and I haven't tried spoofing GO yet, but getting people butthurt is the most fun I can have in anything. I'm considering getting GO just so I can ruin it for everyone in the local area, I have some people nearby who won't shut up about it, imagine if some anonymous account kept taking over their Gyms or whatever.

>ruining other peoples fun like a fucking autist who's mad that he doesnt bang stacys like chad does

>ruining a fucking childrens game made for exploring the world by sitting on your computer thinking "yeah haha o'm ruining this game for everyone!!!"

well yeah you got us I guess? haha...?

you'll get your beta uprising soon I suppose
Have they fixed the 1 HP bug?
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Glad to see i ruined your day.
>thinks everyone that works in the video game industry is an autistic like him instead of going home to their families when their work is finished
Cute. Someday you'll move out of your mother's basement, don't give up
Tajiri is legit autistic though.
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