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This shit is annoying, I cant even take gyms because it glitches
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This shit is annoying, I cant even take gyms because it glitches out at 1 HP anyone else getting this?
Yes it's bullshit!
Yes, it's fucking awful.
I was just about to post the same thing.
Gah I have a high powered Jolteon and I just want to win one gym without this bug happening.
No way to fix this? Right?
Switching out pokemon has helped me when it freezes like this.
Thank you so much! I'll try doing that next time.
Didn't work for me at all earlier. It wouldn't even let me do it. Frustrating as shit.
Though I managed to swipe a different gym later which helped me feel better.
I missed to conquer 2 gyms because of this fugging thing.
can you seriously piss off with advertising the thread you made? Actual fucking mini-mod
fuck off moron
I don't even understand how this battle system works, I just frantically tap the screen and hope something good happens
>tfw taking a gym from mystic shitheads
>my pidgeot vs their last jolteon
>so fucking close
>stuck at 1hp
>get fucked
Luckily my little geodude saved the day but still there goes a revive for no reason
Just wait for the timer to run out and its an automatic win
I tried that once and the battle never ended.
Every time I did this, it just got stuck at zero
>wanna take over gyms in my area because they all have 100 CP scrubs

>servers keep crapping out
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i agree. this 1 hp thing is fucken annoying.
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