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What would his team be?
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What would his team be?
Dumb animeposter.
>they made a Sakamoto Desu-ga anime
>I had no fucking idea
Shit, I'm really falling behind.
Can you explain why these?

Sure. Because whenever someone posts one of threads with some obscure character who I have no idea who the fuck it is, I post six entirely random Pokemon. And that's why this is his team.
Not that obscure... The Manga got famous and well, anime is almost a frame to Frame adaptation.

It's about a boy that does everything with style, and people wanna fuck with him but he just does not give a fuck and teaches them life lessons. It's a decent comedy

With very few exceptions, even a "famous" manga is quite obscure to most outside Japan.
Sounds like shit.
It's one of those series where the first few chapters are really funny, but then it turns to shit because every chapter is just a repeat of the same joke.
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