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CONFIRMED ALOLA DEX SO FAR >#001 - Rowlet >#002 - Rowlet
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alola dex.jpg
64 KB, 600x719
>#001 - Rowlet
>#002 - Rowlet Evo 1
>#003 - Rowlet Evo 2
>#004 - Litten
>#005 - Litten Evo 1
>#006 - Litten Evo 2
>#007 - Popplio
>#008 - Popplio Evo 1
>#009 - Popplio Evo 2
>#010 - Pikipek
>#011 - Pikipek Evo 1
>#012 - Pikipek Evo 2
>#013 - Yungoos? (Not confirmed)
>#014 - Yungoos Evo?
>#015 - Grubbin?
>#016 - Charjabug?
>#017 - Vikavolt?
>#018 - ????
>#019 - ????
>#020 - Ledyba
>#021 - Ledian
>#022 - ????
>#023 - ????
>#024 - Pichu
>#025 - Pikachu
>#026 - Raichu

We know Caterpie family is on Route 1 so we can assume they are #27-#29. Two unconfirmed two stage lines for Route 1?
You are missing version exclusive mons, most likely.

My money is on Spinarak and an alternative to Yungoos. Also Weedle after that
#18-19 i have no clue...version exclusive/night only new mon?
#22-23 spinarak and ariados
#27-29 caterpie line
I think one of those two evo state slots is for Yungoos's rival.
30-32 Beedrill line
almost 10Pokemons in Route 1
this is going to be kalos all over again isnĀ“t it?
Wasn't Grubbin #17?
Spearow and Fearow
Spearow/Fearow are on the Melemele dex assuming by the cutscene.

Other people that are likely to be in the Alola Dex, but not specifically MeleMele.
>Night only
Good shout.
Route 1 contains Pichu, so 18, 19, 22 and 23 must also be available on route 1.

We've seen Spearow in yesterday's trailer, that could be 18 and 19, and we've only seen Route 1 in the day/evening, so perhaps Spinarak is 22 and 23 and only available at night.
Hopefully Spinarak and Hoothoot are the night only mons on that route, if any. Johto mons don't get any love at all.

Pichu and its evos are Melemele 100% confirmed. I think Pancham/Pangoro will be in Melemele as well as Cutiefly, cosidering they were level 10 and 11 respectively in the trailer.
>from all the old pokemon confirmed its becoming more and more apparent that we're probably only getting around 70 new pokemon again

>we already know 18 pokemon

it hurts /vp/
I wish they just didn't reveal any pokemon but the starters and legendaries.

I want to be surprised.
Then go radio silent, like all the others that didn't want to know all the pokemon
Literally impossible and it does the company no favor revealing it.
Thread replies: 16
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