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Nigga I'm a blow ya mind! Drampa = Dragon + Grampa
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Nigga I'm a blow ya mind!

Drampa = Dragon + Grampa
It's spelled Grandpa
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Holy shit
This. It's like saying "samwich" but it's really sandwich.
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then why do people say gramps? checkmate
Not Drelder
>not sanwich
what the fuck is your accent?
It has cataracts.
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MFW it will die on evolving and become ghost type.
That would be epic.
holy fuck
Stop making me want things that won't happen.
>lives in cave
>frenzy ability
It's clearly dragon + wampa
It even shreks a flygon which looks like a tauntaun
I have relatives in CT who say samwich.
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>evolved form of dunsparce
I'm naming it Valoo.
That explains its typing
>Its evolution typing would be Ghost/Dragon
Too soon...
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