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Thinking of replaying Black 2 or White 2 on a NEW cartridge.
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Thinking of replaying Black 2 or White 2 on a NEW cartridge. Is there any way for me to obtain challenge mode at the very beginning of this play through if I don't have any friends who have played B2/W2?

>inb4 OP has no friends
>real world friends
Action Replay works for this
I'm playing on the 3ds, not emulator...
yes, and?
Action replay is a physical thing to cheat cartridges you know.
Not without an Acton Replay. Alternatively, you could buy an r4 card and load a rom that allows you to access it straight away.
Great. Do you guys know if an Action Replay DSi will work on a 3DS XL?

I have never used action replay before and would like to confirm before buying one.

If you have a hacked 3DS you can edit your cart

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