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>I like fire-type pokemon >I like poison-type pokemon
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Thread replies: 22
Thread images: 6
>I like fire-type pokemon
>I like poison-type pokemon
Poison and bug are GOAT
fuck yourself
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>he likes something that I don't
He must be a fat idiot.
>Charizard is the best starter
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>I like Fire/Poison type Pokemon
Why aren't Dark and Fighting in this list?
>Not Fire/dark
I dont get it....
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>I do everything in my power to avoid being associated with anything that could be construed with being popular or strong.
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>I "genuinely" like unpopular types, like poison and bug
>Fedora/Edgefags like poison

Replace that with the literal "Evil" type
>I want a manticore pokemon
>"Fire and Poison are edgelord types"

When there's:
I imagine fedoras like those weak types like Bug or Ice.

Since when is pink considered edgy?
>You don't deserve to defeat ME
OH MY GOD KILL was the literal definition of a fedora fag in Pokemon. Post the showdown link if you have it.
It's ironic
X4 ground damage
Bug is GOAT eversince Gen 5
You're probably autistic.
Nothin personnel kid
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Thread replies: 22
Thread images: 6

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