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Do you think these guys will ever be more than wall decorations?
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File: Unown.png (26 KB, 260x240) Image search: [Google]
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Do you think these guys will ever be more than wall decorations?
they already are!
they're letters
That theory has never been proven you know.
I hope not. Unown are legitimately mysterious and I hope they stay that way.
they teach Nippon the English language
Technically they are in terms of the lore, in the games they are seen helping Arceus create the Creation Trio egg in the Sinjoh Ruins (and are even theorized to be the "thousand arms" Arceus used to create the universe), and in the anime they are shown to be able to create matter itself when grouped up together, even living in their very own dimension.
this desu~

we have a shitton of viable pokemon and legendaries, we don't need every single mon to be strong, just existing is fine.
I don't want them to be 'strong', but these poor guys are even useless in contests. Give them SOME purpose.
Their purpose is to be a mystery
how do you imagine a Mega Unown, /vp/?
File: blood totem.png (44 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
blood totem.png
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this desu

when I first saw it I thought it was an unown evo
File: Mega Unown.png (73 KB, 900x600) Image search: [Google]
Mega Unown.png
73 KB, 900x600
>Find a Babel Sphere key item that is the Rosetta stone of Unown language
>Decode it by catching Unowns. The Unown you catch get stronger as you collect more
>When complete, it reveals an Unownite and can mega-evolve into a forme resembling the Babel Sphere

Now it's got DEEPEST LORE and some decent competitive potential, shitmon status begone
In triples you can write "fug" with them.

This. But I would give it Wonder Guard instead.
This is truuuu. 100 100
Does that mean Arceus created language?
Thread replies: 17
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