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How do I kill/wall this thing? Its so fucking annoying. Especially
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File: 645Landorus-Therian.png (721 KB, 1200x1200) Image search: [Google]
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How do I kill/wall this thing? Its so fucking annoying. Especially the intimidate.
any ice move
powder snow snorunt
Have an insanely fast user capable of learning Knock Off to get rid of it's item, whether it's a Choice item or Leftovers.

Then, have a swift special sweeper launch an Ice Beam to it's intimidating trolly face.
>Doesn't knows how to counter one of the most popular pokemon in the meta

Just stop playing.
Rotom-W, Slowbro, Hippowdon, Tangrowth, etc
take a greninja
use ice beam
weavile can do all
>"Lol, you're fucking stupid. That's not even the overpowered form. If you lose to that piece of shit, you're fucking stupid and should leave. Landorus-I deserved it's ban"
literally what 90% of people will say
seriously, I see it all the time
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smug greninja.jpg
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But sadly, smogon couldn't handle their metagame becoming non-stagnant or, god forbid, actually interesting, so they banhammered the fucker

Play UU

Greninja WAS stagnating the metagame

You had people run shit like Porygon2, Empoleon, and Tentacruel, which aren't good counters, because the former two are fucked over by Low Kick, and the latter is fucked over by Extrasensory, so it's just a matter of hoping that Greninja doesn't have the move that your Greninja counter is weak to
Uh... Greninja Extrasensory actually took out Tentacruel?
Greninja really wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Hell, people had already started using it less not long before it got banned. It's just as ridiculous a ban as Mawile.

The only good bans Smogon have made recently are Aegislash (It does turn it into a game of heads/tails) and M-Gengar.
Another Lando-T
It's true. I'll say it to you right now if you want me to.

Low Kick doesn't break P2; it's too light. It and Chansey were the best switch-ins for that reason.

Greninja was really bad, in ORAS. You're thinking of the XY meta probably.

And Mega Mawile was too devastating to stay. It only had 1 counter in the entire game.
In 3v3s in-game I use my bro Tyrantrum, no one sees it coming. In Showdown I use Weavile.
Best counters are dumb crap like Chesnaught and Weezing, but then you're bending over backwards to stop it. Better counters are stuff that's not quite as good as those, but can handle lots of other stuff too, like Skarmory, Rotom Washing Machine / Lawnmower, Slowbro (bulky special-oriented water types in general give it hell), Suicune, and Quagsire. If you want to kill it in one shot, Any Ice Shard user is good, especially Mamoswine. Scarf Kyurem can get the job done too, but you have to be careful switching in.
best answer
mamoswine ice shard
/choice band
164 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Extrasensory vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Tentacruel: 174-205 (47.9 - 56.4%) -- 32.8% chance to 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery
It has a pretty good chance.

There isn't much that can take a hit from Greninja and ko it back.
baa baa baa

Are Smogon sheep even capable of self thought? No wonder the Pokemon community is fucked.
Please enlighten us with your wisdom then. How do you "lol, just play around it" with Greninja? Preferably in a way that doesn't make your team useless against anything but Greninja and doesn't have to resort to other cancerous pokemon.
>caterfrost used cold lick!
Don't reply to him. He said the same thing in the other thread about underrated mons -- he's just looking to rile you up.
Ice shard
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glalie keks.jpg
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Sheer cold
people were already using extrasensory to kill keldeo and m-venusaur, so yes

gunk shot and low kick just pushed it over the edge
whatever, diancie.
Toss an Ice-type coverage move on anything.

4 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Tauros Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Landorus-T: 265-312 (69.3 - 81.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

144- SpA Hippowdon Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Landorus-T: 164-196 (42.9 - 51.3%) -- 55.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

0- SpA Azumarill Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Landorus-T: 184-220 (48.1 - 57.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery (actually outdamages Waterfall on Assault Vest sets)
I countered Greninja with Roserade. git gud
does it really need the band?
-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 72 HP / 0 Def Landorus-T: 316-376 (93.7 - 111.5%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
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>I countered Greninja with Roserade

Roserade can't switch in and Greninja outspeeds and kills it with Ice Beam, so no you didn't
Icy wind sneasel
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