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Absol thread
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Thread replies: 109
Thread images: 61
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post images

shitpost about your favorite sphinx

have fun
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Cute and only slightly edgy

Going for the all-out crit build can have hilarious results

Not a fan of how its mega looks though
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I agree with everything except not liking the mega. It may look a little overdesigned with the wings, but it's still one of my favorites.
Stop this furry shit. That picture doesn't even look like Absol
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>has fur
>immediately furry shit
here's your (You)
It is furry shit when the artist draws it with a girly animu face and human hairstyle that has nothing to do with Absol
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>human hairstyle
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>it has a few extra bangs, therefore it's furry shit
>what is your own style of drawing?
yeah ok
>animu face
>nothing to do with a pokemon.

We are talking about pokemon right?
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Top wut.png
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Oh boy, is it summer already?
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I want to do this to an Absol
its mega is cool to me since it's at least partially based on a sphinx, and sphinxes have wings
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Had myself drawn a "realistic" Absol, what to you think?
Eyes are still pretty Animu, and it looks too catty, but not godawful. 5/10.
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the scythe-tail should have been changed and the head was changed too much
it's also stockier than it should be
In game name, too lazy too look up my FC since I'm on my tablet, eating breakfast.
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Doesn't look too bad, though the tail probably could've used a little more work. Also not sure what those lines on the horn are doing there.

Looks kinda small, but image search isn't turning up any alternatives. Oh well.
I love how the pokedex always described it as a pokemon of disaster. It gave me the impression that it was this edgelord pokemon that only the cool kids used, but when I opened up Amie with my Absol it absolutely shattered those impressions with it's cute and goofy faces. That increased crit ability is also good.
>He has a different opinion than me
>Summer xdd!
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>Being this ratarded
>cherry picking
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Hey, Absolbros.
Weavilebro here. You, the Zoroarkbros and us should all get together sometime. We all love edgy pokemon.
Come on. Whatdya say?
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A general "dark type thread" would probably last longer.
I want to fug these two so bad.
Also nice trips.
Will yeah. But these three have a lot in common. They're all edgy. They are all mammal like. And they are all often seen as female.
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could say the same for those dubs you naughty thing
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a general edgebro thread would work too
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Get out Mewtist

everyone ITT knows the lore
One of the few Dark types i don't hate.
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My new ink what do you guys think?
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Absol always reminds me of the FF8 enemies, mesmerize
shit... was just about to post that exact image
which I actually edited myself for use in an avatar image
she's just that good
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Not really sure what to think of tattoos in general, but at least you picked the best mega.
t. furfag apologist
The fact you are even defending it just proves you are aware of your guilt.
I want to fluster Absol!
It's not my fault fucking dogs is illegal anon, I didn't wanted to become a furfag, but I didn't wanted to get butraped in jail either.
I don't even care about "furfags", it just annoys me when people deviate so fucking much from the Pokémon's given personality just to make it "cute" or "sexy". I especially hate the Lucario furfags for making my favourite Pokémon furshit in the fandom's eyes.
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Please see >>26545307
There is such a thing as "too much" deviation, but that's just how art styles work. What if they just want to draw cute art of a mon they like?
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There's no denying that Absol is a furbait 'mon, but there is literally nothing wrong with drawing Absol with a cute face. Making it cute doesn't mean everyone wants to fuck it
>favorite pokemon
>Not furfag.

Come on anon, you must be either 12 or a furfag to like that mon, which one are you?
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>liking a pokemon I don't like?
>they must be underage or a furfag!
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>implying the majority of /vp/ isn't underage/furfag
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>still being this assmad
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cant we all just be friends
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fuck outta here, nerd
well so stop disturbing absolfags and let them be in their own thread or they will flood to all threads.
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>/vpl having any discussion other than circlejerking or new-release hype
Pokemon threads are integral to this board, we really should just follow this guy's >>26552073
advice and only stay in the threads we enjoy instead of popping in on someone else's purely to shitpost.
absol is a pokemon and vp is board about pokemon universe. So they can have there their absol thread where they worship absol.
>le underage meme

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You can call me kid. I dont care cus i know my real age and some random guy from internet cannot set my age or something.
You are illogical. Do you prefer all gardefags snakefags etc. flood their autism on all vp? Or you prefer to have them contained in their own threads so you can just ignore these threads and do something else being free from absollewds, gardelewds, phoxlewds, sneklewds etc.
Just stop attacking autism containers or stop complaining about floods of autism over all vp
>fucking a dog
Lopunny is fine because she's in the anthro egg group

Remember; 4 legs bad, 2 legs good
Absol is pretty
Ohhh so reading text "long" like that is too challenging for you? Well... i wonder how can you use internet
says the one posting furscat
Don't you know? The more legs it has the sexier it becomes
Someone is salty (^_^)
Lol he's mad
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>thread has absolutely no porn or lewds in it
>still posts the epic eat fresh meme
this is just sad
it's fine, he's behind like 7 proxies
Shig pig
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get a load of this coward
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wow, you sure showed us.
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Yes, by posting furry fetish porn, you have shown exactly how trash we are for posting sfw cute Absols. Well done.
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We don't really want fur, no. It's just an Absol thread. However, we will feed you attention until you are banned if that makes you feel better.
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ABSOLutely disgusting2.png
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Here's the (You) you're fishing for.
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Havent seen someone this mad on 4chan.
just came to this thread because the forbidden one was summoned
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>shitty porn and nude gets deleted
>cards stay

it's a blue board
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Just some shitposters looking for new material to latch on to.

When you put it that way, you're not wrong. It was pretty tame compared to the other shit that gets posted on here.
We all stood up on all fours once anon, all we used to do was stare at someone's asshole all day.
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this looks like a crop
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I hope it's not.
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It's you again, fucking leave
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>implying both were me
it's just bows anon
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Look at all these adorable absol!
>*They don't interest you at all.
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> unzips pants
Are you abso-lutely ready xD
> laughing track 02.mp3
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tfw lewd absol.png
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Who are you quoting?
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I want to breed this poke
I want to breed her until she gets addicted and wants it all the time
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The doujin is bretty good to be quite honest.
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keep the thread alive, best poke deserves best
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on it fampire
Thread replies: 109
Thread images: 61

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