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3D killed pokemon
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>pixel art is gone from pokemon games forever

Fuck this 3D bullshit, I hate it so much. There's no charm in these games anymore.
XY killed it.

Stadium/Snap/Colosseum/GoD/PBR were pretty good.
This. Think of all the sprite editing and splicing and recoloring that went on, throughout the Pokémon community.
>we will never get comfy chip tune music and comfy sprites any more
Fuck 3D. It doesn't feel right as it is. Either they go all out high-res free movement or they go back to the pixel art we deserve.
>it's this thread again
nice argument memelord.
t. Kalosperm
>transition to 3D
>games get worse as a result
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I'm more upset that we will never have official demakes, and newer pokemon will never have the opportunity to be depicted in older sprite artstyles

Look at the OP, friend:
>Fuck this bullshit
>I hate it so much
>There's no charm in these games anymore

I don't think there were arguments in this thread to begin with?
My dream is for a 'nostalgia filter', where a future game lets you choose which past art style to use.
But then, just a dream.
If they ever do a demake would it be a 3DS game without the graphics that take advantage of the systems hardware?
>tfw Samurott wasn't introduced in Gen 2 and people would've gotten nostalgia for it's cool design
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Go take your negative sob-story bitchass somewhere else. You're doing no one a favor of reminding people of your incessant bitching about something you have no control of you fucking autist. If you want your sprites, go make or go look for them.

And by the way, the 3D models look great. There's obvious room for improvement, but it's executed really well for the first time on a mainline handheld game.
wew kid
nice ironic choice of image
Kill yourself you patheic faggot
What about cellshading that looks like 2D, like the dragon ball games?
The only problem is that the game is FUCKING SLOW AS SHIT!
lmao sedong
>the 3D models look great

good joke my man
get with the times nigger. kill yourself
Everything except for a few Flying-types has really good animations.
>It's 2016! C'mon!
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>You can justify this
>Complains about 3D
>Posts sprites from game with worst battle sprites in series
>Also 1st games to use 3D modeling in the overworld
>Games that came out nearly 10 years ago

Let it go, anon.
unusual, etc
it's the basic fighting stance of the martial art Hitmontop was based on
"wah, why can't papa gamefreak get with the times and make 3D pokemon wah!!!"
"wah, why did papa gamefreak change to 3D, sprites were so much better wah!!!"

This community is full of children. Little faggots who cry to get what they want and cry when they realize that's not what they wanted after all.
>being more true to the source material automatically makes it better design
When did this meme start and when will it end?
The 3D models are generally great looking, and the animations can always be improved.

2D sprites never had real animations
This. Imagine the fallout that would've happened if Game Freak chose to stick with 2D sprites on a handheld literally called fucking 3DS. This franchise would be a laughing stock even more than it already is, thanks gen 6
64 bit processors killed the PC industry. 8-bit machines had more charm on it, fuck Intel, Miscrosoft, Apple, AMD. We should go back to the 80.

Yeah, anyone who knows about PCs will tell me that all I've said is bullshit and stupid, but that's the point too. Also, we already had 3D, and most models are the same, just more poligoned or slighty different because they were made from scratch.


>this thread again
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What's wrong?
Crystal is the only game with good sprite work considering the system and even then the overworld left a lot to be desired compared to other GBC-only RPGs, though the Tower and Dragon's Den shrine were a step closer to those others.

The animations of the models in Gen VI have infinitely more life and spirit to them than the static sprites most of the games had or BW/BW2's weak tweening loops ever did. And that says a lot for how bad it was considering how much better the animations could be.
are you saying designers shouldn't look to outside sources for inspiration?

hitmontop is a capoeira-based pokemon. what's wrong with animating it doing capoeira instead of you know, just standing there like 90% of the other mons?
you're right, that would be great
>you just want a pokémon stading head down
I don't know, for the most part the models in Gen VI just stand there, and even when they do attack they look like they're hardly putting any effort into it.

Maybe I'm fond of the sprites because I used my imagination more as a kid, but I think at least having them posed in interesting ways helped to sell the "life" of them.

Even if they literally didn't move, at least they looked like they were constantly in action.
>>26542700 #
Thats not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is that being more like the source material doesn't automatically mean "better." Would you prefer Muk look like a literal pile of disgusting sludge?

My main problem isn't even the animation, I think the model standing still looks terrible.
Pokedex 3D had better animations than XY.
There are actual fainting animations, animations when attacking from the Pokemon themselves even if it isn't as good as say reveal trailers for PBR which themselves were toned down because they rushed it out for Wii launch in Japan, idle animations often at least on par with Gen V if not better in several cases not to mention without the horrendous zoom and pixelated tweening, and all the Amie animations.

It could be much better, but it's still a big step up from past games.
but hitmontop doesn't stand still. it actually moves thanks to them taking inspiration from the source material.

you're right that that doesn't automatically make things better, but in hitmontop's case, it makes it look like it's ready to battle with its capoeira style.
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I miss these threads ;_;
I forgot about the Amie animations. Yeah I wish they put more of the animations into the pokedex, if possible. I like seeing all the attack animations in the ORAS pokedex, but still most of them just look very basic. It can be better but I think a large problem is that there's just so many pokemon at this point, it's probably really time consuming. If there's one animation I would add, it's an entrance animation where pokemon strike a unique pose once they enter into battle.

Yeah personally I never found pokemon sprites to be particularly good. The poses I thought were fine, but in terms of actual pixel art it's still very basic. Gen V had some of the best looking sprites to me, but I hated the "animation" in those games. I would love to see a pokemon game with animations for different actions in pixel art style, but where the artists actually animate the sprites by hand.
Video killed the radio star
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>pixel art is gone from pokemon games forever
That would be nice, but it'd be even more time-consuming and costly than trying to make further animations for all the 3D models, especially as the system resolutions increase.

Maybe a fan project someday would do that.
nice argument meme lord
This guy did the same thread in v
Oh totally, I don't expect Game Freak to ever do that. I would love to see a fan game try that sometime too.

I'm thinking and hoping that with Sun and Moon, the animations may be even better since they basically already have two games to work off of. I assume they'll reuse all the previous animations anyway.
I completly agree and I'm surprised I'm not the only one. I lost all hype for SM when the non-chibi 3d world was shown. It's not the game I want to play.
>worst battle sprites
That's R/S.

Though D/P is pretty bad. Just look at Gliscor. No wonder it got immediately fixed for Platinum.
the musharma 3d model creeps me the fuck out

Isnt it supposed to be dream gas coming out its face?
looks mor like an umbilical cord
It's supposed to look like an umbilical cord, but it could stand to be less solid
>its supposed to
Jesus Christ game freak pls
Gen I sprites were shit.
Gen II had some shit sprites (Sneasal etc), especially for new mons.
Gen III was turd level, especially for new mon.
Gen IV was better than III but on par with Gen II.
Gen V was ok but ruined by the shitting awful animations.

Why do people miss sprites?
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