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>Randomize a pokemon with http://randompokemon.com/ >T
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File: mega Slowking.jpg (33 KB, 500x487) Image search: [Google]
mega Slowking.jpg
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>Randomize a pokemon with http://randompokemon.com/
>Then roll the dice by googling "roll a die"

Depending on the dice roll you must now, for the pokemon you ended up with;

1 >Give it a Mega. If it already has one, give it another
2 >Give its prevo a side evolution
3 >Give it an evo. if you can't, reroll
4 >Give it a signature move
5 >Give it a signature item
6 >reroll

Item that forces the opponent to use an attacking move (like taunt)

Wall Hammer
Rock Type
120 BP
15 PP
This attack uses the pokemon's defense to deal damage.
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Sawkuzco and Patchroh.png
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Already some damn good ideas
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Something that makes Remoraid more common when fishing, I guess?
Something that increases the power of sound based moves idk really.

Grapple [ROCK]
25 BP 15 PP 90 Accuracy
Keeps enemy Pokemon from escaping and deals damage for 2-5 turns.
Here, let me do it.
Subwoofer: All sound-based moves deal 30% more damage.

Remoraid Squirtgun: Basically gives Mantyke/Mantine Parental bond with water moves

And then Mine, which was Tauros 4
Tail Incite (or a better name)
Normal type
- BP
20 PP
The pokemon whips itself with it's tails, raising its attack, speed, and critical chance by 1.
I'm seriously stumped
Collective mind. This item makes Barbaracle's heads in pefect harmony boosting its attack and speed by 50%.
work in perfect harmony*
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Nazca's Wind
PP: 20, Type: Flying
A mystic Wind, coming from a faraway land, blows trough the battlefield and increases your Pokemon's Sp.Attack, Sp.Defense and Speed.

Sorry for bad English.

Mega Raticate
HP: 55
Attack: 136 (+55)
Defense: 70 (+10)
Sp. Attack: 50
Sp. Defense: 80 (+10)
Speed: 122 (+25)
>New Moves
Gunk Shot, Earthquake
I mean 1 not 5
Ill try another
Hmm this ought to be fun.
Ability: Immunity/Natural cure
Hp 123
Atk 125(+25)
Def 107(+45)
Spatk 97
Spdef 91(+10)
Spd 88(+20)

Mega Manaphy
Ability: Magic Guard
HP: 100
Atk: 120 (+20)
Def: 120 (+20)
Sp. Atk: 120 (+20)
Sp. Def: 120 (+20)
Spe: 120 (+20)

>Eerie Song
>Accuracy: 80 %
Puts the opponent to sleep and causes it a nightmare

>Rock Shell
>Halves the damage done to this Pokemon by physical attacks.

Basically a Fur Coat that you need to hold.
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A flightless, dragon/steel type
It becameas hard as steel after its shell hardened so much from attempting to fly as a shellgon
Evolves trading with a metal-coat like item introduced in gen 7.
Name: Tougon
Ability: battle armor/inner focus. HA: Filter
HP: 110
Is it alright? I've never made a fakemon before ever.
Make it also work on dodrio, exeggutor magnimite etc.
Yes. That way it could be quite useful. Not sure on the name though but thats not an issue.
>Crawdaunt, 2

Idk, its called "Crawdulent" and is water/ghost, its the shell of a crawdaunt that became possessed by a sea spirit/parasite

worse attack than crawdaunt but faster and has the ability weak armor
Mega Excadrill
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mega poliwrath concept.png
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R8 this

Type: Water/Fighting
Ability: Swift Swim

HP: 90
ATK: 95 - (+50) > 145
DEF: 95 - (+30) > 125
SPATK: 70 - (-10) > 60
SPDEF: 90 - (+10) > 100
SPD: 70 - (+20) > 90
>Mime Jr.
Well it already has Mr.Mime so i guess Mrs.Mime.

Tear Apart
Normal Type
85 BP
10 PP
Destroys held item.

40 BP
90% ACC
40 PP
+1 priority, 50% change to lower target's accuracy by 1 stage, 10% burn chance.
Cool but design wise its horrible.
Thanks, I didn't like the mega design either. I just chose a random fan-made mega off google images. Hopefully if they really do make a mega-Poliwrath, it looks better than what I put
My god, it will be beautiful
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