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/vp/ circa 2556
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/vp/ circa 2556
I can't believe M-Charizard X has a total of 3 Super Mega evolutions with the latest reveal while shit like Farfetch'd have been untouched since Gen 1.

Meanwhile Dugoctet being the first 4 stage evolution gets a unique item? Does Magnitude really need to hit for 150 BP literally all the time?
Generation 320 will be the gen that will introduce hootroot!!!!!!!

Over 500 years and Zygarde formes still aren't in the games!
>implying pokemon will exist in 540 years, much less 15 more
>Still caring about Pokemon you can't even transfer over to the last 30 gens
>Does Magnitude really need to hit for 150 BP literally all the time?

>Four stages
>4 times the XP curve of previous top xp curve
>first 2 stages level with nothing but tackle and mud shot
>getting the item involves raising two to lvl100 and breeding for one and raising that to 100

yes, it does
>tfw it's not even included as a fossilmon for laughs
Emerald, Platinum, HGSS, BW2, ORAS and SM are still the best games
They still haven't out done Gen 1 :^)
>Pokemon chair
>Pokemon table

What is vp choosing? Chair here.
Gen 28 was the best gen. If you disagree you have zero taste. Prove me wrong.

Table, chairfags are fucking diluted.
>liking SM
The series went to shit after ORAS, they've never outdone that game.
The series really got good again when they introduced decatuple battles. I was tired of only getting new lumineon and luvdisc forms
E3 is finally coming, will GF finally release Pokketu Monsuta Zetto?
It was better when Pokemon Sleeping Powder and Smelling Salts had Scratch'n'Sniff hardware.
Everyone is Oshawott?
Guys, what do you think of the Master Leafeonball? I mean, finally we have an Eevee that became an reliable item, for fucks sake.
>tfw took quite some time to GF to make Eevee evolve to items, and literally took 17 generations for those to be actually useable.
>15 years after 2556
of course it's going to die by then
Will Generation CXCVI finally give Flygon its Mega Stone?
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Waiting for ladder, like a sensible person
Multiplication wasn't real
Polka-Dot wasn't real
Ladder isn't gonna be real
What is your favorite Cycling-type Pokémon?
Pawniard's evo line for weird when they made his evos Eevee, but with chess pieces.
Mega Black Knighteon confirmed best DNA Splicer Chess-type Eeveelution.
signature move: nigger clop
>m-muh patterns

Tiger's Eye was real
Sideways was real
Circle was real
Limbo was real
>tfw STILL no Dolphin Pokemon

Literally what the hell Gamefreak?!
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Can we all agree by now that GameFreak picks their starters based on Miami Vice vs. Saint Seiya lore? I believe it was pretty much confirmed after Riconogeminimon showed up on Pokemon Taekwondo 2/Capoeira 2.
>12 lines of seals and 8 lines of whales, 48 different species of fish
So I looked at the Zodiac theory and I need to ask something about it. Why the fuck did our ancestors call a crab a rabbit?
>current year
>people still think flygon will get a mega
>He thinks Crusaceillixe is a crab
>I still don't know the right order for Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos.
So with Pokemon Prehistory being the first mainline games of a generation to not introduce new Pokemon, please tell me you all are going with Pokemon Future.
>inb4 a neanderthal Pokemon Present fag wanting a game set in CURRENT YEAR when Pokemon 26th-Century already released over three centuries ago
Thanks K-POPland for those surgeries. I can finally say with pride:
I sexually identify as Mega Solgaleofag Super Saiyan God
>liking gen 17
underage detected
It was obvious back then. It could learn High jump kick and in the anime there was a scene where it was near a carrot.
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Daily reminder that Pokemon games from when before God-Emporer of Mankind Trump took over were shit. He really straitened those nips out
The Personnel Imprisonment Robots, where are they when we need them? I knew it was a mistake to install sloth programs on them.
Guys, which fossil pokémon should I pick on Roastbeef/Olivesalad? Zigzagoon or Poochyena?
Without the Inverse Frequency Mega Devolution, Zigzagoon is dead weight ingame. Go with Poochyena.
It's preposterous all this talk about GF making mons just for specific stuff. I mean, there's nothing wrong with HMslavech. What's the problem of having Strength as it's ability?
Do you think we'll ever get Agumon in the game again, or was that just a Gen X exclusive to celebrate Nintendo buying Toei? I mean, Agumon had an official number and everything
Well the when Disney-Nintendo MegaCorp Incorporated® bought the rights to both Spongebob and Looney Toons, it was inevitable.
>he wasn't around for the Great Rebranding of 2223
Underage detected, I bet you still abide to the shit Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species you complete intellectual prude. Go back to cyberspace with the rest of the popcorn junkie proles you commie filth monger.
>tfw Ash is only 56 years old
>tfw it has been 560 years in real
>tfw you realize he gets older every ten years
Well ever since Nintendo bought YoKai watch I would love to have Digimon back. Yokai designs fucking suck
I'm so glad it only took 5 remakes to fix sun and moon.
I can't believe the MCU is still going. When is Master Chief and Jotaro set to appear again?
Who's Lucario?
Look at the grandpa with his 4th gen!
>muh genecs pandering
Fuck you. Gen XXVII is best gen, faggot. Mega Super Saiyan God Gogetrunks is the best legendary, stay mad.

>Zigzagoon is dead weight
I mean, it is useful on those travel to the past sections of Pokemon DoctorWho/Dalek where there was this thing with Ocean. I mean, it has Surf and everything.

Stay cucked. Wondertradochi is obviously a bait.
>4th gen
And 47th gen, retard. I can't believe Nintendo fooled people such as yourself with such a sly trick, introduced ancient Pokemon as new.
Why did the Hoenn remakes omit the Battle Frontier? These are the 20th Hoenn remakes we've had. Does anyone know what the Hoenn Battle Frontier even looked like?
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>Post yfw Pokemon was revealed to be canon with every shonen ever
>uploaded his consciousness to the internet
>still isn't able to download via qr code
>Not using Trotenks
You disgust me
for an eighteenth time? ugh
I am an ancient fuck strapped to countless teratons of life support, and I still remember clear as day when everyone got mindblown when pokemon showed up in every anime at once. It was insane.
Here is goes, best to worst of the last 3 gens:
pkmn batman/superman
pkmn pinball x/y/z
pkmn vs. digimon
pkmn holocaust/armeniangenocide
pkmn solidwaste/wastewater
>That moment when DIO revealed Golurk as his new Stand. What a great day!
Holy shit guys, Masuda-Clone XI just confirmed that they will be making fakemon canon in the next games, and the list of canonized fakemon includes Ballio, Tentaquil and even fucking Sadfish.

It has been so long, I feel like I could cry virtual digital tears of joy.
Guys, what was your reaction when Mega Black Tentaquil and Primal White Roothoot were announced the box legendaries for the next gen?
So, what do you guys think of Pokemon x Monster Hunter 37? I thought the pokemon selection was a little off this time, but uploading my conscience into my weapon was a pretty nifty feature, if not gimmicky as hell.
Do you guys think Pokémon could do with some fresh new talent for the designs? Android Sugimori 3.0's art is getting a bit stale for me.
>Pokémon x Monster Hunter 37 came before Pokémon Z
At least Pokemon Z came out. I am still waiting for OR/AS to be redeemed with remakes.
>Counting in Game Freak updating his firmware
Talk about lazy developers.
>Still playing after Gen LV
It was a gen full of transgender Pokemon, I still can't believe Gamefreak sold out to Femdolf Hitler and her army of man slaves
>be me
>current year
>still don't get why pokémon isn't banned after the mass-suicide of roothootfags in 2016
Which absolute madman was it who came up with the idea to make an opposite sex clone of Hitler anyway? I swear he must have been some kind of /pol/ and /d/ hybrid.
Yo guys I have a great idea for a new Pokémon game. How about a game where we can visit all of the regions in the series? Kind of like how we could visit Kanto in Valuable Silver and Priceless Gold.
My grandfather tells me that they've been using the same models in the games since he was my age. Can you believe that shit?

Oh well, maybe next Gen will fix the framerate issues.
Did you forget that Roothootfags were responsible for the bombings of Disneyland and Great America? Gamefreak is still trying to fix their reputation. If anything, their mass-suicide should be celebrated.
>He didn't play Pokemon Omeoglopra
">be me"
>how to find a /b/ poster in less than 10 seconds.txt
>expecting better framerates from the New WiiU5DS hardware
Dude they tried that 280 years ago, the game was watered down broken and shit. Maybe it would've been better if it wasn't on mobile.
>more like /bme/
Never change, /vpgenwun/
Is it true Pokémon wasn't always a virtual reality MMO game? Because that sounds dull as fuck.
>It's been 539 years since the very first American Pope, Donald Trump, made anime real
>Still playing the Pokémon games and not capturing real ones
What is wrong with you people?
/b/ died off 157 years ago when mootbot 2.70 posted CP constantly and it was deemed a necessary sacrifice to the new gods, you fucking newfag.
It's funny how I can play Sun/Moon on my 150 year old calculator with better framerates than the 3DS.

So much this, anon
I literally cannot believe still it hasn't been made into an MMO
Why would you play Sun and Moon? I still can't believe those pieces of garbage were worse than OR/AS
>Fire/Flying type
>not FireBird/Three type
>three type
>based on the name
and I bet you wish Usedcondoom was a Trash/Sperm type too.
>STILL no Light type
>mad at HMs
What is your favorite HM, /vp/? Mine has got to be 489, which contains POKING ENTEI'S ASS. Really handy against Entei.
Can we all agree by now that the Nuzleaf Trio is the best trio of Legendaries?
So I decided to go way back this week and decide to try out the old XY games.

It was ridiculously hard. Apparently there was a point where the Exp. Share didn't level up each of your Pokémon after a battle, and you could actually turn it OFF. Why the hell would you ever want to do that?

It was literally unplayable. I'm so glad they changed that. Also the Fairy-type was so much weaker back then in comparison to now.
>IVs still exist
>complaining about Fairy type
My gran just told me there used to be a time where REMOTECONTROLCAR-type mons didn't exist. Literally unplayable.

>admin still hasn't fixed the baka desu senpai filter
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Neural uplink down for anyone else? Really want to get my event Mewtwo sponsered by BURGER KING(TM).

Also does anyone else feel the franchise went downhill after BK took over?
I feel like there was a serious shift in tone in the games when they added the cock size/vagina width stats. On the opposite gendered Pokémon.
Gran told me there was only two genders in previous generations.

>gender wasn't a social construction at all in pkmn
Fairy would be so much worse if it hadn't been split into the Trans and Cis types back in Gen LV, luckily Cis type took away some of its strengths
>Mentioning only two genders
You're probably on some government watchlist now, just FYI.
>implying we all aren't
Our OS is literally called GovsSpyOnUsDows XVIII: Botnet edition.
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>mfw people STILL having heart attacks because of synchronizing
It's been hundreds of years now and retards still fall for it. Based gamefreak killing them all, perfectly legal too in this wonderful age of overpopulation.
I'm pissed off that Pokemon work like stands now. Every time my fucking Abortio gets burned so do I. I still can't belive Araki was a vampire so he could live to write JoJo part 19 and buy the rights to Pokemon.
Gen 29 was a mistake.
Remember when you were allowed to play as a wh*te protag?
>still using the letter "w"
I'm pretty sure the human race won't be around in 2556
>Ash still hasn't won the league
Seriously this shit got old seventeen resets before, when are they going to drop the bastard?
Anyone remember when all the boards banded together to nuke Tumblr and Reddit? It was great until the Feminazis overthrew Mecha-Trump.
Who's Ash? You mean that ancient 10 year old faggot? Why aren't you watching the new Holoanime?

>still watching shows with protagonists that aren't your holographic self
Mecha-Trump did nothing wrong. Holo-Trump on the other hand..
At least Cyber-Trump™ fixed it
You guys are so dumb for not believing these leaks. Pyrethon is real and is the fire starter for this generation.

Don't you remember wottergate? Do we want a repeat of that?
I remember is being a hoax.
Black and White was the biggest fake leak of all time.
The only hoax out there is Pokemon Sage will one day be completed.

I think they're on their 9th generation of offspring from the original dev team? There's rumors that Majora Z is somehow still around too...
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Nice made up word, you smelly Venusian.
Stop hating on the new skateboard pokemon, you faggots. I'm a skateboarder and I fell in love the instant I saw it, not everything has to be made for everyone.

And from a competitive perspective it fills a necessary niche. Ever since they gave mega aegislash warrior as its third type we really needed a sound/time/vehicle pokemon to wall it.
>Thinking I'm so poor to not live within the safety of the Jupiter gravitational well
Suck my balls if you can ever afford a ride to Titan you smelly mercurynigger
That's what people back in XXI century used to say.
Man, what would have become of humanity if not because of our IA overlords.
>Not living on a cosmic string between dimensions.
Why even live?
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Oh shit I'm a Jovian bro too. Except I have to live on Io.

It sucks.
Found the neckbeard

Io's not that bad. The dome-communities are nice I hear. Sucks you guys have to pay triple for downloads though unlike here on Titan and on the Gas-Mining Colony over the Big Balloon.
>Everyone who lives on a cosmic string is a Neck Beard
When will this meme die?
I heard that you couldn't even give your pokemon's ai voice commands and that they didn't have the "dodge it" command so you would just sit there mashing the button for your most effective attack. I can't comprehend why anyone would play a game like that.
>cosmic string

There's your problem you lying faggot. I refuse to believe that anyone browsing this shithole has enough to afford a place on a fucking cosmic string.
>When will this meme die
>Still talking like 21st century parasite that caused the great depopulation
It's because of nostalgic faggots like you that places like the smelly cringe-factory that is Jacksonville, Florida still exists.

Go back to your Holo-Con with your waifu AI you worthless NEET.
None, cycling type is for edgey faggots. I prefer Falling-type pokemon and I'm so fucking glad that they introduced Falling type in Gen 22 just to fuck over your stupid cycling-type shitmons.
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I'm just glad that this allowed HunterxHunter to be finished after that piece of shit died of old age in 2391.
There's only 151 Pokemon! 151! (dies)
hell pokemon are OP, when is EA gonna introduce the angel type

Literally who
electronic arts, obviously (the new one, not the old one)
Oh you mean the Disney owned mini corp?
Yep, the same disney that was bought by ubisoft before ubisoft was bought by pepsi in 2368
>they still haven't given Flygon a mega evo, normal evo or anything at all
>instead they gave the durgen buff of the gen to fucking goodra

If that one faget hadn't an hero'd decades ago, I'd be platinum mad by now by the insane levels of fugged muh bromon had gotten by now.
Some are, the rest are Galactic grunts
Idunno guys, pokemon just hasn't been the same since they took Pikachu out of the anime and made Klefki the franchise mascot. I know it doesn't affect the games or anything, but still...
Anon, what are you talking about? Disney is the only corporation that ever existed. Where are you getting your information from?
>Some fag using gen one mons for some godawful reason
>Literally OHKO them all with Mega-Medulaoblongata Q

When will nostalgiafags realize anything before gen 400 is literally useless, even the sad excuses they call "legendaries"
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>Ash wins the league and becomes champ in gen 8
>But fucking Kumar goes on up to gen 157
Fucking ridiculous
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He's real, he's just going to be introduced in gen 672.

Can't wait for you denialfags to get BTFO.
>tfw they remove Holographic Battles AGAIN in Gen 212
pokemon was better before the muppet gen
Normie detected
It's been over 500 years. Why is it that Smogon STILL hasn't been hit with the cease and desist yet? Gamefreak should have been aware of Smogon ever since they banned Farfetch'd 36 years ago, considering that the VGC community was loudly discussing it everywhere.
>game company
>caring about what some harmless website does
>still no dark gym
boom like the bombs that dropped worldwide from 25 years ago.
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>STILL liking Golem
Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 13

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