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You are currently reading a thread in /vp/ - Pokemon

Thread replies: 50
Thread images: 14
File: 10Vod.jpg (42 KB, 492x656) Image search: [Google]
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better be fast and have an OP ability
File: Get Well Soon.jpg (255 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
Get Well Soon.jpg
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Not so bad.

It would depend on it's move set, ability and stats.

Theres worse types to be like dark/ice and Weavile is still amazing.
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>Waiting for F.O.E. to respawn
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I was making a joke/reference to something.
Why would Sheldon be Grass/Flying

Psychic maybe
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>making fun of gay people
Think about it. What Pokemon is Grass/Flying.. or rather, WOULD be Grass/Flying?
Shaymin, not Sheldon
Gotta admit, this is a pretty shit joke.
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>the backfire in this thread
im replying just in case
I dont want my mom to get hurt
sleep tight zimbabwe
There are at least two images of this Pokemon on the catalog.
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Had to be done
I don't get it OP.
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Is this a meme?
Excuse me, Fire/Dark
Normal/Fighting or just Normal but OP
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>Two most resisted types in the game
>4x weak to Flying
>4x weak to Fire
>Weak to Ice
>Weak to Stealth Rock
>Biggest upside, 4x resistant to Ground, is nothing because of Flying types and Levitate
>STILL no normal/ghost bedsheet
luisbrain did it.
fug your owls
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Nice, aww, nice, aww.gif
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>tfw best ever offensive typing
>gets steamrolled by Steel and Fighting, amongst several other types
hey is that pipi?
the shitty fake owl?
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>Slow and bulky
To be fair, Grass is probably the best thing to have a double weakness to.
But you have like, 3 real resistances.
>my friend and I do a rival play
>oras comes out
>choose treeko
>he chooses mudkip like the autistic memer he is
>eventually we both battle
>pretty even battle
>he pulls out marshtomp
>pull out sceptile
>tfw I chose the superior starter

That is why, water/ground is terrible
>stage 1 v stage 2
Golly gee Batmare, I wonder why you won?
>a pokemon is terrible when it's hit by a double weakness
Thread replies: 50
Thread images: 14

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