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Just got a shiny male eevee lvl.1 and i'm looking for something
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File: Cute_eevee_CUTE.jpg (43 KB, 500x523) Image search: [Google]
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Just got a shiny male eevee lvl.1 and i'm looking for something else.

I'm not really a fan and i'm looking for another shiny pokemon.

Anybody got anything they'd be willing to part with for this lil' guy?
how about a shiny electrike?
what's the nature?
>he STILL hasn't hacked his 3DS
nature, egg moves, ivs?
File: Umbreon+Shiny[1].png (41 KB, 617x737) Image search: [Google]
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it's people like you that make me sick
oh "what's its nature? What's its IVs? does it even have any egg moves? no? Then fuck it!"
you are a cruel man
look at this magnificent Pokemon, I saved this guy as an Eevee from another person like you, gave him a shitty perfect bred dragon for it
then I cared for this little guy, I loved him, and trained until he evolved, then he steam rolled those kids with 4 shiny legends
So, I'll give you Bagon for it, no, a fucking Salamence, it's Jolly I'm sure you'll appreciate that
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>not understand the point of shinies
>being a soulless bastard
Are you trying to justify your fuckup or do you generally think what you're doing is right?
>wow, my hours of autistic behavior resulted in a different colored pokemon!
>lol, trade this thing that's apparently so important?
>soulless bastard
>over a bunch of pixels creating a fictional monster
Do you believe Santa is real too anon?
I'm not OP. Would never trade away a shiny I got myself unless I have another one + absolutely no use for it.
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>cheating in a children's game
>he thinks his hacked mon has any value whatsoever
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>he spends hours trying to get a color change in a children's game
>he thinks his mons have any value at all anyway
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