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Create your Poke-self and roll. http://hapuriainen.deviantar
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Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 17
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Create your Poke-self and roll.

Your last digit determines how your Poke-adventure goes...
0 = After years of struggling to beat the first gym leader, you give up and retire.
1 = You become ill after traveling for a few months and retire.
2 = You develop a gambling problem and soon find yourself in massive debt to the game corner. Your forced to pledge your life to Team Rocket to pay for it.
3 = Half way through your journey you meet a nice girl/boy and decide to settle down.
4 = You join the elite 4.
5 = You become a Pokemon Poacher (Rangers are out to get you).
6 = You work at the Poke-Mart.
7 = You become a Poke-Ranger (Hunt down poachers).
8 = You join a Poke-Cult.
9 = You become a gym leader.

12 = You become a celebrity for winning Pokemon contests.
69 = After years of saving up you start your own Poke-Daycare. Your daycare becomes world famous for your breeding skills.
721 = You fill the Poke-dex! Become world famous and join the professor in research until you die.

Dubs = You become the Poke-Champion (Until someone else rolls dubs)
Trips = You become the best like no one ever was.
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Ha. You joined a cult.
Better than what happened to you haha
Quit being mean. I'm sick.
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I didn't want to go on a journey anyways.
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You do look like you'd join Rocket. The hair options on this thing are horrible.
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rolling for 7
What's the point of these? Post one with a picture of yourself next to them so we can see who the real niggas are
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Please don't ever post on 4chan again. Cancer is contagious.
Why, the Vinny?
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>Can't make myself fat
>Can't give myself a receding hairline
>Can' give myself a neckbeard
I can assure you there's much worse contained there
>stop being fat
>get a fucking job and start saving money for hair transplant surgery or just shave it off
>shave chin pubes
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Your Gabite is obese.
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I know...

I didn't know Gible was going to be that huge XD
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Poke-Ranger or gym leader get
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me mons.png
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too lazy to edit out digi-self
>Implying LWA is that bad
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you're a big guy.png
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But I need to catch a Banette before my adventure starts.
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Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 17

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