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You may as well become a temporary owl fag
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>they are legit

>they are fake
"Yea, we knew the whole time. Tricked ya"

It's a lose/lose. Don't fight it anymore people. Just pretend to be owlfags until it's all over.
How about not responding to them at all?
No. You never go full retard, which the Owlfags are
This seems like a far more reasonable answer.
Or you know just ignore them like any sensible person? The fact that you're listing them being legit as a possibility just shows that you're an owlfag yourself, and I probably took your bait.
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not bait.jpg
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No. I'm a denial fag.

Don't say ignore them, becuase 90% of you asshats take the bait everytime.

If everyone just pretends to be an owlfag. The threads will die off quicker. And when the fateful leak finally hits it'll be alot less clouded by owlshit if everyone's on the same page. Even if you're faking it

>Nintendo get buttfrustrated the real starters were leaked (the budgie, cat and seal)

>let's go on the site that leaked it and popularize fake starters so everyone will be relieved the other ones were the real ones.

Gg Nintendo, gg
i didnt see these
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There is only one fake grass owl for me.

You motherfuckers can crawl back into your holes and rot there.
They are actually really decent. Loved Troparrot. The grass/bird starter worth loving.
>implying /vp/ will ever agree on anything
No, you're just an idiot.
Ignoring it doesn't add any fuel to the flame either. The same people that can't resist any form of bait won't pretend either.
That makes too much sense
Its clearly easier to just add to the shitposting
Thread replies: 13
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