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cutest eeveelution
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Thread replies: 31
Thread images: 18
File: glaceon.png (70 KB, 210x158) Image search: [Google]
70 KB, 210x158
cutest eeveelution
File: Food Time.jpg (527 KB, 1180x1180) Image search: [Google]
Food Time.jpg
527 KB, 1180x1180
But it doesn't have cuteness-enhancing fluff, anon~
thats not how you spell hottest

I think she's more cool


Flareon and Leafeon also top-tier
File: glaceon cute.jpg (95 KB, 662x729) Image search: [Google]
glaceon cute.jpg
95 KB, 662x729
If you came on her face, would it freeze?
It would be very painful...
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all Eeveelutions and Eevee itself are extremely overrated and their entire gimmick is literally what every digimon can do.

Also which Eevee family members are cats and which are dogs?
Sorry that no one cares about shitty cat, anon
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not as long as espeon exists
I believe (and I could be wrong) that the entire line is fox-based. Foxes are very closely related to dogs, hence the visual similarity.
File: glac face.png (468 KB, 640x456) Image search: [Google]
glac face.png
468 KB, 640x456

>every digimon has several type-based evolutions

what drugs are you on?


...for her
File: Jolteon.jpg (61 KB, 960x960) Image search: [Google]
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best eeveelution.
Dat Hime cut!
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2 MB, 1930x1210
My nigga
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glac 2.png
24 KB, 834x600

good stats but the least cute imo


love it
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sylveon no.webm
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All my bros welcome
File: annoying.jpg (44 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Jolteon and Glaceon best.
Based 4th gen
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383 KB, 900x675
There was already a thread for this: >>26110220
Would be better with snow warning
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>the entire line is fox-based
Ew, no please. Foxes are gross. They're cat-dogs in my book.
An important part of the fox look, I think, is the longer snout. The eevee's look to have shorter ones like a cat's.
File: pmeowth1.jpg (19 KB, 456x342) Image search: [Google]
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there should BE NO THREADS
its a fennec fox
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the average eeveelution lover's intelligence, everybody. Posts ugly Deviantart trash from somebody who probably draws porn with each character looking copy/pasted and doesn't even clarify which one looks like a fennec fox.
I want eevee fappers to leave
File: 476879-1024x768-9404847.jpg (434 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
434 KB, 1024x768
they are all fennec foxes
Thread replies: 31
Thread images: 18

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