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How many can you get?
Got all of them 100%
Same here
Got all of Kanto and Johto, missed a few on Hoenn (mainly Champion Wallace), and completely fucked up Sinnoh and Unova.
I got 95%, started failing around the Unova and Sinnoh leagues though.
84%, disappointed. I fucked up almost the entirety of Unova, which is probably why. Also forgot that Wallace and Bertha owned Seaking and Sudowoodo, respectively.

Flint has a fucking Lopunny but no Magmortar? I hate the DP teams that were based around the move type, not the pokemon type
I completely forgot Crusher Wake existed.
got 259/261

missed Aaron's Beautifly and Wallace's Seaking.
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got all of them

got kinda stuck in the sinnoh ones since i am used to platinum

i didnt even fucking remembered dank memes such as candice's snover or medicham

also the retarded team on volkner and flint took me some time
175 at timer, 232 at give up.
I can't spell for shit, and had the Emerald/Platinum/rematch etc. party rosters in my head, so this was really hard.

>Can't do Caitlin because I can't remember how to spell Beeheyem
>She doesn't even have one
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>still no gym leader that has nothing but fossil pokes

I just noticed this.
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Haven't played XY yet
255 before the timer ran out.
I knew Vanilluxe and Escavalier for Alder but didn't type them in time.
Honestly better than I thought I would do, I figured I would eat shit on the 4th and 5th gen leaders because I played more Platinum and B2 but I didn't too as awfully as I anticipated.
Grant dude
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I missed these 8.
Sinnoh fucked me over somewhat because I only played Platinum, not DP.

Other than that, I learned I'm bad at remembering dark types.
Never would have guessed Seaking for Wallace, though. Doesn't seem fancy enough.
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