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Is there a mega that ruined a design any more egregiously than
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Is there a mega that ruined a design any more egregiously than this one?
>angry pointy shark
>turns into a bigger pointier angry shark

It's not the end of the world.
>yfw sharpedo will now always be and look like shit
>Angry shark
>Turns into an angry shark with way too many fucking markings and bells and whistles and a giant honking nose

It's horrible, anon. It's a giant, jumbled mess that ruined a neat, simple pokemon.
Quite simply no, there is not.
>Sharpedo is just a shark's head
>it doesn't get the whole body when it mega evolves
I would say both M-Mewtwo but M-Sharpedo is pretty bad too
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Was my bro in my OR run.
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ITT: Opinions.
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The official tier list.
I came here with a dildo on my head
Is mega beedrill that good I mean he does like so fast
It doesn't matter how good they are, only how cool they look.

M-Lucario belongs in abortion tier with everyone else.
Charizard X
>mega shitzard Y in first
You fucked up because you even got started
>Lucario in amazing
>Char-X in bad
>M-Beedril in Best
>Audino in good
>M-Gard in Decent

Boy I can't find my sides.
This is wrong in all levels.
U gotta admit mega Amphoros is fucking fabulous
I disagree with some placements but it's not bad, to be honest.
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It's the epitome of Mega Evolution.
Aside from stupid hand wings it's a great mega.
What's so bad about Megagross? I just dislike that its front claws look too mammalian and ruins the spider vibe, but the overall concept is great.
Fabulous, yes, but horrendously off-character [SPOILER](off-species? off-race?)[/SPOILER]. It would have benefitted more from becoming more lamb-like, instead of dragon. I mean wtf, why is it part dragon anyway?
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>lucario in amazing
>altaria in bad
There's so many things wrong about this shitty list, but that is the worst.
It's a play on its Japanese name, newfag.
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No? It's literally a Sharpedo with something on its chin.

>muh markings
Literally kill yourself.
Its a mega of shitzard. Its bad by default.
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They aren't wings, they're canards. A small wing-like projection attached to an aircraft forward of the main wing to provide extra stability or control, sometimes replacing the tail.
Which is a horrible justification for a typing.
Sharpedo's don't look natural at all though. The markings are actually said to actually be real scars from previous battles on the official site.
Which makes no fucking sense whatsowever since it's a battle form and doesn't have them regularly.
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Stay mad you blind hipster.
>Mega Floof bad
That doesn't make much sense when it flies with wings instead of engine propulsion. The arms are still a horrible placement when the same effect could be achieved by placing similar extensions on the tail, where they wouldn't be in the way at all.
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>no sign of mega garchomp
Probably in the 'unremarkable' tier then.
Really wish the front horn was higher on its head so it looks less like a goofy nose.
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You're a pleb.

It's based on a fucking submarine, hence its shape and the added fins/sails. Look at its outline.
The spike placement is based on torpedo hulls. It's also a reference to sawtooth sharks.
The yellow chin and flesh teeth are features regained from its pre-evo, a common feature in megas.
The stripes are not random. Its snout stripes are just a second X placed below the first one, forming an A shape for Aqua, just like M-Camerupt's M. And, more importantly, when viewed from the front, the stripes form a targeting reticle, like on a periscope, with the fin stripes being increments, and the snout stripes extending naturally to the chin to form a circle. Also, they're a reference to tiger sharks and shark scars.

It's easily one of the more thought-out megas.
You shut your whore mouth, anon.
I'll agree it's well thought out, but I really feel it could have been executed better


Oh look, a reddit kid with reddit tier opinions.

The schtick of the line is that it fuses...obviously not in-game, but lore wise.

And since Metagross+Metagross would be more like a true evolution, the Mega is Metagross+Metang (hence the pointy chin thing).
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>The concept is well though out
>This means the design is good
There are plenty of fake Sharpedo evolutions/mega evolutions out there that pull of the submarine basis far better. A good concept doesn't mean jack shit if the design looks awful.
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This. M-Metagross is brilliant. Its underside is an upside down Metang, with Beldums on its back for extra magnetism to lift its massive weight. It regains its magnetic flight by combining with its pre-evos, and a huge speed boost to reflect it.

>awful design
>posts that fucking garbage

It's called subtlety faggot, a shark monster inspired by a submarine, not literally a submarine with shark paint on it. Go back to deviantart.
>Defending Mega Sharpedo's design
>"It's called subtlety"
Mega Sharpedo looks like shit but so does whatever you posted.
Salamence's is awful

>shitting on designs because you're too fucking stupid to appreciate them
>quoting out of context because you can't refute the actual point

Nothing to see here, just another pleb.
Why does everyone hate Mega Slowpoke

He is cute
>covered is scars and cuts from head to head
The submarine theme is subtle, but everything else about Mega Sharpedo is the complete opposite.

I explained why the scars are there. And a pokemon in its ultimate form is allowed to be flashy.
>shitting on designs because you're too fucking stupid to appreciate them
And there you go getting concept and design confused again.
The concept is good.
The design is shit.
Manectric. Looks like it's about to fall over at any moment. The worst part is that it's not like that in a comic relief way like Slowbro.
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Carvanha doesn't have a chin, so I'm not sure were you're going with that.
Also while the stripes may be references to Aqua as well as periscopes they look horribly unnatural and nothing at all like a tiger shark's. Simply because something has inspiration doesn't mean it's good.
>And a pokemon in its ultimate form is allowed to be flashy.
Why sort of reasoning is that? No stage has much more reason to be flashy than others. Most real life apex predators are anything but flashy to be honest.
Good thing real life apex predators can't transform into a battle-only form that only lasts a short while.
Is that your only point?
Even then, a battle-only form has far less reason to be flashy. Since bright colors are either used to attract mates or tell predators to stay away, nothing that would help in actual battles.
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>Houndoom and Tyranitar that high
>Steelix not in abortion tier
>Gallade with cape, fat Gardevoir and sameshit Pidgeot are good but Mega Man and Salamence are horrible
jesus christ
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Why is the Sugimori art for megas always exaggerated and too far off model?
It's based on a raiju and supposed to look like a physical embodiment of a lightning bolt. I don't think it looks as awkward as you think it does. It's thin enough that I don't think the top looks too heavy
>hipster trash making bait charts again
Kill yourselves.
Good thing megas outside Rayquaza aren't going to appear in nature, eh?
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It's thin enough that I don't think the top looks too heavy
It being paper thin is the problem. A slight push to the side and it lays down and can't get up.
That was my point you fucking moron.
There are some reasons to be flashy in nature, but none are specifically about battling, which is what megas are for. Flashy coloration is for mating and avoiding battle.

You know most non-mega Pokemon have flashy colors already right?
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That's not how fur works.
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lol no this ones awesome
For the third fucking time read my post.
It makes more sense for a naturally occurring species to be flashy than a mega.

You're not even trying to defend m-sharpedo anymore.
And the non-mega versions of those Pokemon already have those colors, some even the features the megas accentuate.
There are reasons to be flashy in nature, yes. However megas aren't natural so there's no reason why they should adhere to that rule.
I'm saying there is no reason to get more flashy when battling. It doesn't make you any more likely to win, in fact it just makes you a easier target.

Die now
Which is why through evolution and mega evolution Pokemon gain strenght and other powers in addition to new looks.

Becoming a giant and having the moderately size flower become a big, colorful, blossomed flowertree didn't help Venusaur, in fact in can't even go biped like Ivysaur could because it's fat.
In exchange it gained power and resistance.

There's no reason why Sharpedo shouldn't or couldn't scare off its opponent by letting it see its battle scars and instant-regrowing saw teeth.

There's no point in talking about easier targets, either. The Pokemon evolved BECAUSE it had to fight that one specific opponent. It doesn't have to run away or hide.

>naturally occuring species
>apex predators

Nigger what the fuck are you even talking about? What the fuck does nature have to do with it? These are fictional fucking creatures, it has nothing to do with camouflage, it's about exuding power.
>There's no reason why Sharpedo shouldn't or couldn't scare off its opponent by letting it see its battle scars and instant-regrowing saw teeth.

>There's no point in talking about easier targets, either. The Pokemon evolved BECAUSE it had to fight that one specific opponent. It doesn't have to run away or hide.
There is already a fight, so you can't scare the opponent away. Colors alone aren't used to scare anything away anyway, only if you mimic shit, warn a potential predator that you're poisonous or try to appear bigger than you are does that work. Simply lines like Sharpedo's doesn't scare jack shit away.
Battle scars that suddenly appear when you go into a mega form is so idiotic I don't now where to start.

Camuflage can still be an important facor in a battle, it can be used not just for getting away, but evading attacks and even pull of attacks unexpected.

Again, the scars doesn't help it's battle capabilities at all, more likely causing it a slight disadvantage.
Scars showing power is the most stupid thing in existence and an entirely human based concept. If anything scars actually make you look like weaker target that has potentially suffered some crippling blows.
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You're a fucking idiot. Scars are not crippling, they're cosmetic. They show that it's lived through hard shit and came out on top.

>human based concept
Pokemon are intelligent creatures. On that note, it's fucking Pokemon. How fucking autistic do you have to be to bitch about a design because some of its elements would be impractical in real life?
Why the fuck do people like Mega Steelix? The floating bits look fine and the glyphs are okay but that fucking chin
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>tfw you're the only one who understands the genius behind the Mega Mewtwo designs

It's a shovel/bulldozer chin to help dig. The gap is there so it can still bite things.

Its "core of the earth" motif is just great. Perfect embodiment of steel/ground type. High pressure creating crystals, and the steel shards from where they erupted orbitting its gravitational pull. Also the blue representing pressurized minerals, like bismuth. Really underrated design desu.
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Right there with you famicom.
Why are you faggots to autistic about concept and inspiration or whatever?

Literally the only thing that matters is if they look cool or not. I couldn't care less about what 'concept' Mega Metagross is based on or what the idea is behind it. It looks like shit, so it's shit.
>They show that it's lived through hard shit and came out on top.
Except they most certainly do not. he only thing they show are that you have gotten hurt it the past, which is never something to flaunt about.
>it's just a pokémon design, don't give any reasoning for why you dislike a design!
So I should just say that I think it looks shit then?

kek, I never realized that

It would be better to just admit a subjective opinion than appealing to nature like a fucking autist.

>they show that you have gotten hurt in the past
You are a gigantic pussy.
Can we all agree that Mega Charizard X is the worst Mega? I mean from a general design standpoint, he's the only Mega that doesn't actually evolve in any way. It just gets a bunch of spikes and flames thrown over it, and an edgy black color change. Changing a Pokemon's color and adding spikes and flecks doesn't constitute an evolution. Real trainers choose Charizard Y.

>tfw you can literally replicate Charizard X's appearance in 2 minutes using a paintprush tool
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I personally like how the shade of gray in the geode patterns is the same shade Onix has.
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I'll be honest, if it wasn't for the retarded face-saw I think it'd look just fine.

A close second, another retarded looking Mega.

Charizard X also looks fucking retarded, at least Y follows the design. I don't hate Megas, I like the idea, but a few of them really look over the top.
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>he only thing they show are that you have gotten hurt it the past, which is never something to flaunt about.
Are you actually 12?
If you had followed the conversation at all you would have known that his was the original post >>25848868 which argued that it was a well though out design that made tons of sense.
>You are a gigantic pussy.
Most scars aren't from "great battles that shows of how strong you are", more often than not they're from mistakes that could have been avoided.
Being covered in scars being a sign of being "badass" is the most cartoonish thing ever, and not in a good way.
If you think scars automatically make anything look cool then I have to ask you the same question.
M Kangaroo is exactly the same but the kid gets bigger
>Being covered in scars being a sign of being "badass" is the most cartoonish thing ever

Good thing Pokemon are cartoon animals in children's video game then
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>he only thing they show are that you have gotten hurt it the past, which is never something to flaunt about.
Except it does.
Hell, in fiction the "alpha male" of a pack of animals almost always has a scarred eye or some scar elsewhere.
An animal seeing a creature full of scars that STILL isn't dead would be scared.
Pic related is in the same exact situation as Sharpedo.
>removing the X that base sharpedo had

>but a few of them really look over the top.
you don't fucking say

But with Kangaskhan there's at least a clever idea going on. It's not the parent that Mega Evolves, it's the child. At least the design offres something interesting in that regard.

Charizard X is just an edgy black Charizard.

It's not an evolution, it's a forme change. And its body is different, Mega X's torso and legs are more robust, longer claws and a totally different head. The stronger body and hotter flames are its powered up aspects. Also the impractical wings typical of dragon types, showing its type change.


Wow it's almost like Pokemon is a fucking cartoon.
The mental gymnastics you're doing right now are giving me physical pain. Scars are badass. Sharks accumulate scars as they get grow and get stronger. Mega Sharpedo is a badass shark. It's not fucking complicated.
Yeah, it's in the same boat as Mega Charizard X, as it tries way too hard to look "badass".
It's fine if you think designs like that look good, but I don't.
to be honest, if someone is covered in scars, it's entirely dependent on the person in question, and the story behind the scars, that determines if they're inspirational to any degree.

Say someone has scars on their back because they were beaten by their parents when they were younger for years, but they aren't bothered by them anymore and are generally well-adjusted in spite of that. I'd say it speaks at least something of their emotional fortitude.

The trope as a whole is more appropriate for time periods before the advent of a gun in warfare, where getting cut up in combat was pretty much a given, and collecting many scars over a lot of battles was common and did a decent-ish job of showing that if nothing else you're pretty plucky.

If it was trying hard the scars would have been red and jagged. Instead they went a cartoony route with giving them a star/periscope pattern. It's a balance of cartoony and badass.
>Hell, in fiction the "alpha male" of a pack of animals almost always has a scarred eye or some scar elsewhere.
Which is the most fanfiction thing ever.
The main problem is the lack of sense it makes though, it's a mega evolution, a form that just started existing, and it has scars from previous battles. It makes no sense at all. And yes they used that description of the scars in canon.
I think it would look far better without the nose teeth.The guys at the pokmon company have a nasty boner for pointless additions and details. Sometimes less is more.
Of course not, don't be retarded, but scars are purely personal. Anyone who isn't totally insecure about the nature of their scars would have no problem with them being seen.

They could easily be subtle scars that flare up when it mega evolves. That's a common trope in power ups.

>most fanfiction thing ever
Please just shut the fuck up.

>not an evolution, it's a forme change

I'm sorry, I can't take that as an argument. If every Mega has some kind of evolution to offer except for Charizard X, then Charizard X is a crappy Mega. The physical changes that aren't spikes or flecks are simply due to a different artist. It doesn't even grow bigger like Mega Charizard Y, either, or grow a third horn (which basically signifies that it's the next step in the Char line) I just don't see anything in Charizard X other than an edgy fanservice character.

>simply due to a different artist

The final versions are all drawn by Sugimori you fucking retard. And its changes are consistent across its art and models. Y grows a longer tail but is also more slender, while X is broader. The size, features and added and blue flames radiate much more power than base charizard.
Which isn't the case with sharpedo. The idea behind the design isn't to just have them visible, but showing them off.
>They could easily be subtle scars that flare up when it mega evolves. That's a common trope in power ups.
I would be fine with that if all the scars existed to any degree on regular Sharpedo.
>Please just shut the fuck up.
Again, well thought out scars aren't bad, but just adding scars to make something look cooler is lazy.

>final versions are all drawn by Sugimori

You do realize he doesn't DESIGN them though right? Sugimori just takes designs done by other artists and draws them again. Charizard X uses the modern Charizard proportions as opposed to the classic proportions. Just look at Mega Venusaur's cleaner, more cartoony look compared to it's base form - that isn't apart of the evolution, it's just a change of artist. Even it's Smash Bros model stays the same size when it Mega Evolves.

And that's my point. Chaizard X CHANGES a lot, yeah, but it doesn't EVOLVE. It just looks like some 13 year olds fan character.

Just look at Mega Charizard Y. He actually looks like an evolution to Charizard. He even has a third horn to Charizard's two, like how Charizard gains an extra horn from Charmeleon. It even grows much taller, and it's tattered wings show age and experience. Much better.

Good thing the scars serve several purposes, and it has other changes besides "just scars," listed here >>25848868
That's fur you dip. Do women with really long hair get neck problems because of it?
Manectric was complete shit to begin with, there was nothing to ruin.

>Rayquaza, Sceptile and fucking Lucario in Amazing
opinion discarded, post hidden, and filtered.

Wow a third horn, truly a pinnacle of evolution. But X's added horns don't count because reasons.

All of them are the same exact height. Zard Y just has a longer tail, and stands on its toes. In fact it's lighter than Zard X, so it has less mass. Both of them are just Charizard with differently shaped parts, and color in X's case. You are being a hypocrite.
That's just a bunch of references smashed together and the reason why the design looks so cluttered.
Their actual story is that they came from battles, which makes no sense for several reasons.
1. They aren't shown on regular Sharpedo, although you could handwave it with >>25849867
2. It implies that every Sharpedo has been in super harsh battles, even those you have raised yourself.
3. It raises a lot of questions why not most other pokémon are scarred.
Because arm-wings, a head-dildo, and some tears in the wings are sooooo much better.
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It's a shame the in-game model doesn't do the design much justice.

M-Manectric looks pretty damn badass in almost any 2D rendition.

Zangoose and Seviper do the same fucking thing.

The Pokemon isn't about references, it's about being a cool shark monster that rams into shit like a toothy torpedo. Its various features are just inspired by various things related to its theme.
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They just needed the hair to look more like hair. There was no reason to make the lightning bolt look like cardboard.

>Wow a third horn, truly a pinnacle of evolution. But X's added horns don't count because reasons.

Okay, you're really not understanding what I'm saying, are you?

Look, I can't be assed to explain it again to you, so I'll simply just show you a video that clearly shows Mega Charizard Y's size difference compared to Mega Charizard X (who's the same size as base Charizard)

In Zangoose' case it looks more like fur pattern that are supposed to imitate scars than actual scars.

But yes, Zeviper got the same problem and isn't a particularly well designed pokémon in my opinion.
>The Pokemon isn't about references, it's about being a cool shark monster that rams into shit like a toothy torpedo.
The thing is that the scars don't make it look cool at all, just messy. It would have looked way better without them.

>it's longer therefore it's bigger

Are you literally a fucking child?


>muh horn lore

Oh well you see Charizard X also continues the horn pattern but instead it gets two smaller horns under its old horns, this reflects its divergent evolution into a dragon type so it maintains some of the same themes but takes them in a different direction while continuting to expand on them etc etc blah blah fucking autism

The point remains that the horn doesn't add any evolutionary benefit, it's just fucking Charizard with some differently shaped parts to make it look stronger.
Well for that to be done base Manectric shouldn't have had the same problem.
>it's just fucking Charizard with some differently shaped parts to make it look stronger.
The body being more slender and the wings being larger makes it far more aerodynamic, which is a benefit.
Manectric's mane wasn't as huge or elaborate. It still mostly looked like stiff fur rather than a big piece of construction paper.
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>being this unexpectedly mad

top kek, settle down there, faggot

Charmander horn count: 0
Charmeleon horn count: 1
Charizard horn count: 2
Charizard Y horn count: 3

Charizard X horn count: 2

Y's design shows a progression. It gets bigger, it gets longer, and if you're not mentally handicapped, you'd see that Charizard Y looks like an evolution to Charizard. It may not be a different color, but it's got more physical differences, like an actual evolution.

Charizard X is the same size as base Charizard. If you've watched Origins, you should know that. If you've played Pokemon X, you should know that too. If you've played Pokken, or Smash Bros. you may also notice it. Somehow you didn't, and know you're getting buttblasted at me for no reason.

>while continuting to expand on them etc etc blah blah fucking autism


you really fucked that one up, well done anon
>M-Aerodactyl is so shitty that isn't even included in the list
There was no need to make Manetric over Arcanine, Mightyena, or Luxray at all either, but they did.

While Zard X is more robust, has hotter flames that burn blue, and huge flames in its mouth where it bites thing, and also show that it's erupting with power.
I actually like M-Sharpedo, don't know why it gets so much hate

I agree with this one, slapping some huge bolt-shaped fur onto his back was so ridiculous.

You just keep regurgitating the same thing without seeing your own hypocrisy.

Zard X has four horns, actually. Its horns still develop, i.e. evolve, but in a different way because it's a divergent evolution. But an evolution nontheless.

All you're affirming is that Zard Y is a more linear evolution of Charizard, not that Zard X is somehow unevolved. You clearly have no eye for detail so you're in no position to argue this topic.
Salamence is my bro and his mega is only bad because of the disappearing legs
>just noticed now that mega salamence is a fucking hang-glider
holy shit
>the wings being larger makes it far more aerodynamic
And yet it's speed doesn't increase.
Bizzaro me, is that you?
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It still has the legs, they're just folded into the hang-glider bars.

Except Maectric is better than any of the others you mentioned, save for Luxray which ties with it.

Put the scar on the snout back, get rid of the one on the chin, and close up that weird strap of flesh on the sides of the mouth.
God I wish it had this pose in-game.

Sky battles were a mistake.
Different anon but personally I prefer Y because he isn't fat anymore, has a longer tail, and bigger wings. Just looks cooler and sleeker to me, while X is all bulky and fat still and the drastic color scheme change always felt a bit forced to me.
Not him but You can say that Zard Y is more linear, but I'd say it's more cohesive. It feels more natural.

X is a bit of a disaster in terms of design solely because it fails to convey the massive physical attack boost in any real way. If they had made it's arms actually look like they could apply any degree of force instead of adding really tasteless shoulder spikes on top of shoulders so knobby they make my 84 year old, 90 pound grandmother look like she could pass for a /fit/izen.

But even putting that aside, the addition of fire flowing out of the corners of the mouth feels tacked on at best; they could eat least take the concept and run with it and make there be a blue glow effect coming from his throat to convey a 'power overflowing' theme rather than making it look like stupid fire vents from the corner of it's mouth. On top of that, those wings couldn't catch air if their life depended on it, which, okay, fair enough, it does indeed lose it's flying typing, but I'm bringing it up anyways because the in-game model has it flying constantly and it looks absolutely fucking retarded. Lastly, the color scheme has always, to me, spoke of a lack of confidence in the design itself. If you really think your design was capable of sanding on it's own, it would be like other megas, which either just lighten/darken pre-existing colors or add in an additional color for the purpose of accenting. Red/orange flames that are blue towards the center would have adequately conveyed the increase in heat. The change to black is just outright unnecessary.
>If they had made it's arms actually look like they could apply any degree of force instead of adding really tasteless shoulder spikes on top of shoulders so knobby they make my 84 year old, 90 pound grandmother look like she could pass for a /fit/izen.
Goddammit. I meant to say that making it's arms bulkier would have made the design a lot stronger.
Am I the only one who thinks that if it weren't for the lighningbolt, he'd look edgy as fuck?
Honestly, you guys'd be complaining about that otherwise, and rightfully so.
I ahve no idea what the fuck you gys are talking about, but I think the desighn choice for both was amazing.
>One to appeal to fans who like charizard's edgy-ish nature, especially younger fans complete with wider, simplified eyes to appeal to those into cartoonishly tough stuff
>One to appeal to those who judge the functionality of a design over the flashiness of the individual aesthetic components.
They truly catered to both sides of the spectrum.
Well done, John Gamefreak.
Well done.
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36 KB, 321x322
So what you're saying is, due to the high number of underage on /vp/, we have a bunch of people who seem to think that Xzard is anything but an awful design, but eventually they'll switch over to patrician Yzard and come to appreciate it's objective superiority once they stop being underage?

This is pretty reassuring anon, thank you.
>>One to appeal to those who judge the functionality of a design over the flashiness of the individual aesthetic components.
Ironically Charizard Y has less uses than X does and the design doesn't reflect the change in stats.

He means that both groups are autists hence "spectrum".
Seriously though anyone referring to a blue and black color scheme as "edgy" is just plain retarded.
Honestly I prefer Charizard X over Y because I like it's size/proportions better. Y is way too skinny for me, and I'm not a fan of it's arm wings or teeny hands.
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