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File: niggerwhat.png (111 KB, 238x239) Image search: [Google]
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/vp/, I fucked up big time.
Let me explain

>Be me 2 hours ago
>talking on skype with qt
>things start getting heated
>we both begin to furiously masturbate over skype
>start getting really into it
>she hangs up
what the fuck do i do?
Commit suicide
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just shut up and enjoy the vaporwave bro
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You get the fuck out of this site you normie, we don't take kindly to your type.
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Is it someone you've known for a while? If not just forget about it.
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ive known them for 2 years.

I think i fucked it.
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You think? Nigga, you've gone full on fucked up
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is there any recovering from this or is this it.

She doesn't know much about pokemon, she may have looked up to see what flareon is
oh fucking christ help me.
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Just lay low and i guess don't talk unless she starts the conversation and just hope the conversation isn't about "OOOOAHHH FLAREON~~~"
No shit sherlock, you should have gone with a better eeveelution name to scream out.
but flareon is the best for porn
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It just kinda happened too.
I think she was close to organism, and i blew it for her.
I think I also may have heard some laughing right before she hung up, but I might be hearing things.
im fucking tired.
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>I think she was close to organism
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Flareon is the one who isn't suppose to have any moves. Not you, OP.
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>im literally flareon
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>TFW You blow your chance at having children with your GF.
Alright, you just need to think of a phrase that sounds similar to Flareon and claim you were saying that.
>Turnin' me on

Or maybe say it's a pet name if she has red hair, kinda cringey though I dunno anon.
You might be fucked.
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Beat me to it.
I dunno man, i've seen a lot of good Vaporeon
Just tell whoever you were talking to that a stupid image of a flareo popped up in a chat you had on the side and you said that just because you were surprised.
Seriously, the lack of common sense in you autistic fuckups amazes me sometimes.
honestly its a tie

Post pics of the skype chat log where you try and fix this or it didn't happen. Either way this is pretty funny though
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Alright well im gonna try to sleep this off and recover in the morning.

Ill make a thread sometime tomorrow if anything happens.
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It bad if i've seen practically none for Jolteon but plenty of male Leafeon?
Does Leafeon get as much attention in general compared to the other eeveelutions?
How do you fuck up this badly?
>anybody believing this story
Anybody that would legitimately call out a Pokemons name while masturbating is far to disgusting to even attract girls for naughty skype or otherwise would only attract other disgusting furshits.
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