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>considered the easiest games >highest gym leader pokemon
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>considered the easiest games
>highest gym leader pokemon levels, with Wulfric reaching the 60s
Is the pacing just that different?
if you dont use exp share the pacing is good. you will be on par with trainers in game.
It's the way the Exp Share works.
It's people willingly used a crutch, the exp share, and they want to complain about how it was easy because of that.

Look at >>25842447 and >>25842460, they willingly use exp.share and then complain.
Balancing the game should not be the player's responsability. Any game can be hard with self imposed rules.
this is me >>25842447 i didnt complain at all.
all i wrote is if you dont use the xp share. you will be same level as trainers.
im playing pokemon x for the first time right now and i just beat the psychic gym.
levels=/= difficulty
The level curve should've been built around the Exp. Share. That way the game keeps some level of difficulty and you never have to grind.
But even without the Exp. Share, it's the easiest Pokemon game. Most trainers only have 1-3 pokemon, even gym leaders and important team flare members. Even the Elite 4 only have four Pokemon. There isn't a single point in the game where I had any trouble, even without farming for levels or using the exp share.
Everybody and their mother knows Exp. Share is what caused it.
Levels are relative moron. The end game could be at level 100 and it wouldn't mean anything if the game leveled you 5x as fast.

The game never tells you the exp share is a crutch. Other games were still harder even if you used the exp share in all of them.
>Games shouldn't have difficulty options.
Exp. Share is a simple toggle switch.
The game never tells you the exp share is a crutch. Other games were still harder even if you used the exp share in all of them.

Are you really going to sit there and pretend you didn't know it gave exp to your entire team?
Are you really going to sit there and pretend that I'm able to look into the entire rest of the game before playing it to see how it's balanced?
But the game doesn't list at as a difficulty option so why should the player assume it's a difficulty option? It's terrible game design.
>The game never tells you using legendaries and megas is a crutch
Your logic is stupid and you should stop posting.
Captcha: 2013
That's the last year during which that argument carried any weight.
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Daily reminder that there's no real reason to argue over this because Eternal X and Wilting Y got released about 6 weeks ago. It might've taken 2.5 years for a proper XY game. But it's here at last:
Not disagreeing with you. Just nice green text
Drain and sucker punch tms? 0/10 would not play
It fucking tells you that it does that you fucking retard. Did you really go through the entire game with your whole team leveling up and somehow not understand?

Even small children know megas and legendaries are op you fucking idiot. They're megas and legends for a reason.
He's saying that you have no way of knowing if the game is balanced around you using the exp. share when you get it.
Have you heard of Neo X and Neo Y? They do the same as the Rebalanced Version in the ones you brought up.

I've been playing Neo Y. Other than a bug with a trainer battle (unless it's just me), it's been pretty great and challenging. Gale Wings Pidove, Fairy/Ground Stantler, and a bunch of other things.
>re-typed mons
>Non-canon abilities
It's shit.
Isn't that the edgy one that has ridiculous retypings and fanmade Megas?
Nah some retypings are a bit out there but no fanmade Megas.
>Most trainers only have 1-3 pokemon, even gym leaders and important team flare members.
This was a big issue as well.
People seem to forget shit like the first major villain boss (Aliana at the Power Plant) having a fucking Mightyena and nothing else. With one attacking move. In the games with by far the largest Pokédex. Then there's shit like your rival not even having 4 moves on their starter in the Victory Road battle and other stand-out cases. It's not acceptable.
>Are you really going to sit there and pretend you didn't know it gave exp to your entire team?
Of course everyone knew that. They just assumed that Game Freak would balance around it, which they didn't do and then some, because even if you turn off the exp share once you realize it makes the game piss easy, or have it off from the start, there's still barely any challenge.
Neo X Neo Y is edgy fanwank shit
This. It's incredible to see most people only complaining about the exp share. While that was pretty ridiculous, it's FAR from the only thing that makes X/Y pathetically easy. At no point does the game even attempt to provide any challenge; it's just a long grind of simple trainers following a simple, extremely easy to follow level incline. All of the Team Flare members use the same pokemon, all pokemon the enemy is gonna use are predictable, and even the Maison, the only sort of "endgame" type of thing the game has to offer, is mind-numbingly easy and mostly revolves around you waiting around for an opponent. You'd have to actively try to play the game poorly, without using any strong pokemon, and without thinking about the type of pokemon you're fighting, to have any problem with the game. Not to mention that you get given two starters, as well as a free mega lucario.
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>here's the option to level up all my Pokemon while only actually using 1 or 2
>sure hope that it doesn't make the game too easy!
Yeah because unlike you I've played games that were actually well designed enough to EXPECT the player to use things advantageous to them and balance around it.
The game is built for children. As an adult, you should be able to see through hand holding.
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>he used the exp share in previous games
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>that gap between the first and second gym
Man that was perfect.
Have you even seen the movesets of the gym leaders' pokemon? Most of them has only 3 moves.
Why wouldn't I?
The pacing was good up up to the second gym.

I think the Exp. Share is fine in theory. In fact, I was happy it came before post game. That said, I think it came too early. After the 4th/5th gym would have been a nice way to make it a little less of a cakewalk.

Megas should not have been made available until the 6th gym. Having a starter that could mega evolve by the third gym is a good way to steamroll everything.

Granted, you can turn the Exp. Share off and not use Mega Evolution to achieve a small level of challenge. It still wouldn't change the trainer/gym leader teams though.
>It still wouldn't change the trainer/gym leader teams though.
that is the core of the entire difficulty debate.
too many 1 evolution mons on enemy trainers. they should stop having lvl 1 mons after the second gym.
fucking trainers are just not challenging no matter what.
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