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Post here the fakest leaks you ever saw. EVER
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i remember making this and the shitstorm that followed.

it was literally the lowest effort shoop i could make and all because most everyone can't read simple japanese

i think i deserve some bonus points because I printed it out and put it into one of those plastic page thingies and took the picture to give it a bit of a reflection.
holy shit what a blast from the past

I made this one awhile back. Sure was fun watching the shitstorm that followed.
Oh shit I remember this one! Even I believed it, so perfect
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Probably that one white gryphon or the watermelon-colored chameleon
Probably that owl thing people keep posting.
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The top left water(?) type does look legit to me
Thanks for posting my fake leak :D Makes me feel special!
Da fak
someone post the fake leak guide made by that guy who made fake XY corocoro scans
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389 KB, 1117x973
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