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Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Friend Safaris. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: http://pastebin.com/8ZKVZfFf

Old: >>25774474
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Is this a comic for durants?
Altaria @ Leftovers
Ability: cloud nine
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 6 Def
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Hyper Voice
- Fire Blast
- Roost

From older thread
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>Seriously bad losing streak has me reconsidering my teams. Going to start them again from scratch. Any suggestions? Also considering going from singles to doubles, is the meta any better/different from bravestbird.dek?
>If possible I'd really like to keep my Archeops:
>@Sticky Barb
>252 Atk, 252 speed, 6 Def
>Head Smash
>It's really fun to use.

Oops, didn't see the new thread. Sorry for reposting.

Also injectorbro, I messed up with an egg move and don't want to start over, can you help or am I screwed?
you did something wrong with the code
Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 172 HP / 4 Atk / 156 Def / 176 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Knock Off
Meredith. Shut the fuck up roastie
>Posting link to post
>also copying and pasting entire post
Go back to serebii chat you worthless sloot.
Well, you could use a team builder.
I like using the Team Magma team builder to check your team coverage/weaknesses
Just use Pokemon you like and try to cover common meta threats too
Does anyone have a oval stone I need one for my happiny
I have a few, I can give you one.
What do you need my friend. Put what you want corrected on GTS for a level 100 ditto.
OK thanks don't rly have anything in return but a dratini if that's fine
>doesn't like bbird spam
>is considering going to 'it hit twice', the meta where bird still exists
Don't worry about it, scatterbug would be nice if you have one laying around.
Anyone up for a battle?
While mass breeding Purrloins yesterday I forgot that Foul Play was an egg move. I just need the Play Rough on the Liepard replaced please.

Also, I just caught a shiny ledyba from a wild encounter. So cute and so useless.
Thank you!
no problem.
4657 0294 0878
Adding you guys.
I'll battle with the current team I have which isn't much, but hey whatever
I'm up for a battle as well, added.
yes that's fine

I'm up for multis if there is a spot
great, it's up! if you could make it from a non EUR region, and if possible shiny, that would be a dream
if too much hassle tho, don't worry

message attached is THANQ INJECTOBRO
goog game m8
nice match to you too. could i get that Meloetta in a trade just for Dex completion? I'll give it right back of course
let's multi
Don't trust Kevin
He stole my hoopa
I'll give you a spare one. You can keep it
Add me so I can be shit at multis

I can just give you a Meloetta if you'd like
add me back!

I'll give you a hoopa
can I join too? I'll switch out Hoopa real quick
add me reee
Oh, a spare? Thanks, hold up, let me give you something else then
adding right now
I'm up for a battle

Let's do a multi then
Adding you now my fc
okay I'm multing with some of you. I'm the May in the cute hat
Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 172 HP / 4 Atk / 156 Def / 176 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Knock Off
go away faggot
Wow I wasn't expecting that Hyper Beam

Real Human Beam ;_;
He is single handedly fucking all our mons
I'm sorry senpai
Sorry i was kinda useless
good game anyways. realhuman beam was the bane of our team
let me get in that multi
You & me Sarah
>one multi then someone cancels

That Porygon-Z tho
Well, someone disconnected or something happened because no more multi
it was, I could hardly set anything up with that thing around
I accidentally. sorry
If you wanted to make your own

Porygon-Z @ Expert Belt
Ability: Download
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Beam
- Ice Beam
- Signal Beam
- Charge Beam
Wow the status hax are with us today
Lol GG
indeed they are
You've got some cool pokes dude!
I think I have time for one more singles battle. We get jirachi tomorrow from wifi right?
i kept derping :c
aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you were supposed to scald
crit hax vs stat hax the game
well I had a lansat berry which ups the crit ratio, so 3x extreme speed + 50% crits
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still waiting on injectorbro to deliver, just to confirm i've got a zigzagoon up seeking ditto level 91 or higher
No such thing as stat hax
You just let them build stat up
You know? Because you're Down syndrome.
Very close battle
i'll check after the MULTIS

if it's up, no one will grab it except me or someone else with a ditto
Jesus man, you had Foul Play
You just needed to use it on the damn linoone

I know, it was fun anyway.
yeah it's not up there
I hope you forgive me senpai
Anyways, I still have some time to kill. Somebody up for a battle?
weird, the truth is, it is up here

Zigzagoon, female, holding a potion, Lv. 4, seeking Ditto any gender, L 91 +

message reads THANQ INJECTOBRO
I'm up for a singles battle
if you still can't find it
shall i add your FC and trade direct?
Sent :^)
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mucho thanku desu desu senpaifam
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Follow Me
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

I left a lvl 1 shroomish 91 or higher with vp in the message. Thanks in advanced!
Holy shit I suck
Good spread and moveset for a timid bulkyrona?
Whoever I'm battling is fucking retarted.
This please I need >>25783766
Lmao Cherry did some work with Poison Touch
I was absolutely SHOCKED at how little your Kanga did to my Mandibuzz
Like holy shit
The best bulky vocarona you are going to want to ever use for singles, and not rage powder doubles fuck me is 252 in special attack, 252 in speed, 4 in defense, and quiver danc with giga drain. Not my fault you think defensive investment in volcarona is a good idea.
Anyone have a spare low level cherubis?
If you're really that desperate, I'll breed one for you
That would be nice
Forgot female please
Gimme some time. I need to find a Cloud Nine Swablu
So it might take like 10-20 minutes
Jew detected
Needs something bred for him and specifys gender.
Are you asking for the 30/30/30/31/30/30 spread?
It's the only HP Ground spread with 30 in Speed
Would you like 0 in Attack?
Sure and thanks
No problem
When done I have a level 3 zigzagoon on gets for a level 1 female swablu message "VP Thanks Bro"
I'm unlucky and haven't run into a single damn Cloud Nine Swablu
I've got one if you want it.
Really? I'd appreciate it
Adding you now. Send request when ready.
Do you need anything in particular?
Not really, surprise me.
Bam. It's the event Suicine form like.. Gen IV
Wow, that's really cool! Thanks!
No problem
So I fell asleep while wonder trading and fucked up. Is there anyone who can trade me a frisk noibat or noivern to replace the one I just gave away?
I think I can breed you one really quick.
thank you, friendo
Anyone want a adamant Frisk Shuppet before I wonder trade the last couples babies away?
Shut the fuck up you dumb roastie
No one wants your shitty "bred" Pokemon.
Sorry. That wasn't me. Stupid brother.
He wouldn't get up until he wrote that!

Really sorry.
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It's not funny. He's a jerk.
He said something wasn't working on his computer so he needed mine.
I don't pay attention to those kinds of posts. Don't feed trolls and don't poop where you eat and all that.
Sent! It's only a Swablu so it cant really learn any of the moves you wanted other than Hyper Voice, which it currently has.
Have fun EV training it and such
put something on gts for a lvl 1 noibat.
Looking for female Winter Sawsbuck, Snorlax, and Volcarona (or their pre evos) in premier balls
Lv 16 F Skarmory. IGN Garrett, message "..."

I really appreciate it.
no problem.
you are in luck, I have a mirage island with larvesta today. put something on gts for it.
Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 172 HP / 4 Atk / 156 Def / 176 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Knock Off
inject pls
I need eggs for an egglocke I'm doing. Anyone willing to help me out?
Sure, I've got two spares.
Thanks. I put up a lvl 1 female shinx with the message "/vp/"
I've got three spares and I've forgotten what's in them. Want em?
Sure, I'll add you all.
Send request when ready.


Lemme breed some first
I've got some eggs you can have too if you still want some?
Anybody have any speedboost torchic rejects?
No, but I can breed some for you
Yep, come get it.
Thank you all for the eggs, I really appreciate it.
Sure thing. Anytime
Anything specific you're looking for? I've got 4-5 rejects of scyther, modest ha evee, timid ghastly, egg move sneasel, and modest ralts on hand at the moment
I'll take the sneasel I guess. Send request when ready. Want an infiltrate noibat btw? I'm mass breeding them atm.
Uh yeah sure. Had actually planned on breeding one later tonight
Thanks bruh
Anyone have a Sandstorm Vivillon? Every passerby from Saudi Arabia that I try to streetpass doesn't respond, so I've just given up.
You still want a Speed Boost Torchic? This one's Penta perfect and missing just its Sp Attack stat

show us what ya got
So far I've hatched Venipede and a Fletchling. I named them Benson and Nova, respectively. Venipede's pretty cool for a starter.
Multi battle pwease.
I was wondering why all my pokes were coming out like hot garbage. Turns out I was using a 0IV ditto. Darnit! It's been 2 hours of breeding these damn bats. I'm surprised I got to 4IVs, gotta love RNG.
cool blog
Oh oops. I was going to follow that up with asking who wants a Noibat breedject? Sorry, thought I typed it before posting, must've gotten distracted by the tv.
You ruin this board
Make a blog somewhere else.
Anyone have a HA Foonguss for trade? I can give you a Penta perfect HA Torchic for it
I think I'm lookin for 6v6 singles
Begging for: dream ball female mawile
have: dream ball Togepi, heavy ball Onix, heavy ball Kangaskhan, moon ball Gastly, dream/love ball Riolu [it's on another cart atm]
Are you still here? I wanna battle
Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 172 HP / 4 Atk / 156 Def / 176 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Knock Off
Good lord you are determined
I can get you the Landorus but you will have to EV train it yourself
fuckin' genies

post feet for multis :3
Also I'm not getting you the Leftovers. Those you will have to provide yourself
with naive nature and 30 ivs in speed? o:
Yes. Sans Leftovers. Put something up on the GTS for a Landorus and tell me what it is
I hate to be that guy but do you think I could bother you [read as: beg] for a dream ball female mawile, since you're gonna be injecting anyway?
4657 0294 0878
I'm not an injector but I can change the ball a Mawile is in. Gimme a second to grab one of my leftover Mawiles
Are you looking for a particular ability?
All that matters is the ball, everything else is free game to be trash. just let me know when to throw shit on the GTS
ok im about to go online to put something up
Kk, I'll battle you once I send out the Mawile to the other guy

Put something up on the GTS and let me know what it is

Are you the Landorus guy? Put something up
mhm 2 sec still trying to connect
Pichu has been dropped.
You're a godsend anon.
btw I'll drop a kyurem on gts as soon as i get online
Are you Ruby?
Aye, I am
I autismally refuse to use anything other than a characters' canon name

Fair enough. I prefer using my nickname. Mawile was sent! It has 4 egg moves and is missing Sp Atk and Speed
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You are a good human
I try, thank you

Dude, did you drop it off yet? It's been 10 minutes since you said you'd be putting something on the GTS
it keeps telling me its unable to connect to server
even says it on the friends list
All right, let me know when your internet is fixed
You are a good Glacoen
Oi, Lex, do you have a HA Foonguss by chance?
That's a trip I haven't seen in many moons.
Fucking Roost stall, man
I do, but I dont have any female.
I do have a Calm, 5 IV male you can have
Wasnt really even stall it was just trying to get to a proper hp
Thanks, you want the Torchic I have up for trade to have a nickname?
Seemed like stall to me since you used Roost for 8 turns straight
What item were you running on the Scizor?

Nah, that's okay. Send me a trade request when you're ready
Thanks for Foonguss, Lex!
Very much appreciated
Expert belt. Don't have a shell bell yet so I just throw that on there for the shit of it
No problem! I think i was training it and it might have an egg move but I don't remember. Enjoy!

Ah. Do you want a Shell Bell?
It's k.
All right. Lemme know if you need anything and I'll see if I can help
Trying to complete the pokedex, and fill out my friends list a bit. Add me!
Are you up? Could you edit a nature for me?
im gay
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I'm going to be re-breeding Purrlions, Drillburs, and Noibats later to do a giveaway this weekend, shinies included if any hatch. Anybody interested or wants a different pokemon lineup? I have Larvesta, zorua, feebas, solosis, totodile, shuppet, pineco, miltank, and ferroseed (and many more unlisted). Either add me for direct or put a Luvdisc in GTS for the pokemon you want. Make sure you nickname them please, I like collecting them. I'll let you know when I'm ready to send them out.

All of them will have the appropriate ability + nature and some egg moves, and holding a Heart Scale or random item. Also I'm going to hatch as many pentaperfect/hexaperfect as I can.

It's the least I can do since some of you really helped me out yesterday and I want to make a good first impression. And yes, I did reread the guide and took notes, pretty sure I'm doing this right this time around.

Sorry about being so annoying, thanks for putting up with me, I hope to not shit post any more than I already do.
hey boys, first to get dubs I'll finally post nudes and timestamp :o
We're still waiting on seymours chicken parm
Ew. Seymorefag pls go. What about Sarah or Meredith, they posted face yet?
Hey everyone.
I have a shit ton of the last few events.
If anyone wants some just add me and we can trade.

Thats a zero in the name not the lettter 0

Do you have any of the event Pikachu/Sharpedo/Pachirisu/Zoroark/Dialga? I'd really like some of those. What would you like in return?
Nothing just my boxes are full at the moment and i dont have pokebank so just gonna give them away

Add me
All I'm seeing are random names in the name field (on phone atm). Post your FC please?
I didn't realize how a simple change to the format of this board makes it almost unreadable
What do you have, other than the HA Regis and 20th anniversary legends?
What do you have, other than the HA Regis and 20th anniversary legends?

Xero 3712-1035-2250
What do you have, other than the HA Regis and 20th anniversary legends?
Is lex here?
You called?
Aw fuck I guess I don't get to keep my name
But yes, I am here
Anyone up for some multi battles?
Sarah's seymour
Is that confirmed?
Nah, I Powersave shit for Seymour and have done Multi battles with both of them at the same time
I hear Sarah is pretty cute, haha
Kek. I even got lex to believe I don't have two DS systems and play both at the same time
I only need editing for my legal Pokemon thst I don't want to keep breeding
I'm going to get online and trade you a Pokemong
Change the nature to a quiet nature?
And if you can make the iv for attack 0

Sarah as in injector bro? Or Sarah as in Seymour?
Be used "Sarah" will never post a selfie.
Only Seymour.
I'll inject you something, friend
Not OP but could you please?
Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock
- Encore
- Infestation

I'll leave a lvl 30 slugma up on the gts with the message vp. Thank you!
Any tips for breeding for a specific hidden power?
Well, Seymour also begged people to edit the Cresselia I gave to them because they didn't want to EV train the damn thing
Which should have been easy if they were an injector
Haha except you forgot to mention that Seymour is bipolar with a split personality disorder.
He is both Seymour and Sarah but never at the same time. Seymour is a cute little girl that's innocent, Sarah is her butch lesbian alter personality that is tech savvy and knows how to inject.
Will you get online so I can trade you?
I think I have cancer again

Well, for starters, I dont even know if Hidden power is possible without using a hacked Ditto
Haha will you please help me lex-e. No jokes. No homo.
It's actually sassy nature not quite.
Dammit guys, this is why no girls ever stay over. Quit being creeps and kick that Seymore Buttes memester kid out of here.
Seymour looks like a midget that's normal people height
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I'm normal. Medium attractive.
Why so mean
I just want to trade and barre !!
I've already asked you not to call me that

I dunno where the Injectorbro is but I'll help you instead. Working on the Shuckle
You said lexy. I won't call you either.
When you can, help me pretty please.
I'll help you if you post a picture of your 3DS (with your friend code showing) on your head
Ugly as sin
I won't be on till a few hours from now, but would anyone here be willing to help me out with trade evolutions in X/Y? Like I'll trade you Rhydon with Protector, have him evolve, then trade him back? I have quite a list of ones I want to do this with. Just wanted to see if people were open to this.
Sure man, I'll help.
Lex 0576-7487-0323
Thanks man! The slugma is still in there
Is that lex ?
Because I've said several times that my four timestamps are enough.
If I do that one I'll have to do the shoe timestamp and my social security timestamp. It will only be confirmed that I'll do a timestamp whenever requested. It's enough. I don't need random Anons to believe me after I've already posted timestamps.
Yes, that is me. I am actually requesting it this time around
I won't ask for anything else from you and I'll edit your mons as much as you like
And once I manage to get a hold of a second 3DS, I'll inject mons for you as well
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Wait. You need two DS systems to inject? I have two.
Can I do it on Mac? Because I couldn't get pkhex to work. ?
I won't even come back on this board if I could inject. I could go and infect serebii chat.
Stupid eggs! I'm using the destiny knot and have a 5IV parent and 6IV ditto. Why the fuck are 3IV and 4IV babies coming out? I've double-checked both the parents so they aren't the ones fucked. I think that damn daycare man is fucking with me.
Nah, I just don't wanna accidentally brick my own DS. Plus this one's already been updated

Shuckle was sent. Enjoy!
Ah I see. You can't have the newest update. Lammmme
Can you link me to the site you download the inject program?
That's literally impossible. Check the parents again. You shouldn't be getting anything lower than 4 IV children
>not feet

I don't even know if you're human, buddy
I mean, you can Google it, dude
Yeah but there are many methods. I want the one you would use.
I don't see why you can't help me and link me?
Fuck this community.
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Cool, thanks! I won't be on till an hour and a half from now, but if you're still here I'd appreciate it!
FC: Colby 4339-2596-4453

What anything in return or are you in the same boat as me? I have a ton of BP's and can breed most families. Breeding may take awhile though.
I haven't looked into it as much because I don't have another 3DS to use. I would have used pkHex but you already said that it doesn't work for you, so I'm sorry but I can't help you.
But Google probably can.

That's fine, I'll add you. Let me know when you're ready. I don't need anything in particular so Im fine just helping you evolve Pokemon
Thanks anon! So nice! Let me know if you change your mind or can think of anything you'd like. If not, I have a gift in mind if you're cool with it.
You're welcome. Ah, you don't have to give me a gift, I'm happy to help if I can
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