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Valerie thread
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Thread replies: 45
Thread images: 12
File: valerie.jpg (30 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
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Valerie is best waifu, cute enought to hug, mature enought to fug.
>those pupils

Jesus, it's like I'm watching a 70's super robot anime without half the charm
literally who?
literally the only good kalos gym leader desu
I haven't gotten to that part of the anime because they haven't dubbed the second season for my country yet I could watch it in english or japanese but I can't be bothered

Her anime pupils look less creepier than her game pupils. I like this Valerie.
Literally Yamato Nadeshiko/10
Would definitely breed with.
Me too mate me too. I just love cute looking long haired girls with exotic clothing.
Valerie a qt!
>"fairy types have fangs in their beauty"
Also were the "yuh" and "muh" bad subs or does she have some sort of accent
Dude, she definitely has a "posh" accent and she uses a different dialect. It's used to emphasize her grace and it's classy and sexy as fuck.
Yeah, her grace makes me want to see her dancing

kill yourself already
God, I can't NOT hear Chopper when that kid with the dark green hair talks.
>only good
>hating on based Wulfric
Someone has any great valerie pictures?
Eyes enough to ug.
Nah, in anime and arts here eyes looks good
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valerie bikini.png
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Agreed. Why is she such a rare waifu?

>hating on her eyes

Jesus fuck, how shit tier can you guys get? Her eyes and her nuttiness are part of what makes her, HER. Part of her whole vibe is this sense of attraction that you can't explain.

I just wish her sclera were black too or something, for even more creepiness.

The thing is, despite her oddity and alien serenity, she's love incarnate.
Nice pic

She speaks in Kansai-ben, the dialect of western Japan.
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valerie especially lewd thought.jpg
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Kansai-ben as explained.

It's hard to sort of get across, but her dialect is very refined. The closest Adamant and company in the anime thread could figure was American Southern aristocracy. You know, old old money, where the women curtsy and go "ah do say!", the men are "GEEntllllllemeeeeen!" extraordinaire.
What ball should I catch Valerie in to appease my balltism?
Heal color-wise.
I like dream too.
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valerie is too cute send help.png
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You don't need the raising affection, because she already loves you.

You mean because she's not real?
It's not kansai-ben, it's Kyoto-ben, which has this sophisticated and aristocratic sound to it, a stark contrast to the "dumb redneck" stereotype attached to kansai.
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Black tights and skirt are always top taste
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Kyoto-ben is just a subdialect of Kansai-ben. They have all the same expressions, you can hear her say おおきに and ほんま, etc. They really aren't that different.

Kansai-ben really doesn't have that much of a negative stigma attached to it, you're projecting too much American culture onto the perceived Japanese equivalent.
Stop ruining valerie you sick man.
>tfw you will never feel her dick in your anus
Holy shit.Ash actually looking competent as a trainer. Wonder what BS they'll introduce so he doesn't win the Pokemon League this time.

Also I find it amusing every time his friends are shocked he has a strategy in battle.
Cus she doesen have a dick, she is too beautiful and graceful for that
Are there a set of good subs like this
/ayylmao/ general?
someone has image of sleeping/laing valerie?
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I want to be part of her harem
Valerie reminds me of a traditional Japanese girl
That's the point. That's why she speaks a thick regional accent, wears a furisode and allegedly is an immigrant from Johto.
>Use Steel Wing!
>it's visibly very effective
>everyone comments on how steel wrecks fairies

>next turn
>Use Peck!
Her eyes are beautiful, just the way they are.
Thread replies: 45
Thread images: 12

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