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Anyone else think that the OT system is dumb as fuck? I don't
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OT_ID (1).png
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Anyone else think that the OT system is dumb as fuck?

I don't wanna see some other shithead's name on it whenever I open the status screen, they're my partner, not his ffs. The ID system is also completely irrelevant since gen 2, and I have no idea why we still have it.

It also shits me that Pokemon that I import from, lets say, a gen 4 game will have a different OT (maybe not name), but a different ID from my XY trainer. So they're disobedient. What the fuck, that makes no sense - they're literally both trained by me.

If the OT system didn't exist we wouldn't have any of the 'no nicknaming traded pokemon' bullshit. And now I think about it again, we also wouldn't have disobedience from traded mons, or faster growth rates, which is fine by me.

In my mind, all mons should be disobedient up to a certain level until you get the next Gym Badge. This makes sense in universe, as it signifies you becoming a more skillful trainer. And from a game-design perspective, it prevents you from becoming overlevelled.

Yes, I'm mad
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Welcome to the world of Pokemon.png
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>tfw you have to bump your own shitty thread
Then keep the same OT in every game.
Then don't transfer


The ID number changes even if they have the same name.
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Honestly I just hate the nicknaming shit.

That's fucking infuriating.
>Anyone else think that the OT system is dumb as fuck?
Aside from the no nicknaming part I think it is fairly alright. I actually enjoy the balance between disobedience and exp multiplier.
Disobedience factor is in there to stop you from transferring a max level Pokemon to a new game and steam rolling it.

The only thing that has ever annoyed me is the nickname system. When someone wonder trades me a hexaperfect shiny and has given it a name like 'dicks' I get a little mad.
Why can't we have disobedience without the exp multiplier? Would really put the brakes on the whole 'buh-but it's babby mode' complaints we get here.

Too bad it's a game designed for children, huh?
Mmhmm, and why wouldn't the same thing happen if you were to implement disobedience for all Pokes, not just traded ones?
>not knowing that the ID is different every time
I know that...your point?
Let's say I've bred myself a fucking sick pidgey that I want to use in the newest games. It grows at an absurdly quick rate, becomes disobedient. I also can't re-nickname it for some retarded reason, when two days later I decide that Flappy was a dumb name
Play a non-vanilla pokemon game then?
First of all there's no need to breed any sick pokemon at all since the games are so easy. Secondly challenge is only prevalent in romhacks.
ignore the fact that it's a sick pidgey for a second, and just assume that I like the pokemon. What do then?

also, name one romhack that isn't bollocks hard, or isn't absolute trash
game for kids, exp multiplier is a trading incentive, somehow means more kids buy the game, means more money for nintendo
if that pidgey is sick, then I'd recommend having it checked by a doctor
but pokerus is an awesome disease man
>they're literally both trained by me.

No they're not. You're playing an rpg you sperg, they were trained by two completely different characters.
>also, name one romhack that isn't bollocks hard, or isn't absolute trash
StormSilver, Volt Whie 1 + 2
Wilting Y, Rising Ruby

>bollocks hard
what does that mean? Only the battle-tower is bollocks hard.
I think that both the OT/ID and Nicknaming system is fine as it is, it marks the origin of the pokémon and makes it a bit more special, yeah, some people hates receiving nicknamed mons from others, but if you could nickname monsters from others then it all would be pointless/senseless.

The game was made around incentivizing the trading aspect after all, having the Original Trainer name here makes you remember your friend that gave it to you (since before Gen 3 ALL the trades were locally), the internet sure changed the premise a bit, but if I was you I would just accept the things as they are.

Also, they still use the ID system even today, the mainly thing is the Lottery where you have higher chances of winning when you have a bunch of traded mons with different IDs, another minor one is that some events are based around your ID (like the recent legendary birds with Hidden Ability).
All those romhacks fall under bullshit hard in my mind. They're still fun, but it's a fucking struggle in the late game unless you're EV trained and using meta strats
I didn't use any meta strats. Or EV train my shit. And got through Volt White just fine. Might have to use a few revival herbs after the batttle ended but that's about it
More VW2/BB2, but still

plus, nobody seriously plays those without nuzlocking, do they?
Because pokemon is a jrpg and if you really want to grind tiny amount of experience for hours and hours and overlevel your pokemon by 20 levels before proceeding you're free to do that.
Then just breed your sick ass mons and save repeatedly before they hatch until you find one you like. Keep the egg a few steps from hatching then trade that egg up into the new games
>without nuzlocking
Are you kidding me? Why would I nuzlocke something like that?

You can adjust the difficulty yourself. There's plenty of versions. You might want to avoid the Insane version:
i sorta like the whole OT thing honestly. sometimes i transfer my old pokemon from other games and i usually have different names from game to game so idk its sorta nice to know its different
The OT system is absolutely fine. The OP is just an autist that is butthurt about his pokemon nicknames from when he was 12 a few years ago and came here to whine about pointless shit.
>Why would I nuzlocke something like that?

The same reason me and a ridiculous amount of people in /nuzgen/ do. To prove you're a fucking hardass
Knowledge on matchups is just a memory game. Nuzlocking Blaze Black is just a matter of trying a 1000 times.
I just use them as breeding fodder and then immediately release them when I have a replacement.
It should be, if you reach max happiness or keep them for 1-2 weeks you should be able to change their name as they're yours now
>can't rename the fifty million 'D!CKS' you get from wondertrade

OP is autistic, yes, but you can't say that shit is absolutely fine
Or git gud
Not a funny meme. Fuck off. You're wrong.
I don't fucking care if I can't rename a pokemon I got from WT. I never use those pokemon anyway. Would it be nice to be able to rename pokemon caught by others? Sure. Do I care enough for a feature like that to even spend 5 minutes thinking about it let alone write a wall of text about how the OT system is bad or whatnot? Fuck no.
>grind tiny amount of experience for hours and hours

ah, so i see you've never played with the exp all?
Sorry wrong person. You're fine, I like those hacks to use obscure mons and to try a bit more and think about the game
Wait I was wrong. Those hack just need more thought, or getting good
You obviously care enough, if you've come in here to tell me how autistic I am, despite the fact that we're both on an imageboard about a Japanese children's game. Ironic, innit?
That wouldn't make your pokemon overleveled enough to be affected by disobedience before you get the next gym badge unless you grind. And once again, it's a jrpg. It gives you the freedom to grind if you want. What the fuck is with you people and wanting to take away choices and freedom in a god damn single player RPG? How autistic can you get?
>fighting every trainer and never running away from a random encounter

Have you even played xy?
No, dipshit. Retards like you are like crack to me. I don't care for such a pointless feature when there are far bigger issues that Gamefreak has to address.
>you replied therefore you care so much
No, I replied because I have nothing to do and I'm killing time. Why do people always fall back to such a faulty logic every time they're called out. Stop projecting your insecurities.
Yes. And I've never overleveled enough that I would be affected by disobedience.
m8, you're arguing AND insulting a guy on the internet to kill time. You're at least as much of a sperg as i am
You have no idea what a sperg is too. Keep going.
Sounds like autism
>OP is so much of a faggot that he has to complain that he didn't get a certain Pokemon himself and complains that someone else is the reason he even has that mon to call his own
Mods delete this retarded thread
I like it
Gen III had exclusively local trades, too.
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