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>muh diversity
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>muh diversity
thats pathetic
>VGC is b-b-better than Smogon, I swear!
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I live litterally ten miles from Longjumeau. I feel dirty.
>I'd much rather see Talonflame, Landorus, Scizor, Breloom, Medicham, and Ferrothorn on every team
For what purpose were legendaries allowed into vgc?
You still haven't linked a source.
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Good Clefairy.
Good Aegislash.
Good job team.
You should look at some asian teams (except japan). theyre much more pleasant to look at.
I meant the source of the screenshot, not the same screenshot shared by some bumblefuck on twitter.
>only OU exists
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Ugh. The March international challenge battle competition was exactly like this as well. People really hate being creative it seems. Disgusting.
>people called me crazy when I said megas would ruin this game

The balance is so fucked now that they're letting people use box legends in the 'standard' official meta.
What's the use of creativity if you get stomped if you don't do it like them?
Tiers are for queers, anon.
I think the issue is not creativity, this team is pretty the only viable thing.
End of a generation.
>creative on VGC
Not going to happen, people are there to win.
It's less of an issue of creativity and more of an issue of not using Big6 is literally auto lose.
>On every team

LOL not even

Not even a Single PrimalKyogre. Wow.
At this point it's almost like chess.
Every team has a king, a queen, a bishop, a knight, a rook and a pawn.
What was the gimmick?
No, people like winning and given the ruleset this is more or less the optimal way to do that. M-Kanga is by far the best doubles mega. Xern/Groudon are the ideal doubles legends. Talonflame is necessary for high damage priority and smeargle is, well, smeargle.
Well yeah, Americans can't play
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Thats funny because I ran into these exact teams in the IC and my Delphox and Liepard were stopping them somehow.
I doubt that.
I was gonna be surprise there's no MegaFug, then Xerneas fucking everywhere.
Probably a magic guard endeavor set. Maybe with follow me to draw Salamence attacks.
I thought Dual Primal was pretty good.
Doesnt seem like it's used much outside of battlespot
Friend Guard ability and Support moves afaik. I've been interested in using a Friend Guard Vivillion with Powder for VGC
Because it's a consistent team that has a good matchup vs pretty much everything, and that's perfect for an IC team.
Megafug takes up both a legend and the mega slot, it's inefficient. Better to have 2 legends and a mega.

And Xerneas is retarded if you have a follow-me/wide guarder protect him while he sets up geomancy.
>We will never get another VGC 2013
I don't. That player probably played shit players
americas winter regionals had pretty okay top cuts.
the japs are the fags
>Gay deer is still relevant
I'm surprised and quite impressed, it is one the better designed among the set too (Zygarde and Yveltal).
Smearglefagging is the most degenerate thing there, but it's a close second to the rest.
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UK Manchester MSS, two weeks ago
You would be surprised. Mega Kanga + Xerneas leads were shut down by Liepard and Delphox almost every single time. Xerneas hates prankster encore, Mega Kanga hates getting fakeout and then burned.
Better not have been a prankster swagparafusion team anon
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Malaysia MSS, last week
That's actually much better
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Duluth, Georgia MSS
>Xerneas hates prankster encore, Mega Kanga hates getting fakeout and then burned.
Well, if you're playing noobs, it's obvious you can win with gimmicks.
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Taiwan MSS, last week

I don't know what's up with france, they're just being shit as usual I guess
Nope. Was running Encore, Dark Pulse, Thunder wave and Fakeout
Godammit, Malaysia.

>France Regional
>All players are from Italy

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Italy regionals, two weeks ago

>dark pulse
>not foul play
what the fuck are you doing anon
italy is shit
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mexico regionals, last month

Note: all kyurems in these screenshots are actually kyurem-whites, because nuggetbridge is a piece of shit
Such an awesome move for our beloved majestic deer of life.
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oregon, last month
>Givoanni Milani running the same team
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argentina, last month

that's pretty common
So I guess France is just shit
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I..it would be a shame if your majestic deer of life received a encore.
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glasgow, a month and a half ago

looks like it
Nigga has a kekleon
Hah, fuck you and your build. I ran into the same thing when I was running Xerneas.
fuck it, not gonna post the rest, but an archive is here:

Nice to see some Togekiss users.
meowstic is seeing a lot of use on gravity spam teams, to the point where if you see a meowstic, you know the rest of the team is based around gravity. Same goes for sableye
Give this guy a medal. He's my bro.
Woah, the logic behind a single Mon. Amazing.
Kek. But finally, man! Birb of destruction needs its spotlight too.
yveltal is really good against dual primals and dialga + kyogre teams
Raichu? Why?
fast fake out, feint, paralysis, electric attack redirection

also because this

252 Atk Zap Plate Raichu Volt Tackle vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Primal Kyogre: 210-248 (101.4 - 119.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Why do they all have smeaegle? I remember him being shit. Does he do something special? I haven't played these games in a long time
O' hail the one who ought to not understand, but still our Savior; Verlisify
Both are shit, but in the end is not their fault, is GF's fault.
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>tfw no GF
Some people seem to have success with giving an eviolite to friend guard Clefairy
Dark Void
VGC13 was pretty much VGC15 minus megas, plus gems.
dark void and moody steals games that the user really should have no chance of winning

also having access to every move in the game makes you unpredictable as shit
>non mega Audino


>Not using Gengar/Crobat Lead
>Wondering why The Big Six is supreme
top kek. I won Finland's first official VGC tournament today. A premier challenge using team:

are the codes for final round matches, i am Zhaituki AS from those.
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and I though vgc15 was bad, I gave up on vgc16 some weeks ago because I could not deal with all the weather wars and smeargles, it was fun at first running a Palkia Groudon team but now everything is unviable and restricted, you basically only have 1 Pokemon of choice and the other 5 are standard with you want to win.

I started playing the vgc15 format again last Friday and it came to my attention that there's no smeargle or chalk anymore(at least most of people ain't using it)80% of the teams I faced were actually fun to play with
My top-4 opponent in that Finnish Premier Challenge actually used Yveltal and Xerneas. None of the primals and he didn't lose any match until that point.
git gud
Ah thanks!
>People really hate being creative it seems

You can't have creativity in a competitive format without balance. And GF doesn't do a thing to balance the format.
Friend Guard/Follow Me/Eviolite

It's not about git gud, like I said Palkia/Pdon were incredible, I used to get long win streaks with this team, but now all I see is the big 6 and sure gets annoying facing the same team over and over again, I'll probably play again because RayOgre is fascinating to me


Yveltal/Xerneas/Mawile core is promising

This. theres only 5 viable types in the game today : Fire,Fairy,Dragon,Ground,steel
>No poison listed
Why did i win that Premier Challenge in Finland then when i had 2 poison types? But then again only one of them used actual attacks and not just Super Fang and support moves.

Do you have any link or code for the battle ? Or at least the rest of his team because I'm curious
Poison is a shit type. It's only relevant because crobat and gengar are good.
What about female Meowstic? It neither has Prankster nor Gravity and I've spotted two teams with it so far.
It's supposed to be male meowstic. For whatever reason, nuggetbridge has no sprites for kyurem-white and male meowstic, and people are too lazy to find and embed sprites from a different site for some reason.

There is no reason to run female meowstic ever.
Xerneas, Yveltal, Smeargle, Mega Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan and something i don't remember.

Here's the 3 rounds of Top-4 match.
So it wasn't the same at all, gotcha
Reading the comments it seems that they really need to double check their shit.
But it was. Pretty much the same Pokemon dominated (Genies), and were as cancerous as always.
it really wasn't at all
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Adding to that: My top-8 opponent's team who is also my best friend irl: Groudon, Palkia (Without trick room), Ferrothorn, Cresselia (With trick room), Crobat and Mega Kangaskhan.
Once you're good enough at the format you stop caring about big 6.

Thanks, also which item you used on rayquaza ? Assault vest ?
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I'm pretty sure RayOgre is easier to play than big 6 lol. You just go ogre and kill everything. That's what i mostly did in that Finnish Premier Challenge today to win it.

My most battles were: Tailwind, taunt smeargles and stuff -> SMOrc everything.
I used Focus Sash.
Who's this hottie
Why is Primal Ground allowed but not Kyogre?
1.) You do realize the usage stats are public right, you could have at least been accurate with what you say "is on every team"
2.) You do realize OU isn't the only tier right
It sometimes involves a lot of mind games. Good players will see your Ray switch miles away and will play accordingly, so if you predict that, you need another option or you're going to lose the game.

Is this bait
>go ogre
wtf is this. its called going face or "full SMorc"
fuck out of here with this ogre bullshit

I don't really think it's right answer but I think it's because Pdon can still hit ogre with ground stab moves under the rain while ogre have only ice beam when the sun is up
Sun up? It would be sad if someone Air Locked it while Kyogre is in the field.
Which is what >>25732657 said. It's usually really easy to see the ray switch-in.

Well then look it up yourself idiot.
It's part of the cycle of rules for VGC.
>everything but box legendaries
>anything goes
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Basically France a shit, who would've thought?
What would Pokemon's metagame look like if there were no Pokemon with BST higher than 600, excluding Megas?
similar to 2014
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>On EVERY OU team
This is what's preventing Pokemon from being big again. It's not that it has a high skill ceiling; it's that it has such a low skill ceiling it's a fucking joke. If you don't use the latest Super Saiyan Pokemon you might as well not compete, despite what literally everything in the franchise preaches about.
Thank you, GF doesn't do anything to balance at all yet alone the format. I can't wait for Sun/Moon to introduce megas worse than fug and break balancing even more. That will make for even more diversity right?
Why don't you guys just ban every legendary, even low stat ones.

Unless manchild arguing stops that
>M-Kanga is by far the best doubles mega.

M-Salamence is pretty good too. Intimidate and ridiculous stats with all 100+ BP moves and DD+Roost and quite bulky.

Heck, on Smogon it gets an S-rank viability, shared second place to P-Groudon's S+.
Were Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno as overpowered in gen 1 as every other legendary is now?

GameFreak fucked this franchise so hard. It's meant to be about good-willed competition and instead it's about...this. Mewtwo was understandably overpowered, but why Lugia and Ho-Oh? Why Rayquaza? Why fucking Dialga and Palkia? I know power creep is a thing but Jesus, they are THE monster makers. They should have seen this coming.
No. Zapdos was really good, but Rhydon and Golem kept it in check. Moltres had a firespin gimmick,, but Charizard did it better. Articuno was just meh, but it was a lot more viable than it is now since the special split really ruined it.
Only genwun Mewtwo was ever as broken as modern legends. Lugia and Ho-oh were made to counter Mewtwo. Every gen after gentoo just copied and expanded it.
Because Pokemon is designed to be a single-player jrpg that also has a multi-player option. You can argue that GF has given more attention to the competitive side growing around pokemon the past decade in the latest generations but it's still far far from being the primary focus of the dev team.

Honestly all they need is a ruleset like 2014 VGC. Not to cripple their design freedom in single player or legendary designs in order to pander to a minority that take pokemon way too seriously. That would be like getting wounding your palm and amputating your arm to fix it.
It's time to stop
it's time to get off your ass, and counter this
what can we do to prevent this bullshit?
Fucking Mega Sableye bitches
Taunt or Encore could fuck up that Xerneas, while Magic bounce protects from dark void
will o wisp can take care of those physicals, but still over all a problem
what else you people got?
>implying 2014 vgc wasn't broken as fuck
Crobat/Gengar lead wins me every Big six matchup.

spotted the singles faggot
You're right, but it just feels like a waste at the moment. They pour money into hosting these international tournaments but they're all the same. The game's battle system itself is pretty good, not perfect but it improves with every generation. It seems like such a waste to just let it be...this. If they're not going to even try to appease the competitive side of the fanbase, don't even fucking bother at all. Don't host tournaments, don't pretend Pokemon are all balanced. Don't even bother because no one's believing it.
how so?
Trick room teams have been doing pretty well against the fast big 6, usually with crafty shield support to block dark voids. Frankly there is no 100% counter to the big 6 because it's just such a solid team, but that screencap isn't representative of most of the meta. There have been a lot of creative solutions that have been winning tournaments.
>hurrr tourneys are overrun with overpowered individual Pokemon
>let's use this other overpowered individual to counter it! everyone put this one on your team guys!
Lol not when they lead talon/mence it doesn't. It's a good answer but not 100%
better than sticking to a broken meta
winning isn't everything, always remember that
You're complaining from an spectator point of view, which is a terrible thing to do. They keep doing these IC because people enjoy them, and a bunch of people participate, because, guess what, they aren't there to see or use shitmons, they're there to win.
Winning is everything in competitive Pokemon. Don't delude yourself in thinking otherwise, Karenfag.
I sure do beat them, Mega Gengar lives a Brave Bird FYI then kills Mence with HP Ice. And i always can Quick Guard on Crobat if needed.
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you sound just like a Smash elitist. You HAVE to win, otherwise there's literally no point
>You're complaining from an spectator point of view, which is a terrible thing to do.
Boohoo, forgive me for being such a terrible person, how will I sleep tonight?
>They keep doing these IC because people enjoy them, and a bunch of people participate, because, guess what, they aren't there to see or use shitmons, they're there to win.
They might as well skip the shitty battles and flip a fucking coin then because none of it is skill based and it would save a lot of time. Don't these people get fucking bored of seeing Groudon all the fucking time? Don't they have favourites? Don't they have fucking personalities? Shit like this makes me convinced I'm living in the Truman Show. It's like other humans are barely even conscious.
>missing the point this hard
You propose to
-combat the overuse of like 7 Pokemon
-by putting yet another Pokemon on every single team
Do you...do you not understand? How can I make it any clearer? The point is people should be using a diverse range of Pokemon from a pool of over 700, not less than fucking ten.
>not using HP water
How do you beat Groudon with that lead then? Say, Groudon/Smeargle. Super fang + Shadow Ball to KO Groudon sounds nice until they just protect and dark void. If you taunt smeargle then Groudon should be free to launch a precipice blades or rock slide (or eruption) for good damage. It's a pretty good matchup but it still can get outplayed.
There is definitely skill lol, how do you think the same top players consistently win tourneys? And yes people do have favorites and they do get tired of seeing the same teams, which is why they are actually using a fairly diverse pool of Pokémon. This one French competition was just kind of shit (like when I was at VA regionals). Just look at the winter regional results on the Pokémon website and you'll see quite a lot of variety.

>people are sperging out over a single french tourney when all the other regionals have been producing better results this year
See, this is why you, being an spectator/casual shouldn't complain about something you don't even know about. Just because a bunch of people use the same team doesn't mean auto-win for them (oh, and for your information, most people in the IC are running double Primal). Also, most people don't even care if they see the same thing every time because they know it's the best overall. People have favorites, yes, but they also know when they can be useful and where they can't; that's something that also comes with experience, which you obviously don't have.
>mfw this has happened after every tournament where big 6 has made top cut
Neither do you.

Pokemon's just a shit game.
Those don't exist for the scrubs. Literally all the Pokemon they can see are big 6, the others are completely invisible.

t. Digifag
>winning isn't everything

Actually in competition, it kinda is
The Big 6 is easiest to copypaste...

Inb4 people start copypasting my RayOgre build after i won that first ever held official Finnish VGC tournament today. If it gets posted somewhere that is.
>thinking your team is actually original and you're famous enough for people to copy your team


try again when your name is aaron cybertron zheng
keep telling yourself that, you and the rest of them

Have you ever entered in a big event, something where it's more than just having fun on the line?

I've been to evo, I know what's at stake, 30 grand to the winner. Have I ever won? No, it's always the same 10 or so guys because they're on another level. But that's no excuse. You have to want to win. It's not enough to want the best, you have to BE the best. When there's real money on the line, you do whatever you need to in order to win.

You don't play competitive, just admit it anon
It is, but it takes a bit more skill to handle.
The top archetypes are, in no specific order,
TR Gravity Blades
Dual Primal (sometimes seen with the above)

I will say Yveltal and Dialga are very underrated picks, especially since compared to the above, they have more variability in their item choice and movesets.

I think something to keep in mind is that the Big 6 probably saw a rise again due to Randy /again/ showing that it was still strong af by breaking down the matchups.
There's only 3 kinds of people who say "winning isn't everything"
>people who NEVER lose and thus have never been humbled by the sting of defeat
>people who NEVER win and just want to feel better about themselves
>people that simply have no competitive spirit in them
Everyone else when the chips are down and they're in the heat of the match, winning is all that matters. Or at the very least, losing in a blaze of glory.
you mean the same exact 10 players that use this setup or something else
yes, they did so well, this is totally what it means to be "play to win"
honestly, what it means it "I'm going to do this meta strat and win because it's the best"
instead of "this guy is actually tough, this could be fun" or "two player at the same skill level, having a good clean fight"
seriously, have FUN for once in your god damn life
do something that says "this was a good match to fight in"
doesn't matter what game either, just do it
Not him, but....

Dude I'm a Karenfag. That's why I don't play VGC. In competitive play, in anything, yeah, sorry, but winning is pretty much the only thing that matters.

I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh competitively. I had a good enough deck to win a regional, but it was a gimmick deck based around Inaba White Rabbit and some other burn/stall stuff. I got to a ticket to nationals, but I didn't take it for two reasons.

1) I had a gimmick deck that only worked when people were dumb about fighting it and tried to burn all of their resources at once, something that ANYONE at Nats would be able to see through in a best 2/3/ match.
2) There was no point in spending money to go ALL the way across the country to just lose.

In competitive play, winning is the ENTIRE goal, and that's why meta-games exist.
Just stop, you're just embarrassing yourself discussing something you don't even understand. All you "know" is what you heard from other casuals like you.
then how about a line that wasn't spoken by any casual
"Fights are so much more entertaining when the opponents are evenly matched"
>I should use shittier pokemon when competing for a spot at world's.
...yes? It's fun to see a match between good players with good teams. Was anybody denying this?
Yeah, it is, so they're both using the most effective tactic available, not thinking that their favorite Pokemon can compete.
Are you aware that, you know, that says that it's much more entertaining when both have the same team since it gives them an even chance of winning?
Having fun is everything, and to make games fun, you try to win.
I still have fun when I lose, but I try to win in order to make the game work. Games assume both players are trying to win.
Thus, while I don't inherently dislike losing, I have fun by playing to the best of my ability.
Other people try to use the same strats and lose because they aren't as skilled. Some skilled players use different strats and still win. You've clearly never done actual competition if you think that playing to win is mutually exclusive with having fun.
>you mean the same exact 10 players that use this setup or something else

I'm talking about fighting games, not pokemon.

Again, when there is $30,000 for the winner, "having fun" isn't enpugh.
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here's a thought
why are you going into competitive knowing that you will lose to these meta players?
Or the fighters that know how to win?
most of them are on the level of professional fighters or players in real sports
you're not even going to get to the point to fight them even with a "I HAVE to win" attitude, just because you won't
you can TRY and trying is better, trying to do something, can be fun instead of you HAVE to do something
large cash prize for the winner? yeah, good luck getting through those players that you can't beat
there's no denying that
so why not just go to the tournament only to have fun fighting the other people in the lower ranks?
Listen, I'm going to talk from the reference of being in the FGC rather than competitive pokemon, but it's still a relevant lesson to people who want to play other people. And I think a lot of it has to do with the different environments different players grew up in.

Arcade guys win most tournaments because arcade guys are serious players. Any dumbass can just sit at home in his underwear and grind out matches endlessly without any significant effort or thought, and have fun. Arcade guys put money on the line, they put their pride on the line, and because of that, they're motivated to step up their shit and get better. Nobody wants to be embarassed at the arcade by losing, and especially losing terribly. People see that shit and react, and watch you do the walk of shame as you step off the cab. Not only that, but you're hanging out amongst other serious competitors who can share info, critique your matches, and talk MAD shit in order to get you fired up. But I think the biggest thing is that after you lose, you have to wait in the back of the line for another 10 minutes. This gives you time to really think about why you lost, come up with a different strategy, and run it back in order to kick him off the cab and make HIM wait in the line. There's more to lose and more to gain at the arcade. Very few online warriors will ever get into this environment and mentality.
How can there be s- and s+ when that ranking implies it's the best in whatever category is being used. Smog on stays ridiculous
Sure. In battlespot or casual play. But if you're spending your own money to go to another country if you qualify or wherever in order to compete just to lose and be different then I sure hope you're rich.
Thanks, France. This made chuggaa-senpai notice me.

inb4 underage gtfo
so, are you saying people should never spent money to go on ANY trip or vacation to have fun?
because that's basically the same concept
I know I've seen this said somewhere recently, what the hell was it?
But Pokémon is not only about skill, it's about luck and even fun. Even if on paper your team should win, missing a fundamental hit might make you lose and if you enjoy playing on top of everything else, that's why people go to tournaments
the anon your talking to has serious insecurity issues. its where his sentence stems from. the thing is that said anon is prolly still young and believes everything MUST think just like him because reasons.

im guessing your not insecure and thats what makes them have the need to debate.

You're not just going there to have fun, that's obviously part of it, but you're also there to try and win, to go as far as you can.

I don't know what kind of people you hang out with in competition, but all competitive people I know are either black, mexican or asian. And the first 2 of those don't tolerate a scrub mentality. If you went into a competition with the way you're talking, they WILL talk mad shit about you. It's a society that teaches you to back up your shit with your skill, or they will tear you down. Granted a lot of them are just haters that love to chimp out, but being around them makes you build actual confidence, not just a feeling that you're great.
which mudblood category do you fall in?

The couple of white guys you see playing fighting games that are always really quiet and people that don't hang around fighting game players assume they're a step away from serial killers. We're just trying to concentrate when playing.
fucking Cell from Dragon Ball Xenoverse, that's what I know it from
you spend a lot of time living in the assumption bubble im guessing. especially since you hang out in the hugbox that is 4chan. no sarcasm. that mudblood mentality you spoke of is hugbox mentality.

Sort of. I mean yes from a fundamental standpoint it's true, even matches are better. At the same time, the game itself has to be entertaining to watch. MKX is fun to play, it is NOT fun to watch.

Smogon and 1v1 is decently balanced.

The reason VGC isn't balanced is because they allow shit like Mgea Kangaskhan and Primal Groudon.
>mudblood mentality

What does that even mean?
no one is surprised you are confused. how many times this week anon have you been confused so far?

That isn't answering my question.

All I've been saying is that you and I probably grew up in different environments. I'm just shy of 30, I was a kid in a time that forced competition. And personally I think that's better than everyone just feeling good and having fun. Which ignores that we're having fun too.
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Clefairy confirmed better than Salamence.
>you and I probably

if you are close to thirty than the sentence im about to write should make perfect sense to you.
Still sitting in that assumption train i see.
being shy of thirty also means you know exactly what mudblood means also.

go ahead and keep letting us know about who you are anon. what state do you live in?

keep living in that hugbox though. we know you wont feel bad about your choices there.
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>Still sitting in that assumption train i see.

I assume because I know what's better. And if you don't like the competitive mindset, then why are you in a thread about a fucking tournament, something where everyone who takes part has that mindset? You're being pic related.
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The point is...they are not truly skilled trainers.
what's the clefairy run?
What if big 6 just happen to be their 6 favorite mons though
follow me to prevent taunters
It changes rules and usage every year.
Also what are you expecting from a Double meta where Fake Out is more relevant than in Singles and where the current ruleset allows clearly extremely good legendaries?

Bait somewhere else.
>4 legendaries per team
Still shit
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Note how there's barely any Mega Rayquaza when /vp/ tards and Smogon toddlers joked about "le mega fug xD metagame", Mega Rayquaza is so overrated in this current VGC edition that everyone found a way to keep it in check anyway while also being ready for other teams.

No it is about fucking "git gud"
>I don't understand the difference between Doubles and Singles
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>How to fix VGC
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>top team has two mega evolutions

I thought you could only have one per team...
it's bring 6 pick 4. Lots of people have two megas, so when you think one is counter-teamed too much, you can bring the other
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>i will try to use meme arrows to damage control muh fanfic community that laughed at vgc the same moment mega rayquaza was announced to be avaible in this tour but realized they have overhyped it way too much

You can mega evolve only 1 in battle.
It's not uncommon having two megas, you can make even up to 3 cores out of 6 mons in VGC to deal with different VGC playstyles and teams. It's nice because the opponent usually has the same opportunity to do so.

Well then that's hilariously coincicental.

Yeah, I'm sure Dance Dance Revolution tournies at your local mall are fun as fuck, but I'm here to tell you that you're a faggot.
Primal Reversion was a mistake
why the fuck are legendaries allowed in events like this?

The fact that people's rosters contain on average not one, not two, not three, but 4 different legendary Pokemon is retarded.

Not only does it limit the actual pool of useable Pokemon to like 20 or less but it encourages rampant hacking and genning.

Disallow legends and if they become a problem after the legends are out ban megas as well.
If they were banned, you would just have people using the next strongest mons, i.e. psuedos, mega milf, mega mawile, mega gengar, etc

Then you ban those and you have the next strongest mons and so on
You would reach a point though where the field opens up quite a bit more. Going from 15 viable to 30 viable is a 100% increase.

Banning legendaries is just a good idea. It helps open up the field and no longer requires players to hack the Pokemon they use on their teams.
That is basically what happened in 2014; only Kallos-native Pokémon were allowed, excluding Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde and Mewtwo.
Kangaskhan was the one centralising Pokémon, but even that had a lot of decent counters.Part of the reason this year is so bad is because Groudon and Xerneas cover each other so well.

Hopefully with Sun and Moon they'll have a more restricted format next year
Sun and Moon will introduce a whole new level of powercreep. They won't ban any old thing in the new format.
There are 721 of these fuckers and people pick from a pool of like 20

VGC and Smogon need to die.
even if smogon and VGC both died overnight, any other organized format would quickly result in the same pokemon hitting the top 20

blame game freak for making some pokemon overpowered

Whatever happened to that one site pokebattle? The one that assigned point values to pokemon, so you couldn't just pick the most powerful/popular ones?

this month he promises™
>Teams may have no more than two of the following Pokémon: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde.

The reason that mega FUG isn't in there is because he basically eats two team slots: the mega-evo and one of your box legendaries. Yes, he's easily better than any single mon, but even the FUGmeister isn't worth giving up both Megamom and P-Groudon.
Oh, yes, this month that is totally not almost over.
Why did it go down/get closed/whatever word works best?
i dunno lol
Why Salamence over the other mega dragons?
Hey, I see me
most of the other dragons are unreliable, or just not good at all in the current meta.
mega salamence is a popular choice because it's similar to mega rayquaza, but doesn't use up one of your restricted pokemon slots.

They've done this format for the last VGC of every generation, megas don't have anything to do with it. Fuck off

The 5th and 7th place teams are actually pretty cool.
mega fug is just not versatile / being helpful enough either

she's faster than other dragons
serves as intimidate user and mixed attacker
also sheer power and chance to get an aerilate facade too when it doesn't use double edge
can tailwind too and doesn't bother about common legendary dragons speed ties
I'm a complete noob when it comes to competitive pokemon but is there really no way to blind counter a team like this? Like a pocket pick character in Smash or a cheesey blind counter or flex pick in SC2/LoL. If you know with almost near certainty you're going to face the same pokemon are there really no combination of 6 in the the nearly 800 pokemon that you could use to blind counter the meta?

I don't believe it but I also understand that its easier to put together a meta team then thinking of a team that counters it
With 2 pokemon on the field at the same time, there is no single combination of 2 pokemon that counters every possible big 6 lead, and there is essentially no combination of 6 pokemon that will give you more than a 60% win chance vs big 6
I know a bunch of people who claim to have found a team that hard counters the big 6, but they're all incredibly situational; things like having Mega Metagross to hard counter Xerneas, but then having no plan for their opponent leading Groudon/Talonflame, or using Landorus-I to KO Groudon, but end up Earth Powering a switch into Salamence while the opponent gets a free Geomancy off.
The problem is that every counter to these six beats only one or two of them, so you're gambling on the game going exactly your way at all times. Plus most of these strategies really entirely on getting their weather off, or their opponent having no taunt, fake out or speed control.
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