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Who has the better team?
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Red and Ash.png
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Who has the better team?
Ash needs one more pokémon for a full team. It will be Goodra again, isn't?
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>comparing Gen I team to Gen VI team
Ash actually uses all Pokémon at his disposal instead of just the starter, so it's already better by virtue of that.
Ash still wins here
Gen 1 Tauros >>> everything on Red's team
At least Ash's flying types cover for each others weaknesses with their secondary typing. Red's team is literally "Throw a rock at it and you win: The team"
Ash. But if we're taking into account any team they can make from what they have, then Red.
>half is flying types
He has lost already
>Bulbasaur weak to 3 of them
>Squirtle weak to 1 of them
>Lapras weak to 1 of them
>Charizard weak to 3 of them
>8 weaknesses
>against 5 Pokemon

>Charizard weak to 3 of them
>Dodrio weak to 2 of them
>Scyther weak to 2 of them
>Lapras weak to 1 of them
>8 weaknesses
>against 4 of them

It would be tight, depends entirely on whether megas can be used.
Red because he actually has 6 fucking pokemon and all of them are fully evolved.
Ash has 6 too, and a much more reliable one considering Pikachu could easily take down Scyther, Dodrio and maybe even Lapras. And Tauros >>>>> Persian.
>implying anyone at Game Freak or OLM remembers Pikachu has an evolution
Ash's team isn't complete yet. By league time, he'll most likely have Goodra back.
The hell do you mean when Red has a Mega Stone
>Kalos region is mentioned and a mega stone is featured
>Oak is utterly convinced only 150 Pokémon exist, doesn't even state he means native to the Kanto region
Coherency. :^)
>Viridian City looks like a normal city in Origins part 1
>looks exactly like in the video games in part 3
No. He has 5.

>Ash's team isn't complete

Yeah no shit. And Pikachu is still a NFE shitmon that couldn't even beat a Surskit. Sad.
Pikachu went on to defeat a Mega Lucario.
>No. He has 5.
Count you stupid faggot. Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Tauros, Charizard, Lapras.
Fucking count them.
If you mean Red, then yeah.

Ash's don't actually share the same weaknesses. Bravest Bird does Fairy and Ice, Luchador does Rock and Noivern does Electric.
Yeah, that had to be weakened by his other Pokemon first. And even then it was a fucking novice mega lucario that the trainer couldn't even control until like a week before

NFE shitmon mouse
Not so Bravest Bird

That's 5.
Who one-shot a Zapdos.
And the comparison is between a league team and a pre-league team. The only thing that matters is that he has 6 by the league.
>Ash has a team mostly weak to electric.
>Red has a team mostly weak to rock.
They are both shit trainers that need to git gud.
Red's gets fucked by Electric even harder than Ash's.
Ash at least has smogon bird. I'd say smogon frog too but it probably has torrent.
Anime Pikachu is a complete wildcard. Sometimes its one of Ash's heavy hitters, while other times its a complete shitmon. It just depends on how the writers feel like portraying it that day.
>just weaken enough the Jolteon and sword-dance on Scyther
>brave bird gg no re
It'll probs be down to either Charizard versus Pikachu or Mega Charizard X versus Ash-Greninja.
Ash having a Tauros doesn't save the rest of his team. Those three NFE Pokemon fuck him over in the long run, and once Tauros gets paralyzed he's out of real threats.
But he has like 30 Tauros'. Does that make it okay?

Red's Mega Charizard X is Fire/Dragon.

And as far as Gen 1 teams go, Red is only losing power with Scyther and Dodrio. If Red's jolteon knows pin missile then he's cooking with gas.
Ash's team would be way better if he just ran 6 Tauros, yeah.
But he doesn't.
Why does Charizard look angry as fuck in both?
To be fair to Dodrio and Scyther, Scyther is a decent Crit machine (although he already has Persian for that), and Dodrio is your best bet for a bird Pokemon outside of the Legendary birds.

If Ash is using his 30 untrained Tauros, then Red gets to use his three legendary birds and Mewtwo.
What episode is the right side from?
>comparing a noob trainer to a jobber with 20 years of experience
>If Ash is using his 30 untrained Tauros, then Red gets to use his three legendary birds and Mewtwo.
Not that it matters. Red's team often gets cut down to the point where only one left standing is Charizard.
So the battle would go down this way, then?
>Ash sends out 30 Tauros.
>Red's team deals with all but one of them, who ends up knocking out his second to last Pokemon.
>Mega Charizard saves the day.
You'd be angry too if your eyes were triangles.
Lapras is very potent in Gen I.
>Good bulk
>Water/Ice is a great typing
>90% accuracy Blizzard
>Gets Thunderbolt for coverage
>Can run Body Slam because of balanced stats
Didn't red's jolteon get ohko'd by a rhyhorn using thundershock?

Red has a team centered on speed and some power, Ash looks like he finally understands what speed is this season unlike his power teams of the past.

I would go with Red, his team is fast and has some power to it with, it is also pretty well balanced and he has a pokemon that can go Mega for a last resort. I see Ash losing in the same way when he battled Alain
Why not just let Red use the 3 Legendary Birds then? Ash has beaten them before but I'm pretty sure he can't plow through 3 of them.

Mewtwo would also destroy Ash's shit.
>not Mega Zard Y
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Red understands that Gen 1 is all about speed and crits. Persian and Scyther got most of Ash's team handled with slash. Jolteon also outspeeds everything.
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