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Why is it mostly japanese players who disconnect when they are
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Why is it mostly japanese players who disconnect when they are going to lose?

About 90% of my disconnects are from japan, especially when I take out their legendaries or ruin their strategies.
They're an efficient people. No use fighting a losing battle.
>Disconnect instead of forfeiting
Because if they lost, they'd have to commit seppuku.
It does the same thing.
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>Tfw using a Klefki for the first time
>Facing a Jap
>Swagger-Paralyze his M-Latias
>Before it fucks his shit up he swaps out to another Pokemon
>Paralyze, Swagger again. Pokemon doesn't move, attacks itself, then gets offed by Play Rough
>Third Pokemon, Paralyze, Swagger then switch out to MegaZard Y. Klefki is running low on health. Leave MegaZard to clean up.
>Jap finally sends out M-Latias again. I switch out to Klefki.
>He used Draco Meteor, the one attack Latias uses that his has no effect
>He forfeits
>Mfw Klefki is based

Do nips have their own rules like Smogon does?
Doubt it. Even they're not autistic enough for that.
Then they never fought at all
>they discovered RNG abuse by literally decoding the game and the mathematical formulae
>not autistic

Yeh they are.
>having to reboot the entire system instead of just forfeiting and going to a next battle

whatever you say weeb
>reboot the entire system
Literally just flip the wi-fi switch, retard.
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