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what's the fastest way to level your pokemon up in pokemon
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what's the fastest way to level your pokemon up in pokemon x and y?
Inject a lvl 100 one and you have done
Des t even make sense.
Just playing the game will suffice
1. Go full autist and play amie for 10 minutes with that mon
2. hand it the Lucky Egg you're given
3. do that 3* restaurant in Lumiose
Stick it in the Daycare
Fly to Lumiose Gym
Bike in a circle overnight
Wake up in the morning and you're at Level 100

Don't forget there's a shop is Lumiose which literally sells lvl-ups up to 5 levels for 10K a pop.
Once a day, though.
that's not fast it takes literally 8+ hours
Why does Dennis the Menace have Goku's hair?
In XY I just fought the Elite four with Lucky Eggs + Exp O-Power, pretty slow but doable.
In ORAS is stupidly easy to level up, the Elite four has rematch with higher levels (around Lv70) and the Blissey trick is the best way to level up your Pokémon in the franchise.
It's called setting your internal clock forward
Get homebrew, edit your stats to get to Lv. 100
If you have the patience to level up the Battle Maison, you can get a fuckton of exp from the Audino trainers. It's mostly useful for being able to level a level 1 Pokemon up to 40-something in one battle.
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have sex with it
Did you mean the Chateau?
Blissy Base
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