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Hey guys, I just got a cheap $50 3DS and I'm wondering which
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Hey guys, I just got a cheap $50 3DS and I'm wondering which game to get, Y or Omega Ruby?

I'm only really planning on playing 1 game on the 3DS. Should it even be one of the Gen 6 games? If it helps, I like collecting Pokemon like an autist/gearing out characters so which game would be better for that?
If you only want to do ingame stuff, I'd go for X/Y. It's more fun to play and looks better than OR/AS, in my opinion. If you want to battle with people post-game, I'd rather get OR/AS because it has all mega stones and is compatible with both OR/AS and X/Y.

>I like collecting Pokemon
Do you prefer collecting legendaries or regular Pokémon? X/Y has about 450 in their regional dex but only 4 legendaries are catchable in either X or Y. OR/AS on the other hand is loaded with legendaries. Theoretically all legendaries available that aren't in X/Y.
if collecting pokemon, omega ruby
if you want outfits, y

personally i'd go for omega ruby because there's more shit to do and find
Thanks for the replies, getting mixed messages here. I don't care too much for legendaries, just collecting a shitton of Pokemon is fun too + outfits sounds great.

How do the games stack up next to each other in the music/story departments? I never finished the GBA games, but I remember there being a frontier or something for the postgame? Which game is longer?
Just pirate both.
X/Y's feel epic but is shoehorned in during the last segment of the adventure. OR/AS is more consistent and has much better characters and rivals.
Saying which game has the best music/story/etc will probably start a genwar, but just fyi ORAS removes the Battle Frontier, something which many fans have been complaining about.
Both XY and ORAS lack any nice postgame, besides the Battle Maison for both.
Holy fuck. Are you sure that thing is even working?

Omega Ruby doesn't have the Battle Frontier, just the copypasted Battle Maison.

But it does let you collect a /lot/ of legendaries and there are some cool sidequests. Plus, if you get OR you have all the megas usable on Wi-Fi.

You can always just wait for the inevitable Pokemon Z, which will be miles better than XY or OR/AS combined
XY is way too easy and the music sucks ass. Go with ORAS.
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