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Weasel Wednesday
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You are currently reading a thread in /vp/ - Pokemon

Thread replies: 58
Thread images: 46
File: 18886073.jpg (400 KB, 850x1100) Image search: [Google]
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Let's have a thread for weasel-like pokémon.

Anything related to weasels is fine.
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If you insist.
Summon the Tailsposter...
Do ferrets count?
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I'd say.
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Best ice weasel
At least let me post something worthy of that.
How about a flying squirrel?
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Fuck forgot the image
I don't see OP complaining.
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>weasel thread
>posts moongoose and something that's mostly an otter
Nah, it's okay.
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You said it.
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I wanna snuggle a weasel.
The tip of its nose looks like its mouth.
Also by looking at the thumbnail the sauce on its crotch looked like a vag.
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Buizel is a fucking otter
Still a mustelid.
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Need more of this weasel.
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>tfw i want to save Buizel images but afraid they might be porn
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Anything can be porn with the right (wrong?) mindset.

Stop worrying about what others think.
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Wet weasel.
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>all these weasels
>still no wolf pokemon

>not just saving them in some privately-hidden folder

You should already have methods of hiding your pron or questionable images (like using an obscure cloud service that isn't Dropbox) if you're truly over 18.

Also, it's not our fault Buizel is kind of handsome and cute.

You fucking dingus. I'm at work and now I need to fap.
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And that's just how we like it.
Thread replies: 58
Thread images: 46

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