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Are they all bad?

I personally like Joey, Chimp, Blunder and a few VGC tubers like Aaron.

I can't stand tamashii or whatever the fuck her name is and this prick right here

What does /vp/ think of them?
>Making video about how smogon bans stuff
>Shows usage stats for battle spot

verlisifag logic
What do they talk about? It not like Pokemon receives updates with new content to discuss
>Are they all bad?

Yes, they are literally all bad. I am not joking, they are.
How can you not like this guy?


Very easily.

you're a cunt with no sense of humor , joy, or takes everything to seriously? Also, I find it funny how /vp/ hates verlisify. Because, you know, this place is filled with furry smogon hating faggots who know dick about battling competitively.
personally i'm not a big fan of smogon type competitive even though i see some of joey's and his crew's videos. currently im more into the league format like the gba
Only the smogon players are worth watching
No, they aren't all bad.

Nate? Buddy?
Verlisify is a piece of shit that for some reason is obsessed over on /vp/

He's an egotistical furfag who holds his opinions higher than others'
That one white bitch with the high pitch voice

sometimes. a lot of the content gets pretty predictable. literally all of them (like most smogon players) use copy paste teams and have super predictable battles. not much entertainment value in that past a certain point.


/vp/ obsessses because he is literally one of us. i think he's egotistical sure, i don't care if he's a furry, but he makes plenty of valid point.s if a retard says the sky is blue, it's still blue.
>iterally all of them (like most smogon players) use copy paste teams and have super predictable battles.
Yes. Octillery, Wailord, Seaking, Regice, Dusknoir, Frogadier, Darmanitan-Zen, and the Heatah Fajita series are all great examples of copy-pasted standard OU shit. Horrible, boring, predictable.
My favorites:
Isn't Verlisify one of those that makes shitty gimmick teams which would literally lose to 90% of in-game teams, then gets one of his friends to play and basically do nothing for twenty turns so he can look good?

Cybertron and Alex Ogloza are okay.

Not sure about any others, generally I stop watching as soon as they put on a fake gangsta voice and shout "YO WHAT IS UP YOUTOOB" at the start of their video.
Shofu's live showdown vids are honestly pretty entertaining but that's mainly because he is a nigger
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this fag
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Cybertron and Ogloza are the only ones worth watching. There are some other really good players, but their videos are quite boring because of how quiet they are.
She's so hot I wanna suck on her butt
Alex is such a qt

a bunch of the glitch finding guys

does werster count?

worst is tamashiit by far, but anyone that's:

a) a furry
b) a woman

is pretty bad, going by the larger channels
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I don't know how old Pyrotoz is, but I wanna say 14 because he meme John Cena really hard and it's quite annoying because other then that, he's pretty good at battling with different smogon stuff.

Does anyone still remember Nbz or am I the only one. Really, gen 4 and 5 brought us all kinda of competitive battlers on YT.
>you're a cunt with no sense of humor

Actually, the problem is that I DO have a sense of humor. And it tells me that shrieking, meme-spouting egomaniacs with a preteen target audience aren't funny. And unfortunately, that's what most (all?) gaming Youtubers are.
MegaMogwai is decent. I love how into it he gets
Yeah. A lot of them are bad. I found myself even disliking JWittz recently. Like that shit he puts out is just so mediocre. I hate that fag in OP pic. I came across one that's pretty good recently: TyranitarTube
thunderblunder777's decent, i like his generally more sarcastic style of commentary. heatah fajita is a funny series most of the time (so then by extension including CBB/CTC in the discussion albeit their lack of channels)
his solo showdown stuff/playthroughs are shit though, he's a lot funnier around others

Sir, it is apparent you're replying to a winterfag. Please refrain from doing so next time.
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depends on the context in which you're criticizing something as good or bad.
if it's as actors playing and commentating on a children's game for some innocuous entertainment, then there's some pretty good ones.
if it's as intellectually stimulating individuals participating in real competition or artful entertainment then of course not
but considering we're on a forum for a children's game hosted on a website created for anime image sharing, i'm gonna say we should stick to the first context
Joe, chill out, you will get laid once you turn 18.
I was a fan of her beta/alpha versions videos before she started with these "DEALING WITH SEXIST YOUTUBERS" and "Meet my boyfriend!" videos.

Girl, just ignore the haters, don't need to give them attention like that.
It depends on if they're actually good at the game or not. People like Aaron and Joey are good, people like Verlis are bad bad bad awful garbage.
who is that mousy man
At least they don't make Minecraft or reaction videos.
I'm subbed to Shady, Nipps, aDrive (but only for his GBA/UCL shit), and Verlisify (yeah, sorry, the fan friday vids can get pretty funny)
Is that a giant gummy bear? Those actually exist?
Oh and HoodlumScrafty for the roulette FFAs.
Zheng (Cybertron) is literally the only poketuber I watch cuz I barely know shit about the others and the only thing I give a shit is VGC.

That said, he does deliver some half-assed promises on stuff like pokemon build show-offs and Team Rate Tuesdays. He's not perfect, but from the way you guys talk about the other poketubers, I'd rather just stick to him.

bitch looks like a raticate
Stop shilling Poketubers, jesus fucking christ.
I want to fuck tamashi
I barely watch Poketubers because most of them either do top 10's, game theories or what the wish will be in the next game, though Hoodlumscrafty is an exception because he does FFAs that hold my intrest some times.
I found Poketubers some that do playthroughs of the main games and hacks but they find reasons to make me hate them like randomly singing to the bgm, or over reacting to even the smallest of things.
It seems the best Poketuber aren't Poketubers at all but some youtuber that just happens to be playing a pokemon game or 2 for fun.
who the fuck is this guy?
This shithead:

Now, just to save you from this shit video, in spite of that fuckhuge pikachu and that cringeworthy amount of merch and art, it's clear he doesn't really play pokemon. What's more? He doesn't even know DBZ, so he says Regigigas in one of these romhacks has a Punk Dude hairdo, not a Super Sayian hairdo. More painful is that Mewtwo was colored as Golden Frieza, yet he doesn't know Frieza.

He also seems like a pedophile, also.
Heatah Fajita is what keeps me watching Blunder and Joey, also CTC is fucking crazy
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>tfw thought Joey was some nigger like Shofu
>He's actually pretty handsome
They make more money than any of us by screaming in front of a camera while playing and talking about Pokemon.
The are all awful and you are awful for liking them.
They're all shit by nature of what they do and that they do it. The overlapping features of low budget youtubers, pokemon fans, and lets players in any selection and arrangement can only ever form a laundry list of insecurities and incompetancies.
I used to like Joey because of the simplicity but now his videos are basically 70% ebin in-jokes.
>battling competitively
Jeez you're a faggot. Anyone who doesn't play Pokémon purely for recreation is an autistifag.
the only one I watch is alex ogloza. seems like a nice kid
epic post xD!
just because they're youtubers doesn't mean they're extremely famous youtubers, idiot. they wouldn't make as much as you think
>plenty of valid points
Name one.
Verlisify is the guy that's only subs are Karenfags that hate Smogon beyond reason. Like to the point where literally every decision the Smogon community makes is a bad one in their eyes. Like, everything. Banning Mega Salamence? Fuck Smogon, no consistency. Banning Greninja? Fuck Smogon, that was my favorite Pokemon. Banning SwagPlay? Fuck Smogon, they're taking away from what makes Pokemon, Pokemon.

And on the side he posts pure shit gimmick sets that you get to see all the time on low ladder OU games.

He's also a furfag.
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I dont really like watching aim anymore. He just seems so fake these days. He has a cartoon whitney and pretty much just plays off of blunder and his cronies now. Also he brings up his youtube whenever he can, I dont even think he's being ironic anymore.

It sucks cause I used to be a big fan of his but everything he does compared to back then feels forced. Anyone feel the same way?
I'm subbed to Jam, Emvee, Blunder and Joey. Joey is the least favorite of my subs but heatah fajita is still good enough. Jam is pretty funny but I haven't seen a ton of his stuff so still not sure, emvee and blunder are gods
>posting on a board literally just for pokemon

>calls an enormous branch of the pokemon community faggots just for playing pokemon in a certain way
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Meanwhile he's whining about dislikes after uploading a video named "why i hate 5th gen babbies" or something or other, also saying m-ray is bad in VGC
Any kind of YouTube person type is cancer, so no
While rayquaza is weaker in doubles...

>implying mega rayquaza doesnt have 180 Sp. Attack
>implying Rayquaza has hands to use fake out
>can't be stopped with fake out

megamom says otherwise
>Intimidate stops mega ray
>Burn stops mega ray

Confirmed for being a moron
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>Welcome back wolf pack
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Meanwhile meanwhile he prides himself on using facts and stats to back his claims
also, >base liquids
Banning swagger was stupid tho
>I will trigger the entire pokemon community

With what, his stupidity?
>180 spatk 115 speed draco meteors
>no it'll be terrible in VGC despite the statistics from a competition with identical rules saying otherwise
Good taste, anon. A guy who can actually make a decent battle (though, mostly lowladder), is quite fun and has a nice voice. Also, he doesn't look like a turd, as >>24826025 does

Pimpnite is also kinda nice. His battle videos are something different, and yes, he uses very gimmicky sets. But at least he can mkae them work, and can probably whoop a lot ass if he'd use decent sets
It's the guy who uses (or at least, I'm sure he would) AV Blissey, what do you expect?
More trainwrecks, obviously. The assault vest rain dance goodra set was hilarious. He's a fucking twat but he amuses me

Pimpnite is cancer


ah yes, pinnacle of entertainment
He does what's voted by fans. The fans just so happen to be immature
I don't think they're all bad, I watch Cybetron, DKD, Shofu and a few others and I enjoy their stuff.
The Tamashii girl is going out with the ugliest sack of shit my eyes have ever laid on. His nose goes from earth to the moon
I tried watching Pyrotoz stream but seeing a grown man think John Cena is still funny is pretty embarrassing. Hopefully he grows out of it soon because he was fun to watch before that.
But he's right. PDon and Xerneas will dominate VGC16.
His arguments are nonetheless flawed.
252+ SpA Life Orb Mega Rayquaza Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Primal Groudon: 298-352 (73.7 - 87.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Life Orb Mega Rayquaza Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Primal Groudon: 422-499 (104.4 - 123.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

You know, Fug is pretty stronk. And even if it only ko's PDon, that's probably worth it.
>overusing the cancer word
why the fuck am i still surprised by this.
Hands down one of the worst.
Don't do this to him anon.
Pimpnite just might be my most hated youtuber from way back in the day. His knowledge of the game is atrocious, his LOL EPIC SWEEPS are dumb as all get-out, and his sense of humor is gutter tier.
Well, it is a 3hko, but only if you use a completely idiotic set, and if no rocks are around:
252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Volcarona: 147-173 (39.3 - 46.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
With rocks:
252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Volcarona: 147-173 (39.3 - 46.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

And even then, Adamant Mega Lucario outspeeds Volcarona everytime (except scarf, but that would make the set even more stupid). Or Lucario could just have E-Speed and pick Volcarona off.

I wonder what would happen, if Verlis actually did a few battles on Showdown, just in the elo hell, for starters. Probably gets his ass kicked and then blames Smogon again, lol.
You know, the funny thing is: Even after a burn, E-Speed kills (and thats without STAB or anything) Volcarona when it switches in on CC and rocks are up.
252+ Atk burned Mega Lucario Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Volcarona: 49-58 (13.1 - 15.5%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Stealth Rock
>watching other people play videogames
If he uses Flame body's 30% chance to go off in theory and refuses to accept Stone Edge's 80% acc to hit, then he just fucking quit playing and kill himself.

Even in flipping to chance to miss, thinking 70% chance to not go off is better compared to 20% chance to miss is fucking retarded.
Please Space Cheeseass, enlighten us and show us what is the good stuff on youtube
Well that and his absolutely childish reaction

He then backpedalled hard by saying 'egg whites are a base fluid' when its perfectly clear he meant bleach
Yeah, but the stat drops from Dragon Ascent and Draco Meteor hurt. We also have to see how bulky the meta becomes. If MegaQuay can't guarantee the OHKO, it will be killed in revenge.
On a side note: With aforementioned stat drops, weather wars and probably more choice items (because of outspeeding and safe OHKOs) and Fokus Sash, switching will become more popular (imo). So hazards may be a viable option.
Any kind of YouTube person type is aids, so no. Happy?
Well, depends on how bulky Groudon becomes, as you said. Fully Special Defensive still takes a lot from the Draco, but Rayquaza also gets Earth Power via Tutor, which does at least 68%, but without the stat drop.
252+ SpA Life Orb Mega Rayquaza Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Primal Groudon: 278-328 (68.8 - 81.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
They make a lot more than your average guy that's for sure. They don't have to pay off student loans either.

Plus they're probably on social security and they're not reporting the money that they're getting.
Why are all youtubers who aspire to get famous terrible human beings?
You know you can just run Aqua Tail/Waterfall, right?
Challenge videos
he falsely accused a guy of raping his girlfriend
>They make a lot more than your average guy that's for sure.

How on earth do you know all this stuff?
>who aspire to get famous
>aspiring to be famous

Guess. Only self-centered cunts aspire to be famous
I kinda like Pheonixmaster1 & JWittz that's about it.
A few of them are entertaining.

I especially like Adrive, PokeaimMD is good when he collabs, HoodlumScrafty, and Verlisify
Don't you mean all of them?
shit taste/
A "I'm not a feminist" Drive is truly amusing. Btw did he mention he's not a feminist today? Because he's not a feminist if that wasn't clear yet.

The Dex, PIMPNITE, and Flaming Spade are probably the only few that I enjoy on a regular basis.
he sold out. i did enjoy watching his content pre XY but shortly afterwards he stopped pokemon, which made him popular, and now hes a markiplier clone. just plays whats popular on steam. doesnt care for his roots, just wants the fame and money
disliked all your vids :^)
Remember guys, Tamashii does post here.
And she literally watches all of our comments, silently judging us.

Not to mention of course, she has nigh omnipotence, as she regularly courts with the microwaveable snacks.
She talks about certain posts on twitter, too.
I like Red Paint. I wish he made more pokemon videos, but scrub-tier battle spot matches are fun to watch

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Pretty easily. I used to watch him a couple years ago along with the NateAndDookie channel up 'til they took a long hiatus. came back promising more videos, then disappeared again. He sold out.
No, pimpnite's shitty sets only work because he never, ever uploads battles against actual good players. His opponents make shit plays and are terrible.
Im subscribed to like 10 different Poketubers
I need help
Nobody has mentioned Haydunn...?
Never heard him say that. How does that even come up?
On the cagelocke against Joey Pokeaimmd.
There was this one time where he circled Mt Coronet trying to look for an entrance of a cave he passed a hundred time. So fucking annoying.

He talks too much, and doesn't pay attention to the game. Like the Mt Coronet example, he spent so much time whining about "where the fuck do I go" but never actually stopping and checking where the entrance might be.
I only watch Tyranitar Tube because he plays interesting hacks of games and he reminds me of my childhood Dominican/puerto rican friend
The ones OP cited play on showdown/battle spot and discuss overall strategy and stuff, they also do teambuilding videos and stuff.
I like him.
This exactly.
Yeah man, he's starting to be more like other more popular poketubers (which are all shit).

His new "excuse me just getting some water" shit is straight out of those shittypenguinn videos, jesus christ.
I think he meant fug's partner can't fake out sableye. But he's still retarded
Only if it's non mega. Desolate land will block that if you're mega fug
Primal Groudon changes immediately. Fug Mega evolves first turn, turning desolate land into delta stream.
Oh right, didn't think about that. Thanks
>Verlis "Surf Latios will shit on Primal Groudon" Ify
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>tfw you'll never face Verlisify on Showdown with OU: the team: the movie: the experience while he streams
Reminder that Verlis peaked at 1700+ in OU while /vp/ users can't break 1100
Reminder that it was someone else that laddered for him.
Good to know you're yet another shameless cunt.
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best pokeboy and champion

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I called him out on that before. He insisted that it's "not a neutral scenario".
>i.e. , there are no rocks and both are at full health
You and 100,000 talentless hacks.

Enjoy wasting your life.

No, you don't.
lets be real here
pokemon playthrougs are the most boring thing in the world showdown videos with friends on the other hand are entertaining
>that gradient
Well, I certainly am triggered.
His voice turns me on.
W-who's that on the right?
Never wear an A-shirt in public ever again.
>>i.e. , there are no rocks and both are at full health
Well, that sounds unrealistic. It's not only stupid, but also dumb not to put up rocks as soon as you see Volcarona.
But it's Yiffy McWolfwolf we're talking about, so...

That Xatu seems kinda retarted.
> Verlis
That furry profile image.. I know enough. Smogon rants and "how to use" videos are done better by others.

> Tamashii
I can't stand her voice and trying to look "so kawaii" with those eyes that are about to fall out and that shitty Pikachu costume.

I absolutely love this guy and his theme videos.

> Flynn
A cool and calm guy. Despite the hair, I like him.

> JWittz or whatever the guy is called
His nerdy look and nerdy voice makes me dislike his work already

> ABrandonToThePast or something
That fucking gay voice irritates the hell out of me

> Most Twitch streamers and YouTubers are always overexeggerating and shouting too much. I really hate people who can't calm down.

Forgotten people:

> CasadorPerfect
Unfortunately he's not playing at all anymore, he was my favourite. I wonder if anyone remembers him.
Alex Ogloza
Flashfire is easy to look at, his voice is nice but holy shit can he not team build
He's just lazy
Any female poketuber. I get off to me opressing them.
>Dat thumb doe
when you see his twitter pic it perfectly summarises whats wrong with society.
are there any poketubbers who do singleplayer playthroughs of pokemon games and are really good at them?

I remember datai used to do playthroughs and he was pretty good but that was like 6 years ago

marilland seems to do lots of challenge runs too but his voice and hist commentary can be a bit annoyig
It has to be either of two things - he wants to prove smogon wrong at all costs so he has to construct the argument such that its biggest flaw cannot be pointed out - or he legitimately has no idea how prevalent rocks are in OU because he knows fuck-all about it.
Obviously, it can be both. If someone has to pull "well, if you have a turn for rocks, then I can use a turn for reflect / spin lmao senpai", there's no point in arguing when the reality is that volcarona can force out m-luke 2 times (if we're generous) before it dies to rocks.
Fuck me then.
Dunno, he just seems to be extremely reliant on fuck-tons of setup. Stockpile this, Stockpile that, a lot of just defensive or outright stupid sets, like Non-STAB-Hydreigon, Heavy Slam Wailord, just stuff like that. And he seems to outright ignore any realistic scenario, like the one with Volcarona. Who in their right mind would not set up rocks against it? Either he just faced some shitters that play for the first time, or simply talks bullshit that will never work in a real competitive battle.
with spl coming up I'm looking forward to regular uploads from blazekickinchicken and ifm again

tom bus is also pretty decent, if a bit cringey with edits
Remember he reached 1700+ on the ladder while /vp/ can't beat 1200
can we give some love to M4GNITUDE, he tries really hard and deserves more subscribers.

But yeah I miss the glory days of gen 4 poketubers. Now it's pretty boring compared to other games
A well-known user laddered for him. That is a well-known, public fact.
as a vgc player, i watch mostly aaron and some up and coming vgc tubers like bopper, yoshi, ray. essentially everyone other than these is ass at vgc, verlis is a meme

i like most of the singles tubers i've watched, much more character than the vgc guys. shofu is kind of shitty
Tamashii's the worst by far, massive cunt.

Rest are meh, though PIMPNITE's a boss.
I love the Dex, their content is great. I'd definitely recommend their podcast, I've met Alex Faciane (co-host of the Dex) and he's a really great dude. They cover trivia and do Showdown theme battles, definitely my favorite channel.
Well, of course you'd think all those guys are cunts if you only watch the ones that engage in internet drama.

I like Jamvad and Emvee. Xenon is alright sometimes. Joey is a good battler but his commentary is shit. He has "catch phrases" but not because they're clever, it's because he always says the same things.
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What a terrible channel.
Mah nigga
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