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Sceptile Thread
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Sceptile has been getting quite a lot of love, lately.
>Ash owns one
>it has an awesomely-designed Mega Evolution
>it will be featured as a prominent Pokémon in the XY&Z saga, being the main rival of Ash's Greninja
>its Mega was one of the only two Megas to be featured on the cover art of PSMD
>it was just revealed in Pokken and is currently the only Grass-type playable in that game

At this point, I could actually possibly see Sceptile being revealed for Smash on the fifteenth.
Don't forget its line is Brendan's signature Pokemon on ORAS.
I wish the mega was good though. Seriously, lightning rod?
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>it was just revealed in Pokken and is currently the only Grass-type playable in that game

Fingers crossed. Grass could use a poster boy. For being the type of Pokedex #001 in every generation it sure gets neglected.
>Ash owns one
Advanced Gen was 10 years ago, OP
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What is Shota/Sawyer.
Lightning Rod is absolutely fine on it. It fits the design and is reasonably useful without being completely broken like, say, Contrary or Adaptability.
Should have gotten a rebranded Parental Bond to represent the tail harpoon.
Imagine tough claws for good mixed set or GRASSIATE/DRAGONIATE for quick-attack boosted
Yeah, so you're effectively getting a boost if anyone tries to thunder wave you.

Gotta go fast.
yes ash
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And it was Sceptile that took down Darkrai. Feels good.
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>mfw glare with serperior
Thread replies: 14
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