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Hows that Pokémon badge collection of yours coming along anon?
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Hows that Pokémon badge collection of yours coming along anon?
>Want Mewtwo and Charizard badge
>but need more then one play to get them all
>only way to get them is to play REAL money

Fuck that bunny, I'm not giving him my money
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171 Lanturn HGSS.png
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Only just downloaded it yesterday, but I hope I can get my nigga Lanturn before it expires. Fortunately it's pretty easy to get Chinchou on the same machine.
EU doesn't even have the Pokemon badges yet

Fuck you Nintendo, I don't want any of your Happy Shovelware Designer shit
Good luck on that one. Lanturn was the last pokemon I got from that machine. Took 3 free plays to get them all, so it's doable. Just don't reset the machine!
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my heart is into getting Zelda badges, so I'm just living off of free plays.
I haven't downloaded it yet but what do you man by expire? Is everything limited time?
The crane games are only up for like a week before they change them for new ones.
/v/ told me they eventually cycle back to the old ones.
Has Japan gotten any Pokemon launch icon badges? I'd love me some of those.

They do, weeks/months/years from now. We don't know NOA or NOE's (fucking NOE) content schedules for the game. They'll be back, but when is anybodys guess.
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>Lanturn was the last pokemon I got from that machine
>tfw it's surrounded by Kyogre, Whiscash, Relicanth and Barboach
Technically Kyogre should be the hardest to get since it's in the left corner, but Lanturn's no walk in the park either, I'd probably need at least 3 consecutive tries to carve it out from there.
Kyogre should be the hardest, yeah, but for me it dropped right in. Meanwhile Lanturn landed horizontally and was too wide to fall through the hole.
But there are a lot of them.
I'm not paying for any of this shit, but I'm definitely going to use my free tries on getting Pokemon badges now that the Rhythm Heaven machines are gone. I already got Makuhita, and I'm going for Chinchou next.
Aw fuck i wanted some rh badges, if i known they would remove them i would've got this thing earlier

Sitting here with only a seal and Captain Tuck. I cherish them.

So fucking pumped for when The Best Collection drops here in America next summer.
Somehow using 1 bonus try i got eevee, jolteon and flareon
Real talk though, I do wonder if there's a guide of sorts to show you how to get all the badges in a set with the fewest amount of tries.

Some of the setups do look rather tricky.
>Live in Europe
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I refuse to put money into this "game". So far I've got pic related + Skitty and Delcatty.
>tfw got 3/4 Deoxys forms in one play
>used other free play to get the last one + Lunatone
Need to try again today. I know I'm not going to get any plays today though since I got 11 practice badges yesterday and only got 1 play. Fucking bullshit.
Only have Raichu.
Didn't even get a free play today.
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