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Love Live! School Idol Festival General /llsifg/ #306:Bully Slav
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 177
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ZENKAI NO /llsifg/ >>97427447

JP - none
EN - none

JP - UR Hanayo
EN - UR Rin

>Get the game in English!
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=klb.android.lovelive_en
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/school-idol-festival/id834030294?mt=8

>Love Live! School Idol Festival Wiki

>Event Tracker

>Event Ranking Tracker


>Card Checklists

>Love Live! School Idol Festival Calculator

>Anon Accounts
The List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FZqt9Q36y7aQJQyQxB5s_YUYdfV0TRqCACAB89-vgog/pubhtml
If you're still not on the list, please give your ID to Stalker2 and wait for his in-game message.

>Music Collection (Lossless)


>/llsifg/ sings Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai and Puwa Puwa-O!
Deadline of submission is extended until the love is dead.

Please report shitposters and people who bait.
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Eli is cute.
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Third for bunnies.
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Umi is love.
Umi is lewd.
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Double the Yazawa
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Still wouldn't give a headpat.jpg
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They will grow up to be proper ladies.
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Tomato a cute.
Driftin' down the toegay with Umi.
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Fucking seriously? Enough with the image spam already.
Aren't we on a image board?
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Let's not forget Kayochin!
Ban them Janny, ban them all.
How many times do we have to go through this. While it is an image board, doing nothing but dumping images belongs on fucking /c/, the reason why the post timers are so fucking high is to prevent what's happening now from happening.
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It's board and general culture
Quick, post your event progress!
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Couple days late buddy.
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0. I'm the best
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The waiting game event progress?
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Hopefully I can make tier 1.
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Ran 5km at 10 seconds faster than last time.
Marry me Rin
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>Sonoda Umi for discipline committee
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Cock Daisuki.jpg
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I hope you like cock as much as he does.
Eli finally getting love somewhere.
>no guys want to sit next to team pyon and honker
Honkers would be a blast to sit next to
Having a seat next to Honkers would probably be incredibly distracting.
And Nozomi and Eli too, but for different reasons
Because she honks whenever she's not either sleeping or eating. All day. Everyday.
Rin would be great to sit next to
I agree.
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Very few raibus in the female side for most polls, if any.
>ファット・カンパニー「ミニッチュ ラブライブ!」

Not surprising, still depressing.
the Pana is cute
>men so infatuated with love live that Eli and Nozomi somehow made it to the teacher poll
also apparently umifags are all masochists who want to be dominated and punished by umi

Literally smug.
Pana looks high as fuck.
Do you have to post buyfag shit every thread?
Fat company?
I don't even like Umi and I would like her to discipline me
Not even in a lewd way just discipline me
Yes. And it only encourages it more when you complain.
Phat. A company that's relatively decent that is notorious for delays. These minicchu's are probably going to be delayed until may.
Discipline isn't fun unless it's lewd, what's the point.
that's good, it lets me focus on schoolwork up until the end of the semester then i can relax and buy all these things with my financial aid
Or you can take it to a thread where it belongs.
It only encourages it more when you complain.
>using financial aid bucks for merch
How do you do this
I said "probably." They could exceed all expectations and release it in a timely manner like they did the im@s Yayoi scale, where they only delayed it once.
So you're purposely shitposting? Nice to know.
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careful investments
> tfw pre-order closed at amiami
I-It will open again before release, right? ;_;
There's a high chance that it won't. I stupidly forgot to preorder a scale that I thought I did, and it's been delayed for two months and still no one has dropped a pre-order.

If you want, though, you can make a figinstock account and set it up so that whenever it shows up as "in-stock" they'll email you.
Using that burd, I assume?
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There should be more Panayo deer art.
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It's never dead you just gotta believe.
Wake up.
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Need some Honk
This has gotta be my favorite LL picture.
Too bad everyone complains about the nose ;_;
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I'd rather be asleep and dreaming
How did you all get into love live?
Which love live do you want to get into?
you have to be a school idol
I thought Honoka is cute so I tried to bear with it since I was no fan of idolshit.
Greatest mistake I've ever made so far.
I mistook a picture of Umi for Chihaya and someone corrected me.
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I was looking for phone games featuring cute girls and gave this a shot
I didn't give it a chance before because the official art I saw of it was bad and it seemed really generic
Someone pointed out that Maki kinda looks like Horikawa Raiko, so I decided to check the game out.
I saw my Facebook friends post pictures of SIF

I got curious, did some research, and finally installed EN on my tablet. A few weeks later I started watching the anime.
Some girl with brain problems wanted to save our school.
My penis told me to pick it up, and Date a Live too.
Someone posted a thread on /a/ about it months before the anime.
He had YouTube links to the PVs and I got curious and watched the 1st and got interested.

Also a seiyuufag
Watched it simply because it was another idol show in the same season as AKB0048 S2. Didn't really have high expectations.

I remember someone mixing up Date A Live and Love Live, and then making a thread about it at /a/.
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I can totally see how people can mix up the two.
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Thanks to the anons who came and watched season 1.
Both anime best girl is Kotori
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T'was fun
Had to dodge out bout halfway through. Seems the sink fan on my GPU has gone out.
Your GPU has hot for Nicofag?
>not roasting your GPU for the raibus
Friend got me into SIF, and it was all downhill from there.
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Well fuck. I completely forgot about the showing. Get you next time!
Reppin' rice for now.

Next will be the concerts right?
What concert releases do everyone have, anyway? I'm guessing different people might be having different releases.
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Yeah Concert will be next.

I was going to post if everyone could get this release http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=471403&showfiles=1&showcomments=84f83538
>New Year's Live
B-b-but why not one where all nine of them are in?
We can watch endless parade after.
88 C. Giving it the sweats.

It can't be more than three years old; I don't want to burn it out. It'll have plenty of life left in it after I redneck up a cooling solution for it.
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>2013 new year concert
>no nanjo
Yeah, that's the worst possible one.
Fuck, I muxed the softsubs on my copy of New Year live, it's a completely different file now. I'll pass on the next show.
And as the others said,
>not fµll members
It's not my fault nanjo couldn't show up. You don't have watch if you don't want too.You can always join for the next one.
>It's not my fault nanjo couldn't show up.
That doesn't mean you have to specifically pick the only one that doesn't have her in it.
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Sorry guess we should start with 2012 first.
It's not supposed to be fun.
Titan X just announced. Go for it mang.
>tfw listening to raibu while building gunpla
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Meanwhile at Sunrise UC.jpg
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Thanks for your goybucks.
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How did I do?
Too many zipper perverts.
Is that the one where they cry in uniform or in the black shirts?
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Which model are you building? What's the extent of your customization?
Followed the School Idol Project in 2011, when I first saw the Natsuiro Egao de 1 2 jump PV. Followed them for a while during that year, lost a bit of interest around mid December because no new PVs until the manga was published. I'm quite of a yurifag so when I found out it was written by Kimino my interest came back. Then Mogyutto came out. Rest was history.
I wonder how many yurifags were disappointed when Sakurako didn't become the anime writer.
Some yurifags were quite glad though, because
Last year out of boredom and it was the set hyped in the Weiss Schwarz community we had over here. Started with the anime, instantly got me hooked. I didn't have a smartphone back when I heard about the SIF game from /a/, then someone there posted how to make it work on a PC through Bluestacks. Tried it, and it just made my love for this series even stronger. Plus my friends getting into the game made me stick much longer to this series and buyfag more than I should.
I heard Mimorin was gonna be voicing a role in it so I decided to watch it. Been in this hell ever since.
As milkyholmesfag, Umi and Eli sounds nothing like my initial expectations. AT least Nico sounds and acts like a bitch just like Nero.
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Guys Help. Puwa puwa-o has been stuck in my head all week.
Oh, come on. Nico isn't as bad as Nero.
Quite lucky, i use 25k FP to get that lewd zipper idolize.
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I see no problem here

Or you want us to help keep it there?
Only thing you can do is keep listening to it until you get sick of it.
Didn't mean I hate Nico. Quite the opposite, actually. As for Nero, well, I don't take her seriously anyway.
What raibu song is currently stuck in your head these days, anons?

Who's the gayest raibu?

I just heard garden of glass, who can top these two?
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The longest stuck was Yume No Tobira.
But the one that bothered me the most was Happy Maker because Honker's thighs encourage me to pop boner.
I saw the first two PVs and later heard it was getting an anime but didn't want to give it a chance because the summary was dumb. That, and out of the two PVs I only really liked Snow Halation and the CG and character designs at the time were pretty awful looking. Forward to years later near the middle of the second season and I got prodded to watch it, and only really gave it a chance after I realized that 3 of the Milky Holmes seiyuu were in it. Marathoned the first season and second season. Then I tried to ignore SIF but got sucked into that too, but that was a couple months after. I got stuck really hard.
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skipping honk.webm
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You think of PVs when you hear a song?

I was going to post that but I realized I don't actually have it
That and Anemone Heart.
Junai fucking Lens. Everytime I hear it again I need to repeat it a few times before moving on. Its too catchy.
>Anemone Heart

That song's track is so bad, I dont get how it can get stuck in your head
I know that feeling.
What the fuck is a Junai Lens, anyway?

Different strokes, etc.

HGUC ReZEL, RG Sexia. Just mundane panel-lining, not really that good yet.
That Honker's thighs webm?
Now you mentioned it, I don't have access to that in this phone either because I forgot to upload it to my server.
Yeah, I made that one.
Only thing left to do is to record yourself singing it.
Nothing sounds wrong with it to me. It's one of my favorite BD songs.
Pretty dope to listen to if you have good sound system.
1 bond point is 1 stat point, right? So the promo Kotori UR actually has an effective 5150 Pure points?

I'm reviewing my teams and trying to decide between more statistically-powerful cards that are healers and weaker cards with score raising abilities.
Are you me?
Currently building a MG 00 Raiser, almost done, need to detail up and finish the weapons. MG EX-S after that!
I too am only panel lining it, and flat coating it eventually.
>1 bond point is 1 stat point, right? So the promo Kotori UR actually has an effective 5150 Pure points?
Loveless World

This song gives a Super Robot Wars vibe and I like it.
>not watching the first one with the rockin' on burd solo
So crying in the black shirts then.
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I played it again just now to see what you were talking about and wow it does sound kind of like JAM Project
Super Raibu Taisen when?
Tfw quitted the game months ago and I don't have nor the will nor the time to pick it up again.
And I even started having a full SR team.
>even started having a full SR team
Did you take someone else's account?
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Why won't this load?
It takes a while, depending on your connection. The JP version is like 900 MB now.

I see. I thought I already downloaded most of it. The loading screen was after the tutorial and it went stuck at zero percent for thirty minutes before I cancelled it. guess I'll have to wake up early to download this.
No, but I apparently have less of them than I remembered. I have 40 loveca too so maybe one day I'll play again.
The biggest part of the download comes after the tutorial.
>that Burd
You can't have stopped playing that long ago. Three months tops.

I saw season 1 as it aired but didn't really like the ending. Was pretty hype for S2 but ended up watching the BDs.
Noticed not a lot are rolling for Rin.
I appreciate what they were trying to do but the parts where they edited are glaringly obvious.

I'm not even a Rin guy and I dropped 250 loveca on rolls because that card is hella cute

I... did not get her.
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You'll never be this disappointed
There, there.
wow that hurts
that's only buying 86 loveca like 3 times
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Saa yume wo!
Kanaeru no wa minna no yuuki!
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Zurui down, even if I got carried by perfect locks.
This song was probably the only one I never even bothered approaching without them. These holds were too much for me.
Never playing this clusterfuck of a beatmap again.
Congrats anon.

>mfw will never git gud like this on a keyboard
I believe in you censornon!
I saw the game in an android game/app thread on /g/
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Now FC Beat in Angel before me.
It's not going to happen and we both know that.
Good luck, though.
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You got the wrong Bluestacks player, anon-kun.
hey, maki is finally smiling!
Oh you talked like him so thought you were him.
Still I believe in you as well.
>still calling him censornon
we already have super robot themes by umi, kotori and lily white so expect it soon
TMA x ラブライブ! when?
Speak for yourself, I dropped 200+ and only gotten one UR Rin for it and a bunch of SRs.
>tfw you realize Hanayo is the center of 3 Printemps songs

She's somebody's waifu over at Lantis?

It's pretty understandable if you know what she looks like
Hanayo solos of Unbalanced Love and Eien Friends when?
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I only know that she looks soft.
>yfw she does that in Maki's SID to cool off.
Why is she the only one who wears full stockings?
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>1 1/2 months later

Klab so slow to retrive my 1st account, i have no other way but to made new 2nd account.
I don't think they're even working on it anymore at this point, anon. I'm sorry.
It should only take 2 weeks. How did you lose your account?
You would figure Umi would wear them to cover up her bare legs.
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It's complicated, but safe to say that i'm fully responsible for it to happen.
This is your chance to escape. Run and don't ever look back. You are free, anon.
Now I'm jealous of that anon who got 2 new UR Rins, in a single roll, yesterday. The transformed version looks warm as fuck.
Too bad, i can't escape it. Unless if it's shifting to JP only, it's ongoing. 1st April i'll giving up on EN only
Losing your account is never a good feeling. I'm here for you anon.
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Thanks. Does anyone else have their account back after 2 weeks?
Hoping for Rin token event so I can finally take a break on JP.
I really need this to not be Umi next. KLab needs to do me this one favor.
I did. Got a new phone at the time, put my account in. My phone then immediately crashed and the data got wiped. Took me like 3 days to give Klab all my info but got my account exactly 2 weeks after that.
I see. Well, it's been more than a month for me...

>Thank you very much for supporting School Idol Festival.

>We sincerely understand how much you want to get back your account and play the game again. That is why we deeply apologize for the time it is taking us to finish the investigation.

>We understand your frustration, but kindly allow us a little more time. Rest assured that our development team is doing their best to come up with the result as soon as possible.

>Again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by this process, but your kind understanding and patience are greatly appreciated.

That response.
how do i back up my account?
Transfer code.
Been a while since I got fluffed last. Do older cards appear less with time, I wonder.

Can't figure out which would be better. On one hand, I'd like to play Kira Kira Sensation a lot, so a token event would be cool. On the other, a score match would mean less time spent on a mind numbing grind.

Get your transfer code and save it somewhere safe. Preferably a cloud based location like a dropbox folder or google drive.
> Do older cards appear less with time, I wonder.

Not sure, Hanayo's deer card comes up all the time just to make me sad.
I hate that. I love that card, but that sad line almost makes me regret idolizing it.
I wish I had that card
Did you start playing too late for it?
Who mother russia here?
Hehe, same.
Post merch that you own of your favorite raibu.
Is it even safe to do that?
Why is Nico the only one who wears her blazer open in story scenes?
Only one way to find out.
She's a delinquent child. She's probably the most boyish raibu out of the bunch despite her stupid Nico Nico Nii,
I started playing pretty much at the end of that event.
There's getting banned for related content.
I don't think anyone has ever gotten banned for it though, unless scanner is constantly ban evading.
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Would you an Umipyon pet?
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I don't see how that would happen but you can always appeal.
I prefer a tiny troublemaker nicopyon
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I want to have sex like bunnies with Umi.
You guys should just post them anyway.
you should eat my boogers.
>implying he doesn't do that
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This fucking beatmap. Not even perfect lock team can help me. I just keep on missing on that upward double stairs part.
I would but I don't have it readily available.
>not wanting nozopyon
she's son fat you can eat her when she dies
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I'd rather "eat" her long before then, if you catch my drift

What I'm saying is I want to have sex with her.
She would fuck you like a rabbit too.
osu please go
everyone calls it a beatmap
only osufags
what do you call it then?
I call it beat map and I don't play osu. It's actually just called a beatmap, don't be a faggot.
Ignore the shitposting newfags.
>Raibus as OG characters on Srw ala that one nippon ichi game when
osu is a brilliant game though
I've seen it called that for stepmania. Some times called a stepchart or just chart.
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Why would I eat my pet after it died?
I've seen gameplay of it and for the life of me I don't understand the appeal
Pyontan meat is delicious, I heard. Tastes like chicken, they said.
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why don't you play it for yourself

when you get good enough to play expert maps the game gets really fun
Human meat actually taste horrible. And it's not just the psychological factor either. It's old and hard to chew.
Psychotic cannibals pls go
I've actually heard it's kind of like pork but with an unpleasant aftertaste.
Something something 3dpd.
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I wasn't even talking about human meat. What I meant was pyon pyon rabbit meat.
People seem to enjoy it in Chinese fan-comics.
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A nozopyon would probably sleep all day.
rabbit meat is actually really tasty
that makes her more delicious
I need some sources on this.
are we talking about rabbit meat right?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 177

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