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best waifu.jpg
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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2243 - Best waifu edition
Last thread: >>148708426
YGOPro (Windows): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6B7GsCVf45zclhuTktCVWNNdWc
YGOPro (Mac): https://mega.nz/#!fREAVBwZ!cOQG_5oHFKgjfwz4dVUtAW88w9gqRrvWyeFZ7zI_bVM

● DN was a browser-based, manual simulator.
● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
● There exist other automated simulators such as Devpro and Salvation which have different features but tend to be buggy.

Useful Links:
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with a wealth of information for players, new and old)
http://yugiohprices.com/ (Comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
http://ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
http://yugiohtopdecks.com/decklists (TCG decklists)
https://ygorganization.com/ - http://blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
http://yugioh.party/ (Hypergeometric/Probability calculator)

The Official /dng/ ruling test can be found here:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10, 2016)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-Volt (September 24, 2016)

●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)

BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.

1st for Frogs being shit and not a meta deck
>making an OP that's meant to start arguments
Leave waifu/husbando shit out of the fucking OP, it's the only neutral ground we have.
So, what archetype introduced recently needs more support?
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Yes, OPs are the only neutral ground we have. That's why if someone gets triggered by it they'll look autistic as fuck.
No, you should make the OP image/edition something plainly YGO related. Don't make it Yuya and then make it obvious bait for the people that hate it, we have enough shitposting.
Nobody claimed they were meta. But a super CyDra Infinity is nothing to laugh at.
>you should make the OP image/edition something plainly YGO related
No, I don't. There have been plenty of times in the past it hasn't been the case and some anon's autism isn't going to stop me from customizing my own OP.
Migrate to the SPYRAL thread
>my own OP
It's not /your/ OP, it's /dng/'s OP. Don't drag your shit into it. This is like the autists who add "play 3 Chicken Meme/Cupidity in EVERY DECK EVER" into the OP and get butthurt when someone removes it.
Sure, but why'd you keep the best waifu part?
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hey /dng/, its the same anon who posted this decklist a few months ago and would just like to say im still having so much fun with this list.

So i thought i would post it in the hopes that other anons could check it out and give me some ideas for other techs and such. also thoughts on this fairy tail card? it seems relatively good for added stun, and it actually has a very nice atk stat! if anything, i might want to side it in against decks like monarchs.
I don't think Fairy Tail would fit that well in a deck that's not designed around it, but it might be a good side deck card against Monarchs since you can't run MoR.
Dark Magician
I wonder if OP thinks his tantrum makes him look like less of a shitposter
I don't care that much about what's in the OP but what he's doing is pretty pathetic desu
Editions have always been random as fuck. I only took a pic I liked and splashed it on the OP.

>le tripfags are the ones shitting up /dng/

>once tripfags leave it's the waifuposters and gayposts shitting up
how about you retards start talking about the game instead of shitposting?
>I only took a pic I liked and splashed it on the OP.
You know exactly what you're doing, you faggot
>>>>>>>>>>>tripfags didn't shit up 4 whole threads with their so-called "purge"
I'm saying that I don't care if someone gets triggered by it, autismo. Let's do as >>148799689 says.
>Every pendulum archetype in the Draco series has had multiple foil cards
>Except Dinomist who have Rex as their one foil card
Why does KoA hate Dinomist?

>le tripfags are always at fault

nice to know that /dng/ doesn't need any boogeyman to shit up their threads

they do it on their own
>tripfags weren't at fault for the purge

>tripfags are at fault for not being here anymore and for waifufaggots and gayfaggots shitting up

nice boogeyman
Tag when? I want to play.
At least it's a Super in the OTS.
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I just made this. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'm fine with having an archetype that isn't mostly rare, for once.
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>tuners are effectless during player phase
>machine only bullshit
>literally cannot get over big monsters with their own aces other than turning them into defense right now and have to resort to Crystal Wing or something else instead

I won't deny that Phoenixion and Ametrix have given me a number of fun moments, but they need way stronger tuners and archetype synchros alike.
that's a throwaway archetype for you
It's a more consistent nurse burn deck. Whoopdy doo.
>Playing Checkmate
>Lose game 1 because shit
>Win game 2
>Opponent has quit

Almost every game.

People do know that they have 1 more game to play, right?
Yeah, but I'm looking for something to replace Cosmic Cyclones with. It doesn't advance my win condition at all.
The same goes for Solemn Strike, to an extent.
They need to give them actual effects during the Player Phase besides 'REMEMBER ACCEL SYNCHRO? WELL DO THAT WITH YOUR CURRENT TUNERS!!!'. Formula Synchron and T.G. Wonder Magician(?) synchros could fucking do that but we don't use them for that nine times out of ten. They have other, better effects. Konami missed the fucking point.

I wouldn't actually mind the machine-only limitation in the long run if they actually print a good deal of Crystron synchros that're good. You know, monsters that can actually fucking hit 3000 on their own at the very least. What's wrong with that? Why are Shooting Star Dragon and T.G. Blade Blaster sitting at a good 3300 with effects out the wazoo while Phoenixion over here can only toss out S/T and not actually fuck shit up like those two?

My T.G. deck produces better fucking results, goddamnit.
Twin twisters
Vanity's, bottomless and warning.
What the fuck is a player phase?
I can't use Twin Twisters since I'm going to set my whole hand while the rest gets discarded.
But sure, Vanity's and Warning are both good calls. Thanks.
Main Phase. Shut up, I'm tired and used his term.
Maybe we'll get a Halberd/Quasar equivalent that can actually be a half decent offensive presence one day.

And yeah I fucked up there because I'm also tired right now.
Funny, the same shit happened to me.
I was asking unironically, you jerk.
I-I'm sorry.

The moment Crystons were revealed and supposed to be all about Accel Synchro I was hype for getting another Delta/Over Top Synchro Boss Monster. If Konami doesn't at least deliver that I'll be fucking mad.
>summon powerful monster, opponent quits
>summon monster weaker than the first one, opponent quits
>summon monster related to an engine, opponent quits
>search card related to an engine, opponent quits
>activate searcher, opponent quits before it searches
>set 1 card and end turn, opponent quits
stop playing in unranked or get out of your shitter rank
>summon the nurse™
>opponent quits
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>play Geartown
>opponent quits
>play upstart goblin
>opponent unironically asks me if I'm playing exodia
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>summon denko
>set anti spell
>opponent quits
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The banlist is coming in two days. Trust me.
>normal summon ice barrier and quillbolt
>opponent says "WOW what a great tech card and combo!"
I kinda get quitting on Nurse, it's never and interesting match because it's either pathetically easy or the opponent opened nurse plus enough burn to win on my draw phase.
You're still bad for not trying.
Seriously, why is every Dark World so fucking retarded? I'm playing against this high-rated guy on DN, who thinks that Return of the Red-Eyes' effect works like Call of the Haunted and that I can't use it during his EP and use it again in my M1. Now I have to wait for an admin to come.

And incidentally, he uses DW. And it's not even the first time I come across a retarded DW player. Jesus.
When are we going to get an easier way to deal with these damn cannot be targeted cards.
I don't quit when I see nurse, I just said that people not wanting to play against that deck is understandable.
>I'm playing against this high-rated guy on DN

Shit meme lad.
>tfw this meme died alongside DN
Cyclone is a cost why would you run that.
Just think someone is so autistic he made 144 post of it and it's probably 1 guy too. Think about that.
I don't think it was just one guy 'cause I posted it a few times too, back in January.
imma mess you the HECKf up dogger

>it's always one guy

I want this meme to end

Hey remember how Edgar thought that only one person was making fun of him?
Please don't be like him

the problem with that is that it's always one guy that flies on an autistic rage and starts to spam the Kaiju meme when he posts
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So, how good is SPYRAL going to be?
What are some anime cards that should be released?
Shut the fuck up, Edgar.
trip on Edgar

not him :^)
Chaos End Ruler - Ruler of the Beginning and the End
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT Warrior-Type and 1 DARK Fiend-Type monster from your Graveyard. When Special Summoned, cards and effects cannot be activated. You can pay 1000 Life Points; banish all cards in your opponent's hand, field, and Graveyard, then inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each card banished by this effect.
sure ;^)
They're gonna be shit if they don't float.
What series was this shit in?
Garbage or meta for 2 years no in between
>the scientist bishie is an on-summon searcher that works with Machine Dupe
calling it
i'm gonna love the plusses
Zexal 1
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Zexal, but it appeared for like, a second and it was never used.
Just like in my Japanese animes!!!
speaking of which, when are we getting the actual effects?
What's the JP kozmo exclusive gonna be?
Top right is the Farmgirl.
A younger, heroic version of Darklady?
Actually it's coming tomorrow.
Wanna bet?
actually it's coming RIGHT NOW

I forgot yoda is popular in japan.

>Ameshikou - Forbidden
thanks tewart
Kozmo Morphing Jar Jar
>Super Poly to 3
>opponent makes tzolkin against you
>doesnt bring out crystal wing
thanks for the goldfish, faggot
>opponent makes tzolkin against you
>doesn't bring out void ogre
thanks for the raigeki, faggot
Shit that literally makes no sense being on the banlist, applies to semi and limited too. Trageodia is at 2 for some reason even if it hasn't seen any play in a major deck in years. Infernity Archfiend is at 1 even though the decks degenerate enabler is banned and doesn't even see play in the land of degenerates in aka japan. Cannahawk being limited because it got high placement by a negro in WCQ. Windup magician still at 1 because konami doesn't want to hit wind up hunter the biggest causes of why it's there in the first place.
trag is at 3 now

but being at 2 was seriously weird as hell
>Trageodia is at 2 for some reason
But it's not
So is there precedent for English Shonen Jump promos mirroring Japanese promos?
Because I will be really bummed out if I have to wait until the movie comes out to be able to play Cubics.
You have to understand Konami won't do any big massive changes with the banlist at once. We get a few cards off every so often and new cards on to push new product. This keeps us customers waiting and hoping for change and might bring back new players at some point by unbanning their favorite meta decks.

Also note that it's probably not just out of Jewry but out of ignorance, Konami is fucking dumb and no doubt is horrible at managing their own banlist.
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>normal ancient gear knight
>use ancient gear drill to set a spell
>they would never have in a million years guessed that it was gemini spark
is ancient gear drill gonna make ancient gears broken tier? Literally only a -1 left arm offering.
you can't use it on that turn so probably not

like how they raped dark magician of chaos so hard that he came off the banlist at 3 and was ignored
Chicken Game being banned, Upstart being at 1, Brionac not being at 1, Compulse being at 1, Construct not being at 3, Stratos not being at 1.
>ancient gear knight
Why the fuck is he a Gemini
Cyber Jar
Fiber Jar
Magical Scientist
Makyura the Destructor
Mind Master
Rescue Cat
Victory Dragon
Yata Garasu
16: Shock Master
Butterfly Dagger Elma
Card of Safe Return
Future Fusion
Mass Driver
Mirage of Nightmare
Imperial Order
Self Destruct Button
Sixth Sense
Ultimate offering
Exodia the Forbidden One
Dewloren Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Wind Up Hunter
Magical Explosion
Blasting the Ruins
Life Equalizer

everything else thats banned goes to 1. everything thats limited or semi is removed from the list.

how fun would this game be?
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>Limiter Removal at 3
>banning exodia
It's like you want Kaz to take the game away
Infernoids would be playable again. I have no idea why Konami thought the Void S/Ts would be enough for noids to function, they fucking suck ass.
OTK Format / 10

>Chicken Games at 1
Shit list senpai
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What's the best Yuya pic to use as a profile pic?
If you're a fucktard, just use cropped hentai.
I was thinking less lewd, more cute.
Just use the OP pic.
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it was from a time where Konami thought that Gemini monsters were things that could go into any archetype.

You can see how well that worked out.
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I'd say this one.
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Or this one. It's equally cute.
Might not be hentai but my god is my dick hard looking at this.
I want to hugg yuya all night long and then tenderly hold his hand until he falls asleep.
what are some trash decks that suit me perfectly?
Umbral Horrors
>call it Dueling Network General
>no one is playing Dueling Network
I don't think this semen slurping thread is for me, guys.
Arcana Force beatdown
then stick to >>>/sp/ and take their memes with you
What archetypes will never get new support just because the character will never duel again?
>go to yugiohtopdecks
>check bottom of list
excuse me?
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We've been inundated with trashy archetypes lately.
Triamids and Dark Magician in a few months
Chaos Soldier
Buster Blader

You could even go older with stuff like Noble Knight, Bujin or Fire Fist if you like.
Too soon.
It's crazy, because all they had to do was make him Hard OPT.
his "death" was really sad, probably the saddest one in the series so far. I really liked dennis. He was actually entertaining as an entertainment duelist, something yuya struggles to pull off hey look, I used spoiler tags to cover actual spoilers for once.
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Rate my CAC autism.
Cyber Angels

serious question: how do arc-v characters resist the urge to fuck that guy?
What was that new card that had thousand eyes getting out of prison and shock master getting really upset in the art?
They have willpower beyond that of most mortal men.
>extra deck limit hasn't been increased to 20

explain this bullshit
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i know that i couldn't
Goyo will forever and ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be banned in OCG
>TCG release
>has cyber stein, towers, and sangan
For once I'd be ok with an art change.
>good fusion effect
>can only use it on 2 shitty monsters
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>Fire Fist (and Bujin to a lesser extent)
>not Construct
Oh man you made me remember all that shitposting that was happening when Qliphorts got their new trap and EVERYONE was convinced that they would get a new Towers

Fucking lmao what a god damn disappointing set from a lore standpoint. The story STILL has not reached any sort of conclusion and now we're juggling fucking Dracoslayer/Dracoverlord bullshit alongside it
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the endless void.jpg
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you can do better.
He can duel in the manga but all we're getting is more of those crappy ass trap monsters
How are OG Monarchs?
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No, you can do better.
completely unplayable unless you mixed it with something else(frogs)
for you
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ctrl+f superheavy samurai results 0

pic related this general
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>every general
>petdecks are bad
kill yourself

>restriction only put there to be outright ignored by the fucking card itself
>petdecks are "fun"
Kill yourself.
it has no built in protection, its vulnerable to solemn/veiler/BTS/skill drain
I give up, Konami has broken me.
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pet decks.png
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Aromage is tier 0
>Infiltration Wins
All is right in the world
>I only play serious meta decks for serious competitors such as myself
I really wish I was able to actually stay up long enough to watch EVO finish but it seems like every fucking year the event just gets longer and longer. I know it's weird for a Yugioh general, but do you mind giving me a quick rundown on who won each event?
The ygodrcuck has literal autism and can't understand how people enjoy petdecks. Truly he's a marvel.
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Lol I'm happy you were actually able to come up with some decent bantz, but no, I don't care about petdecks, I care when you emotionally stunted petdeckfags try to push your shitty decks and your shitty tech as meta and refuse to shut the fuck up when someone calls you out on that bullshit
Cubics are really unfun guys. Please do not buy them
Marvel Finals (CHRIS G)
GG Xrd Finals (MACHABO)
SSB Melee Finals (HUNGRYBOX)
No one said anything about their petdeck being meta though, you sperg.
KOA is way ahead of you.
Did you miss the entire last half of the last thread where some shitter was convinced that Quillbolt and ICE BARRIERS were good cards in fucking Frogs and then backpedaled on "MUH FUN" when he finally couldn't conceive a good argument as to why they're actually good?
W-what about Pokken and Smash 4?
Did anyone even care like seriously?
Oh boy, you're one of the autists that was participating in that embarrassing internet fight, weren't you?
You may also note that that was last thread, not this one, so your meltdown is still inexcusable.
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>even if you mill the 3 ancient gear fusion hounds with tierra/zaborg/gale dogra/whatever, it's still not enough to summon chaos giant with overload fusion unless you also have the shitty weak hound
please overhaul them if you release them konami
>try to push your shitty decks and your shitty tech as meta
except no one, in this thread or the last, said their techs were meta.
"good" and "broken" were used, but quasar is good and broken, but that sure as hell aint meta.
settle down, autist.
Thanks to those games KI got delayed
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Yugioh is such a fucked up autistic game. The rules are impossible, there's been decades of extreme power creep, and the rules text on many cards is longer than Infinite Jest.

Yet there is something magical about the game. Games are often determined in a flash, like a knife fight. But there's also ridiculous combos that let us summon huge super powerful dragons and robots with gratuitous and epic weeb art. There is no set rotation. That means you can always find a secret tech to catch your opponent off guard. And Konami will often release a handful of cards to help out an old deck archetype like they have done recently with Crystal Beasts and Destiny Heroes.

So maybe MTG is more well designed with its focus groups and huge hierarchies of researchers and developers. Maybe Yugioh is fundamentally flawed. But Yugioh has a soul and style that will never be matched. And that's why we keep coming back.
>he finally couldn't conceive a good argument as to why they're actually good
I'm not him, but I'm pretty sure both anon present an argument that explain why they're good and bad respectively.
The problem is the anon that says it's bad takes like 100 post filled with
before even explaining their argument, and didn't even play the deck. Read the OP, goddamnit.
It also didn't help that the other anon keep responding to it.
he is that guy who spent that whole time ">MUH"-ing.
I just like that it's one of the biggest card games with a "non rotating" format. using that loosely because we all know formats rotate when things get hit.

My only beef with yugioh is them making things super degenerate to rule a format to then purposely ban it to edit it off the list in the future.( aka 10 years+)
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Any suggestion with this?
I've been playing with the idea that Volcanic Shell is basically a free discard fodder, recycle-able with the Firestorm Guard that gives you +2 on top of that.
The problem is getting Royal Firestorm in hand, or something to recycle Volcanic Shell, and getting some R2 to dump Blaze Accelerator to grave, since it needs at least 3 Burgess to get without setup.
How do I play Aroma?
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>implying u wouldnt
lose 1 turn, card of demise, pray that you get turn one Jasmine and access to field spell
>thinking he's won for shitting up the thread

kill yourself
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nice meme.png
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I made this for you.
What's a fun deckbuilding idea?
Quillbolt and plaguespreader R2 spam in this case, I guess.
How savage
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Speedroid Phantom Knight Bujin Koa'ki Meiru
You mean Quillbolt/Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
That's a fun deck idea.
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burger frogs.png
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try it for yourself.
Ice is my favorite koaki.
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Ice is A: Cool looking, B: Useful as a one-off and C: a L4 Water Aqua I've been meaning to tech into my Treatoad Turbo build.
But do you have a pure build?
Wait, PURE Koa'ki Meirus? The purest you'll get is Rockstun, and even that runs stuff like Block Golem and some of the new Tramid stuff. The next best Urnight/Crusader build is Koa'ki Meiru Fire Fist. Pure KM doesn't work.
Well that makes me legitimately sad.
Slifer was technically in the movie in the redrawn flashback of the final duel.
Yeah, I really went for the jugular.
What's the relevancy of that?
I'm just kind of wondering that maybe you guys have some kind of fun method to build a deck.
Then I got a bunch of decks, which is the result of a deckbuilding, not the method to do it.

And I'm kind of busy trying to make petdeck DeepDraw Mage ft. U.A. works, so no thanks.
I want Watt support. They need a Kalut and a new Synchro.

I think this one from a TCG tops a while before DUEA, but yeah, pure KM does works.
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Old KM.png
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Of course I forgot pic.
That is really old, holy shit.
sangan is getting off because of the eratta so that's not going to happen
just like emperor dragon right
In due time. they have money to make you know.
Do you have the template because I kinda want it.
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Thanks senpai
What card is that?
How would you update this shit?

>3 Gold Sarc
>2 BTH
>Dark Hole was restricted
That was March 2013. I know because it was when D R A G O N S was going ham on the meta and they loved Gold Sarc since it was at 3
Was that YCS Scrap Deck ever released? Fuck.
>being gay
Diamond Core for a start. Probably more Traps as well
Shut the fuck up.
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attempts were made.png
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My first stab at this shit as far as Main Deck goes. I can and will have a bad petdeck, goddamnit.
Oh I forgot to mention, Dark Hole should be sided :^)
What, the Dragon Duels one?
At least I'm not a pussy bitch who hides from duels.
Yeah. I'm pathetic so I want to rip off a kid.
>muh outs
Chicken Game is back to three.
File: attempts were made 2.png (452 KB, 488x503) Image search: [Google]
attempts were made 2.png
452 KB, 488x503
Taking it to worlds after beating Battling Boxer AI. Wish me luck.
This deck is absolute shit
Why is your side only Dark Hole?
It's all I need.

I haven't thought of an actual side, yet.
WTF how did you get over Yoke? That card is so broken
Duel me bitch.
Tag when?
For what purpose? I'm a little bitch anyway.
Aren't you supposed to be in the stars?
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