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last funeral: >>148588898

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/RRENUArS
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
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ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
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AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/



>/tf2g/s looking to party queue
I'm pretty good, but I'm tired of 2 rounds of a stomp from either side.

Autobalance when a quick stomp happened evened this shit out
bad players hated this update the most
oh you are talking about casual matchmaking
thats not actually ranked i think
you can use the "community servers" button to open the classic browser if you want
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die white girls.png
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only bad players hate this update
How can valve improve tf2?
Server browser is barren as fuck too, also it's not just that, I don't want to play some maps I have taken out from the list, however the matchmaking was made by retards, so now I gotta wait 10minutes for 2 queues
no awoo or pay fine
source 2 port / optimization
remove non team paints
add an option to not see unusuals / cosmetics / paints, even better if you can manually select whcih ones you wanna see and which ones not
>there is still promo items without strangifiers or strange variants

I would kill for a strange Iron Curtain
would you kill me
>there are heavy voters in this very thread RIGHT NOW
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>win round 1
>they leave

important poll
>fire axe
why though
i don't have and don't know what "powerjack" is or does.
How are you in matchmaking?
because i love you, anon.
>he doesn't spend at least ten minutes in tr_walkway each day

What do you have to say for yourself?
I put on some fakelag and practice at least a single round against bots. I like to think it helps.
pyro needs a an item in the 2/3 slot for a speedboost.
Why play against bots? You're better off in a pub
Every time I start the game, I get some initial FPS drops from spam, so why not?

So, the powerjack?
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turkey rn
why do flare guns get random crits again
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>stock axe
Is queuing fucked again

Most of the match was 8v12
on release it only did 20 damage and it could not crit or mini crit

later they buffed the damage to 30

later they added mini-crits on flaming enemies

then they added crits on flaming enemies

now it's a decent sidegrade
teh pyro smonk th weed dude
any mvm groups here
>there are heavy voters in the thread
>and not scoring points for their team
baka desu senpai
>You can shoot stickies on top of the first spawn door inside BLU spawn on Hoodoo
Why does this map exist again?
hey does anyone in this general have cool names for miniguns?
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Degreaser and Phlog removed
Axtinguisher switch speed nerf reverted
Pyro can no longer equip the Reserve Shooter
Detonator can now jump as high as it was in the beta
Flamethrower mojo fixed

if they just fixed his MAIN WEAPON THAT IS LITERALLY BROKEN it would be fine.
remove crits from pyro, or remove pyro entirely

epic potis gun of death >:D
Is the casual matchmaking really skill addressed? Because I'm only being grouped with those 5 snipers teams, and I try to be helpful and go with needed classes.
they said in the update page that you would get matched with people of similar skill
then they said a day later that it doesn't matter so now I'm confused
How to fix TF 2
- Remove Pyro
You're confusing casual with proper matchmaking.
Casual it doesn't matter, though I have to say I haven't seen too many 5 sniper teams besides pre-game fucking around.
being grouped with those fucking retards that only play engie on freight to do the sky sentry bullshit over and over, and if valve is saying I'm as bad as those faggots that would offend me
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>You're confusing casual with proper matchmaking.

>Now, instead of jumping randomly into an in-progress game, you'll be matched into an unranked 12v12 game with players of similar skill.
>you'll be matched into an unranked 12v12 game with players of similar skill
>similar skill
Levels do nothing in casual matchmaking, how would they know who has similar skill to anyone?
Is this a joke video? It better be.
Is there a better feeling then spycapping a team thats trying to comeback from being pushed to their last point?

comp is more fun than I thought
>how would they know who has similar skill to anyone?
then they shouldn't outline that in the update page
I don't know, maybe capture/defend rates, overall deathmatch skill and shit like that?
i'm sure someone will take this video seriously
they say that but Jill confirmed on reddit that theres no actual skill-based ranking at all in casual
the levels dont mean anything to the actual casual system either
by similar skill i guess they mean "average shitters that liked quickplay like you"
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how could valve even define pyro as an offensive class in the first place if they gave him absolutely no mobility

the only non-"offensive" class with high mobility is the demoman (and arguably medic with his 320 speed and newly-acquired scout speed on all mediguns)
reminder that this exists in the game code

pyro is a spy without the spy. You have to be sneaky.
i wouldn't even be upset if this becomes a game feature
they defined it as an "ambush class"
also most of the nerfs to the stickylauncher are because of valve idea of it being a "defensive" weapon, not because of anyone actually complaining
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So heavy's main problem is that he's boring due to only having one effective playstyle. Every other class has more than one way to play it effectively in a casual match. Heavy only has one excluding dumb shit like punch heavy and fat scout that any decent player will be able to shit all over. What's a weapon idea you have for heavy that can dramatically change his playstyle, not be overpowered in casual, and can be useful in comp?
would need some tweaks though
make it so airblasting forward doesn't boost momentum and make airblast cost more ammo (and make airblast cause self-damage)
really wish that shit was true
lmao heavy is the easiest class to stomp people with

I don't play it much because it literally feels like cheating, it's the most forgiving class by far
>and make airblast cause self-damage
or* make airblast cause self-damage
>new primary
>fast boots of running
>replaces minigun
>133% base speed
>+50 health
Rocket Science: Basically his minigun is a jet engine
Damange is in a cone in front of him, maybe put people on fire.
If he aim at the ground he will start flying, he can aim backward to move foward and shit

we science now niga
i loved this shit in some custom server from 2011
if you think about it, airblast was the most gamechanging update for pyro ever done
there was just nothing good about pyro before
the updates in the early life of TF2 were so good compared to the mess we have
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Minigun that has no speed or jumping penalty when spooled up

it's all I've wanted

It's easy to preform well, but take someone like me who actually mastered the class and I stomp literally every pub with relative ease

That's shit

Also shit
literally cucking yourself unless you expect damage ramp up to just stop existing
stop avatarfagging you autistic fuck
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It's easy to preform well, but take someone like me who actually mastered the class and I stomp literally every pub with relative ease
>one post

Yeah that's basically heavy in a nutshell
Just went 9k damage on a viaduct game and topfragged
>also most of the nerfs to the stickylauncher are because of valve idea of it being a "defensive" weapon, not because of anyone actually complaining

okay i'm gonna bust out an old blog


here they call the sticky launcher a dual-purpose weapon
Heavy takes pretty much no skill, you don't have erratic movement to learn as scouts do, the kind of trick jumps scouts can do, or any rocket/sticky jumping shit whatsoever to learn.

The minigun spin up time is short as fuck and you can survive ambushes just fine, the minigun itself is a very forgiving weapon, soldiers, scouts and demos are punished by missing shots due to their limited magazine size, Heavy just has to keep the crosshair on top of people enough to kill them. Also the minigun is one of the best spychecking weapons, the stream of fire can catch cloaked spies no problem.

So in other words, shut the fuck up, you're playing the baby-tier class of the game.
"sneak up and hit you like a fucking tornado" - Pyro 1999
Whenever I play heavy I get rekt.
>Robin Walker

this aussie cunt left his fucking legacy for dota 2 of all things
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>spend time and effort mastering playing heavy
>only achievement even close to notable enough to mention is being good at pub servers, aka beating up brain-dead BRs and children

fucking lmao
I play highlander dude, and it's nice to have the option defending last in 6s

I also play scout, just for the record
>269 hours on TF2
>probably most than half of them pubstomping with the powerplay valve cheats
i have 10 hours on heavy and can stomp just about any pub
you have 900
>I play highlander dude
offclassing in last is nice, indeed
a lot of the class limits in comp TF2 revolve aroudn the fact that theres no big downsides to offclassing in last when you can just go back to spawn and switch to another class
>Robin had less than 300 hours in this game

No wonder shit was always terribly imbalanced. How many hours do Jill and Eric have?
im not trying to defend them but come on, do you seriously think valve employees play with their real accounts all the time
Jill has 4k hours.
Jill has 4k hours in TF2 (and was relatively recently hired by Valve)

I don't know about Eric
i saw robin in a nucleus server once
>4k hours in the game
>still terribad at it
Eric has about 500 hours in the game.
and it's his most played game

>sub 300 hours on main account on TF2
>1456 hours on main account in Dota
>all the time
>>still terribad at it
is there any evidence of this or are you mad about the update
Maybe Jill is one of those people who leaves the game running while he does other things. That's what I do.
is jill really a trap
whether he's a tranny or not is speculation

all we know is that he's a (supposedly hot) guy
probably the latter lmao

i do that too, i hate it
I feel bad because I have over a thousand hours in the game, but have only played for like half that time, if that.
Jill is shit at TF2
how do people not know about this
where is the proofs
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>friend tells me about the new update
>lets give it a try
>open tf2 ready for some quality games
>you need a cellphone number to play competitive
>back into the trash bin
>"no anon, lets play one casual match"
>game starts
>1 player leaves right away
>2 guys in my team have +600 ping
>1 has 300 but lags more than the previous 2
>2 mlp avatars
>4 spies in the same team
>1 heavy afk inside the spawn
>children using voice chat
>leave game
>have to wait for a casual match to end before I can play again

And people say TF2 is better than Overwatch.
>1 player leaves right away
>2 guys in my team have +600 ping
>1 has 300 but lags more than the previous 2
>2 mlp avatars
>4 spies in the same team
>1 heavy afk inside the spawn
>children using voice chat

>implying any of this is new
I haven't played this game in like three years, last thing I remember is that mode where you fight against hordes of machines.

What did I miss?
Valve trying their hardest to kill this game so we all migrate to Dota or CSGO
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>2 mlp avatars

at least they have avatars
>4 no avatars on my team
i live in australia but keep getting put in tokyo servers

prototyping videos is silly
i like team fortress two
are you me?
how do i make decent quality gameplay webms
sell your soul to the devil
does anyone even work on optimization problems anymore?
last time they talked about it was like a year ago
vMcJohn seems to be the only guy in Valve that actually talks and cares about optimization
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you've just got to be the best
how do i do that
Record every match, then pray you get some actually good kills.
>do not aim
>just take shot
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that's not what i meant

i mean webms that aren't 30 FPS pixelated crap while still staying under 3 MB
Oh. Just use webm for retards.
just test. TEST and TESt and test

Best Reddit post in ages.
that's my point though. previously when the engi attacked a sapper, it didn't repair the teleporter at the same time. he had to hit it a third time after that to heal the building, which wasn't possible if the spy kept placing new sappers.

I don't think that can happen.

If it does it is a bug.
I thought valve wanted people to use the low fov because they hated their player base. That part about hiding the exposed viewmodels seems right thought.
>add cool guy from a pub
Hey I think you're cool and I have no friends pls play with me
>gets removed

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g1 valve.png
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>a redditor has gifted reddit gold to PUSSY_SLAY3R_69 for this submission.
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Map selection for ranked would be fucking awful

People would just cheese all day on Viaduct
>get put on blue team
Your mistake for adding someone. That'll learn you.
only if you suck at the game and get matched with other fresh meat
Just add people from here, we'll play with you.

Somewhat true. It would be nothing but Viaduct and Process because those are the two most popular competitive maps.
>tfw you do not give a single shit about forced viewmodel fovs because you've been using minimal viewmodels since day one
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How do you guys feel about frontline?
minimal view models are the best; keeps everything out of the way just the way I like it
>But don't dare say a bad word about them because /r/tf2 can be some major white knights about that


oh man those are the fucking worst
It's almost as if the tf team is being paid to work on this game
Looks good, will probably end up as just hats though
wrong general
no anon he meant to do it
viva just wants attention
report him and move on okay
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He's not wrong.
Three years to work on competitive matchmaking, the 10+ people who are on the dev team including Eric Smith and Jill, visits from b4nny and other comp players, and even stress tests to gather even more data have resulted in the hot mess that we currently have somehow.
There's so much wrong with the game now, as it still needs to be optimized, and there needs to be obvious re-balancing with the current weapons.
Instead of updating Heavy or Pyro immediately, they've turned it into a campaign, so now we have to wait for both classes to receive any sort of change after a period of time. I'm alright with waiting for the updates, but it seems redundant not to outright just update both now then plan an even better update down the line instead of Meet the Class 2.0.
at the very least he could photoshop some hats onto the pokemon to make it semi-relevant
>easy wine
>one guy AFKs
>get face rolled
i have a koth map sitting somewhere that I'm working on. I wanted it to be an arctic mountain, but now that I look at it, it looks like I can make it look like the cliffs of Normandy.
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Yeah, my bad. Picked the wrong pin

No, anonymous. I didn't mean to
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so close
It's not even like one class gets a weapon and the other doesnt, it's just who gets first dibs on a weapon. There's no point to the campaign.
Might be the lack of sleep but I can't even think of one actual weapon that they 'fixed' rather than changed for no reason
i'd like to play something other than scout in 6s mm but how else will I make sniper mains butthurt
How is my strange Dalokohs Bar rank up in a bot game? Did valve forget to disable that with utility items?
is this the day people will finally see the light
how do i photosynthesize? i dont wanna eat food.
enjoy that loosing streak that will soon come ;^)
Sit out in the sun dipshit
>lose a round
>say "good round"
>enemy player says it wasn't and makes fun of our team

i suggest absorving the humidity that the walls hold instead
shitty lives and/or personalities and need to take it out on others
medic mains > engie mains > soldier mains > heavy mains > demo mains > scout mains > spy mains > pyro mains > sniper mains

t. scout main
the pic u posted in order from left to right is it.
>someone says gg after they roll the first round
>I will not stand for this bm
>rally my 5 retards and win the next two rounds in nailbiting fashion
>'gg ez'
A lot of people who I've encountered in ranked are either dicks, autistic, or both.
Some people don't know how to react to good sportsmanship.
>Blizzard did a better job of emulating Valve's systems then Valve did
you cant make this shit up

(not a blizzard shill, just tired of valve not caring about tf2)
these are correct
>He's not wrong.
Of course not, that's why I posted a link to it.

>as it still needs to be optimized
Remember we're never getting a source2 port.
It got better.

>Edit: This is just a warning in case valve makes another "we're sooooory guyssss xddd we'll do better neeeext timeeee loooooooool" post on reddit like they did last time, where they fix ONE out of all of the problems we have with TF2, like complete lack of optimization, ignoring pyros huge bugs/flaws, ranked being a complete joke, broken animations and bugs that have been in the game for years. DO NOT cut them slack. This is what they do everytime, and then all of a sudden reddit falls in love with valve again, and makes "Shoutout to valve! You guys are the best! Thanks for listening!11!1" threads the next day showering them with praise. Until they show a REAL attempt at trying on TF2 again, do not give them the light of day. If Jill truly is working hard, then what about the other valve employees? Clearly TF2 is understaffed and valve just doesn't want to have anyone work on the game.
i feel like this guy posts/used to post here
demo = medic < engy < sniper < heavy < scout < soldier < spy < pyro
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>not just using cl_first_person_uses_world_model 1

i bet you kiss girls, faggots
this is the actual skill chart right here.
is it just me or is scout easier the higher your ping is
Sorry, I wasn't disagreeing with you, and in hindsight I should've reworded that better.

I tried using this for a while, but it was odd when I tried using the huntsman or when I was using the dead ringer.
it's extremely hard to use with the dead ringer
just found this for whoever is intrested
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depends on what kind of lag you have

i don't think i saw any better soldier loadout
some valve drone is set on downvoting any negative comment about the dev team lol
that's what most people on r/tf2 mate
>disciplinary action
cant give you higher than a 8.5/10 for that

>posting on a site that has post ratings
You deserve this.
i just want people to stop acting like sheep and pull a diretide on valve again

seriously how much are we supposed to endure
I just got matched against rank 7s and I lost a bar and a half for losing
Can you vote in this 2 polls if you haven't already

Well, for starters, some people at Valve actually bother checking Reddit.
forgot a word. meant to say most people do
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>just wanna play pl_upward or the new map swiftwater, so i selected both except the rest
>get put into pl_barnblitz

im done with valve after this update, fuck them. im going to go give all my money to csgo, that'll teach em
>spend 3 years since they first say they are "working" on matchmaking
>release half-assed MM system, worse than CSGO in general
>disregard every single thing the comp community wanted or expected
>literally 3 cheaters in the top 20 highest ranks
this is just a sad situation
only fresh meat hate this update
The new view model thing just lowers them right? Can you do that specifically just for a single weapon?

Whenever I play degroot as Heavy the model is so fucking big I usually have a hard time seeing what I'm hitting.
im fresh meat
i dont hate this update
shut it meatie
>idiot shilling overwatch in game chat
>/v/ group
I'm fresh meat because the MM system is fucking horrible so no way I'm bothering playing it as it is.

Casual matches are still fun though, probably more fun than """pubs""".
i'm rank 3 and i solo queue
>Casual matches are still fun though, probably more fun than """pubs""".
I've found some decent games but it's mostly just people who want to cheese the game and go 4+ heavy and 4+ medic.
There might be a way to do it for specifically a single class, I'm not sure about a single weapons. Each class can have their own .cfg file, which means if you put whatever the console command for minimal viewmodels is into a classes .cfg file, you can turn it on or off exclusively for each class.

And it does lower and kind of rotates them in some cases.
*shuts it*
is valve killing this game on purpose or are have they just lost their touch
its been years since valve made a game
i'd go with option b tBh
should i get strange weps or a strange kills part for my hat....
Get a strange primary and a kills part for your hat for everything else.
>que for mvm
>put into a playload game
They lost their touch and are now catering to a tiny demographic in an attempt to get the e-sports kids back.
but they're not listening to the e-sports kids feedback
fuck e-sports kids and their shitty meta.

lol no wonder valve makes no effort if most fans are fucking babies
>literally tone-policing
reminder that this game survived this long only because of its casual players

if valve forces competitive on its players, i wouldn't be surprised if many just left and the game would turn into a worse version of overwatch
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>Think for a moment how fucking soul-crushing this would be - probably was - for a person who put their heart and time into the update
>put their heart and time into the update

Did you miss last week's update?

Or like 2 weeks ago by now, maybe.

It's literally "Let's make the ENTIRE GAME competitive to try and pander to the comp babies"
no, they threw together a matchfinding system and a ladder that doesnt work

the viewmodel lock and config lock still being in the game shows that they don't give a fuck about any sort of feedback from anyone
they realize the game is dying, which explains a lot about the recent update

killing off valve servers pushed people towards community servers
community servers are much more likely to stay active and keep people interested, not in the game, but in their small circle of friends
a 12 man server is much cheaper to host than a 24 man server, which is why valve is trying to push people towards competitive
yeah ok thats because mm is fucking terrible lmao
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A-am I cool?
>fire axe

here's your you
>fire axe
wew lad
>Fire axe
>Special eyes
it's shit de.su
>lose a round of upward on the second point
>a gunslinger engie with 15 points says "gg ez"
>friend takes the bait like an idiot
>engie acts like an even bigger smarmy retard to the point where it irritated me
>I end up going vaccinator medic and we shit all over them
>type "gg ez" and then leave

I didn't like stooping to his level, but man it felt good.
jesus man
How you asked that, really makes it look like your pyro is doing his best to look cool. Like some superhero
>Like some superhero
They're clearly going with a theme
>Lightning Rod
>Yellow eyes
>Yellow electricity plunger
apparently tf2 is using the most basic source engine

csgo uses a newer source

dota 2 is the only one using source 2

is this right
Dude, his power is rubbing his hands together and touching people.
Yeah that's about right I think
Name my electric Handyman
Shitter shocker
It's newer than half life 2's source engine but it's not that far advanced.
I wasn't expecting anything good and I'm still dissapointed
It'll put a shock to your shitstem
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Why do have the Fire Axe with the Third Degree is both a direct upgrade to it (the only literal direct upgrade one in the game, btw) AND fits your electricity/robot theme?
I did it for bait
I usually just use the back scratcher and as you mentioned, the third degree.
That one's great
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that's awesome
epic win! top lel kek /b/ro!
hahaha :)
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Is there a TF2 teamspeak anymore or something like that?
you can go to the irc but its a super tightly woven social clique where you pretend to have social skills and eventually leave because you dont fit in
Ecks dee top fef wee lee heehee :3
I don't think that would be a problem. csgo has the same thing with dust 2 but other maps are definitely still playable. In fact, it kinda balances out from people who are sick of that map and just filter it out from their queue.
TROLOLOL me gusta xD
>que for Nuke
>get put into bay of pigs
i HATE when valve does that to me
drink chlorophyll and open your curtains
It's the best option right now without the viewmodel hiding mod
pls cry some more
are you me

eating is such a chore desu

what even is the point of making anything nice to eat when you're going to get hungry again in a couple hours
what is this "meta" meme
the fact that they use the most effective composition doesn't mean its a bad thing
thats as retarded as saying csgo is stale because people only use AK, M4 and AWP
>heavy takes more skill than sniper, medic and demo
>pyro takes the most skill
surely you are retarded
I just got 20 USD added to my account, when do I buy keys?
>Spy has alwyas been my best class
>havent played tf2 in like 2 years
>decide to try this comp thing
>figure I should play spy since its not really a "serious" class
>okay medic and do okay
>decide to rev up the spy
>top scorer and the guy who told me to switch stfu'd

Its a good feel
like sleeping in your bed for the first time in month
you dont
its a console command you fucking retard. please dont tell me you "installed" a mod just to hide your viewmodel
in terms of performance, i think valve games have this order
TF2 > CSGO > L4D2 > Dota 2
dunno about the singleplayer games, but those normally dont have that much shit and NPCs going on at once

its built upon a modified version of the original HL2 engine
That version of the source engine was originally single threaded, remember "multicore rendering" got added through an update later. So parallelizing anything that's not completely independent is a massive pain in the ass because the engine isn't built to deal with locks and race conditions
then how do I get my shiny hats?
sorry im too busy FRAGGING
i meant to say Dota 2 with source 2 has the best performance
i put the arrows in the opposite direction >_<
if game sense includes using your fucking mic to call out things, then yes
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