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Senran Kagura General /skg/ #813
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Old Thread: >>147565735
Take the Hint Edition

>Complete Character Listing
>Newest Fanart

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>Card Release Thread
>Card Archive (Updated 05/10/16)
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Just kidding, nerd.
Impregnating Kafuru and taking responsibility because I love her!
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Sleepy, cuddly senrans.
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Early thread Minnowpost
I gotta find this guy's twitter again
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What's that suppose to mean?
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I hope you cum in the middle of your day.
People don't just cum in the middle of the day out of nowhere!
well shit I need to see a doctor
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I wonder what's more powerful, a stand that makes people shit their pants or one that makes people cum instantly
Y-you don't?
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I want to cum on Ikaruga while she's sleeping.
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I like to bully a certain someone here.

Sh... she has to go... b-b-ack...


Maybe we can make an exception, just for her. But her 8 siblings have to go back
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9 15.30 2.jpg
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You do know that she ain't Mexican...Right?
I bet it is a gaylord little bitch like Yag Fag.
Don't even bother telling him, he's still gonna try and force that shit meme
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Is anyone else's dog really bad at catching things with its mouth?

I tried giving my dog, Yumi, some treats for being a good girl, but she never tries to catch them and they just bounce off her face.
He is a gaylord little bitch huh?
That's funny, my dog looks a lot like yours and her name is also Yumi. Only difference is she can catch a lot of the snacks I throw her way.
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yogurt-covered dog.jpg
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Yumi just needs more practice. She'll get it eventually. Or not.
Ryouna is very good at catching things with her mouth.

She just doesn't because she enjoys the feeling of having things hit her face and then having to eat off the floor.
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I love Hikage! Every thread!
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>doesn't have fangs or drink blood
>still has a habit of biting your neck
Dracula could have shagged a random japanese shinobi woman before dying in 1999. Little baby Shiki was born nine months later.

Probably, though I thought her parents died later than that. So maybe it wasn't Vlad Tepes.
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Kissing lots of times Mirai's puffy vulva!
I want to kiss her tiny body all over!
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I want too use a pussy pump on Mirai to see if I can make her vulva even puffier!
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Drac probably decided to move on.
Can somebody post that one picture of Ikaruga where she's really cute? I can't seem to find it.
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You gotta be specific my man.
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Reminder that it's this queen's birthday tomorrow.
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Reminder that it's Ikaruga's birthday already in Japan.
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Fucking hell I'm not looking forward to it.
>no panties

Reminder that it's not Ikaruga's birthday in the majority of the world yet.
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Reminder that it's Ikaruga's birthday in the part of the world that matters.
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Reminder that it's not Ikaruga's birthday where it truly matters, the United States
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Reminder that you do not truly matter and that Ikaruga exists because of and is from Japan. Therefore they are the only part of the world that matter in this issue.

but Vlad Tepes died in 1999. Shiki would have been born around then but her parents died when she was old enough to remember them.

It could have also been Alucard, who then faked his own death and will appear in 2035 again

what if I told you Ikaruga does not matter?
I would crucify you.
Does anybody have that picture of Shiki combing Alucard's hair?
What if I told you you're both dummies and Ikaruga's birthday should be celebrated regardless?
Stop posting sluts
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Which senran would have Guiles theme as their theme in a SK fighting game?
I know they would have their own theme remixed in an actual SK fighting game but still.
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Please calm down, you're making a scene.

If you're the same Anon, then I bet you think your mom is a whore too.
I don't know who would use Guile's theme but Yomi would definitely use Zangief's theme.
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so if Alucard is Shiki's father she's not even a Dhampir, but a quarter vampire, what would that even be?

We do know that at some point, Dracula's Castle and his family moved from Romania to modern day Japan.
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Where panties in a kimono is a crime in yamato land.
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Miko supposedly don't wear any underwear while in service.
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She doesn't have a shinobi transformation she has DAHK METAMORPHOSIS
Nutting on a Senran's face
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Happy birthday, lewdest class' representative.
shes not lewd
Being disciplined by Class Representative Ikaruga.... and liking it!?
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>all 3 songs that play on the classical radio station in Fallout 4 are stuck in my head


You mean Ikaruga hitting you with Hien's hilt over and over?
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She would probably just keep doing it anyway.
Being petted by Hebijo leader Miyabi and liking it??!?!
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15 - 1.jpg
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Yes! Punish me more Ikaruga Senpai!
Always fap to a senran on their birthday.
I already fapped to Ikaruga though.
Do it again
It's hard for me to fap to the same doujin two times in a row, and it's the only good Ikaruga doujin.
Fap to the JADF one
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How about no
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Being disciplined by Yumi for liking it.
Ikaruga is a ____
woman that you want to start a family with,

C.A.B. (Cool-ass bitch)
CAB (Taxi)
Ikaruga would be way cuter if she had a flat chest, brown hair, a big butt, heterochromia that matches a twin sibling's and was a little bit tsundere
C.A.B. (Cherry Apple Banana)
hold on...
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This should be AmericanAnon's waifu.
If she had ALL that she might be best girl
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>tfw 2 weeks into no fap

That's actually unhealthy, just so you know. You should be fapping (or having sex) 3-4 times per week (every other day) according to professionals in the medical/health field.

I want to Ryoubipost
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Well meme'd. But I didn't even start doing it on purpose I just forgot to fap for 4 days and decided to start counting from there.
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What is she trying to imply?
That she's a stupid bitch.
Ryoubi isn't a dog she is a beautiful young lady!
Did you turn into a cute shortstack?
I prefer the term "mesu inu"
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As a matter of fact, I did.
Oh shit I'll try it out.
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That Orochi request is done. Hope it's good enough. I may actually come back and do a follow up at some point if someone really wants it.

Next up on the list, a certain Hebijo elite is extremely horny and only Anon can satiate her lust.
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A question about Youma designs
Was it good old Nan who was in charge of the or was it somebody else?
Got me. I have no idea myself,though they're pretty cool.
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Ikaruga is mine.
you're gonna get quite the shock tonight if you believe that
>that ending
Lewd follow-up, please!
This i too funny to look at even for bullying.

I thought for a moment her chest had grown a penis
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>it rained today
>room is humid as fuck because I left the window open
>start running the dehumidifier
>now my room is even hotter and all I have to cool myself is an old fan

save me from this hell skeegee I don't want to melt
Maybe once I get my other requests out of the way.
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Yozakura CG set part xxx.png
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Yozakura riding boars!
why am I not surprised
at first i thought you said bears and I was thinking we might get a bebe-tan set
Please tell Yozakura to get off of Ryouna it is not good for a person's back to be ridden

Hey guys, want to see my Ryobi impression?
I'm hyped.
Oh fuck its happening
working on another cg set?
JADF when will you give Yomi and Rin their turn
Can you do a Katsu-nee set please
damnit when are you going to draw Mirai

I thought you loved flat chested little girls with gigantic wieners?
>flat chested little girls with gigantic wieners
Isn't that just a boy?
>JADF posts one image
>the thread explodes with requests
fucking damn it
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favorite senrans.png
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because he hasn't been here in ages
but its a shame he doesnt want to do New Waves
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kill your self.
Great, just what we need, this bullshit again.
>all that no taste

I should commission a 48 page Imu solo doujin just to make you suffer
>Imu, Mirai and Yagyuu in the bottom 3 places
>Katsuragi, Homura, and Yozakura in 1st tied
holy fuck I didnt know you had such good taste
JADF, DELET THIS. You'll kill the fucking thread.
>Half of my favourite senrans are in the last half

It's a mix of disappointment and relief.
I am literally throwing up at the sight of this
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>i like this character so i will draw them getting fucked by a pig
i'm too normie for this shit
If only.
>being this upset
>not drawing your own stuff
jadf what exactly is it about animals fucking chicks and women with big cocks getting fucked in their peeholes that you find so attractive?
When are you planning on releasing the set?
holy fuck he got a lot of (You)s
I should start drawing degenerate shit too
as long as it looks as good
Not a senran but when're you going to draw kancolles like Unryuu or Iowa or Taihou
When I finish it. When do I finish it then? No idea.
The first set took almost an entire year, despite it's shortness. Obviously wasn't working on it all the time, quite the opposite. One tends to work at terrible slowness when there are no real deadlines and nobody bossing over you.
I will contribute a guest page or two in Kanon's next doujin, again. KanColle this time. His deadline is at the end of this month, so that goes for me too.
I'm relieved to see some of my favorites come in low
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homura REALLY likes meat.png
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Yeah sure, you little slut. I bet you like to hold hands with many girls.
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post cute senrans
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I always hate it in doujins when they draw the animals to be unrealistically disgusting

like that image right there; no pig looks like that. how the fuck am I supposed to think that's a pig? if I saw that "pig" fucking my waifu it's break my immersion and I'd close the fucking doujin.

I don't like beastiality at all but one thing I'll give jadf credit for is that he actually draws animals the way they're supposed to look.
I think it's suppose to be part of the "humiliating" aspect of bestiality or something.

It's fucking stupid either way.
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Thanks for the info, Ganon.
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>/skg/ is too casual for you
>/d/ and /aco/ are too casual for you
>tfw you regularly fap to things like Starless, Euphoria, Maggot Bait, the Taimanin series, and so on
>tfw enjoy seeing women in agonizing pain (mental or physical)
>tfw actually fapped to the last chapter of Shindol's Emergence where the girl is beaten so hard she has a miscarriage and bleeds out

I think I'm too far down the rabbit hole to escape now.
hey I'm not the only one here like this
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Literally me.
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So, skeegee.

I was looking at my shrine to manchildishness, when I noticed something very peculiar.

That the Imu Niitengo is perfectly (and I mean PERFECTLY) shaped to fit into a Boxor and do battle with Bohrok.

I don't know what the significance of this could be but I had fun playing with toys.

Imu was destined to pilot a mech. It's the only way she can redeem her otherwise shitty "I'm only here to make sure the squad has 5 people" existence.
>don't have that picture of Minori piloting Ultra Magnus anymore

God damn it.
That's very cool, anon!

I wish I kept some more of my Bionicle other than my Boxor. I think it's my cousin who has the rest now.

Fug man. Stop playing with legos, those are for child children. Adult children have figs and dakis. At least be a grown up failure instead of a child-like failure
Oh, relax.

He's just in touch with his inner child.
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sexually aroused little woman.jpg
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Oh, I'm in touch with my inner child alright

Kids are cruel, Anon.
Doesn't seem like you are.

Have you killed anyone for having cooties?
tell us more
>that filename

needs for panting and spoken hearts
How the fuck would a relationship with Orochi even work?? She's taller than a small skyscraper!
AmericanAnon brought her down to the somewhat human size of seven feet tall.
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Miyabi is meant for Imu and no one else

Sank you
fuck off snake bitch.
When Anon filled Orochi's heart with the feeling of love. She restricted her power to bring herself down to a more manageable size so that they could be together. She just wanted to give him a nice warm hug after all. Or ya know there's this explanation too>>147677525
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Oh wait here it is. That was a quick dive in the archives.
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OR here

I enjoyed it
Man I want an ultra magnus figure, but all the good ones are too expensive and I don't quite like him enough to drop 200$ on one of them.
You guys are weird.
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weird is good
Glad to hear it, there may be a Orochi lewd (I honestly never thought I'd say that) at some point.
Why is it that Miyabi is cute no matter what she does?
But Anon, Miyabi is never cute.
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Miyabi is cute no matter who or what she does!
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you deserve to die
You used the version without the chibis! WITHOUT THE CHIBIS!

Youma are definitely weird.
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Friendly reminder that Miyabi is a self-conscious and somewhat insecure woman who has issues with people seeing her in ways that she does not wish to be seen.

Please to do not "spread rumors" about her until she's ready to come out on her own and let her do her thing in private until she's ready.
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I want to do the raging demon on Asuka, Katsuragi, Ikaruga, Hibari, Yagyuu, Daidouji, Homura, Hikage, Yomi, Haruka, Mirai, Miyabi, Imu, Murasaki, Ryouna, Ryoubi, Rin, Yumi, Murakumo, Minori, Yozakura, Shiki, Naraku, Kagura, Renka, Kafuru, and Hanabi.
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Evil Shinobi are dorks
Full and focused.
I just noticed Hibari is eating a swiss roll instead of a futomaki
Boobs are too big, legs are too fat, and she has a bulge
Please do not lewd Hibbers. Thanks.
>Hikage, Murasaki and Yomi that low
>Yumi that high

Come on man, you're better than that
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Good night /skg/!

Please take care about yourselves and your senrans.
I'm starting to worry about PSN Anon. He's mainly occupied with Miku these days but, some of his other posts on /skg/ are concerning sometimes.
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rabbit hop.jpg
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Now that you've mentioned it, I'll lewd her even more
>You're better than that
>says anon to the guy that draws animals fucking girls.
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I need this kitty.png
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Cinnamon neko!
What's so lewd about that?
Why is she wearing glasses if she's got an eyepatch? She should get a monocle.
Hope you cum in your sleep.
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I love this dork!
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Hibari mating.jpg
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Let's take care!
Anon that's not nice.
Hey I judge people on their taste in girls, not their taste in porn
But Hibari is a bird.
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Hibari mating 2.jpg
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You're the fucking baka, baka!
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I want to spit roast Kaede with another anon.
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>Giant embodiment of conflict bought on to destroy and claim the souls of the dead to grow more powerful and destroy the world
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Baka baaaaka.
Shut up you bitch ass baka.
Danger of what?
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That bra is going to burst any second now.

Senran Kagura Burst.
You expect a demon woman to be normal?
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Good thing there was the arrow to point it out, wouldn't have noticed otherwise!
You're such a baka that when a baka sees you they go "wow I'm glad I'm not as big a baka as that guy"
Asuka exposing her womanhood.
Wow I didn't even notice the fucking arrow.
Don't make me put you in your place again, baka. Double baka. Triple baka.

>the "you're about to die of dehydration and liver damage" face

This is why you need hone yourself in the ability to retract your penis into your torso.
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Because she is pretty! And smart! And I can relate to her on a deeper level.
Nope. Especially since this is Senran Kagura we're talking about.
Friendly fire with an anon?
Well... You think about what I said.

Please don't
Um okay. Sorry.
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>ctrl+f paizuri
>no results
I knew you guys were fags but not that mcuh.
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I bet you couldn't even talk science with her.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 241

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